You Seem To Be Drawing Me

Vol 2 Chapter 342:

    【Green? 】

    [It seems to be green. 】

    【Who is green? 】


    This is a very good question.

& nbsp;

    She saw from the beginning to the end, and when Cong Yuan said the first sentence, she guessed that "he" should be showing off his power.

    What can I do with this... Gao Ling's heart is complicated, but the world of monsters is like this, it seems that it is really so complicated, when I think about it, Gao Ling is inexplicably a little gratified. Did you fool the head of the Li family?

    The last time she saw the other party, there were so many bloodstains on the other party's hands, this time I don't know what the other party will do.

    If possible, Gao Ling wants to look at each other in a short time, but this possibility should be rare.

    In fact, the last issue brought Gao Ling's heart to the heart of the collapse, because she finally speculated about one thing through the last issue and some previous clues.

    First of all, the mastermind of the comic exhibition incident that almost killed her should be the head of the Li family.

    And even more desperate, Gao Ling soon found out that the boss who had been lying beside him and pretending to be dead was actually Yuan...

    According to the description of Yuan's ability in the comics, Gao Ling speculates that this should be his use of his illusionary ability...or illusion? Although I don't know exactly what happened, the comic exhibition that had been a little vague in Gao Ling's mind at that time gradually began to become clear again, and even reached the point that it seemed like it just happened yesterday.

    The consequence of this incident is the weird puppet that appeared on the head of Gao Ling's bed... Well, it is said that people with strong spiritual energy are also very strong in doing some strange things. With the thought of comforting myself, I bought a scarecrow from a third-rate store, made a small loincloth, and then stole three needles from her mother and started stabbing them, respectively, on the head, the heart and the little xx...

    Now she looked at the comments on the computer and rummaged through a few.


    【Meet your rivals? Isn't it a lover meeting? Shock. 】

    […are we reading the same comic? 】

    Gao Ling looked at his group, and now their group can't say too much news. Before, Gao Ling and the woman in red were actually men. The little comics are all stopped now, and everyone is in a state of pretending to be dead together.

    The situation is relatively tense, so Gao Ling now knows that he can't just kill himself. The group of members that developed in the previous forum were basically as silent as Gao Ling. Everyone knew something, but the silence was a bit scary.

    But this kind of thing is known to everyone... If you don't say it, you don't say it, but if you don't say it, it's frustrating. It's like a small grass scratching quietly in your heart. It always makes people think Involuntarily, I mentioned a word or two.

    In the past few days, people in the group complained that they were always on the verge of speaking, and then speaking again and again. Gao Ling was panicking for them. Sometimes everyone couldn't hold back, so they would quietly complain in the group. After complaining, it was like that.

    But after today's issue is over, everyone in the group who was hesitant to speak finally couldn't stop this time.

    When the comments on the Internet began to increase, the content in the chat column began to gradually increase. As time passed, everyone chatted more and more.

    At night, things had reached the point where Gao Ling had to come out to maintain the situation.

    [Everyone, be quiet. 】Gao Ling shouted in the group, 【Don't be so excited! First of all, don't speak out casually, the first thing to do is to ensure your own safety. 】

    【But I can't take it anymore! 】One of the people in the group came back, 【I'm going, how can you hold me back? I think that if it goes on like this, Yuan must die! 】

    【Nima, is this really the rhythm of being given a lunch? do not! I thought it would be pretty good for him to live a peaceful life as a woman in red, but now I feel that the moment the story of Yaoji is over, Yuan Bacheng is going to die... What does it feel like? 】

    Uh... In fact, Gao Ling had to say that she felt the same way, she began to regret telling this group of people that she had met Yuan, and even more regretted that she said the red on the back of Yuan's hand mark.

    Since she is the leader of this group, she has to make the group quiet down and don’t commit suicide. This is the case. The mentality of everyone in the group was relatively stable. As soon as it was published, more than half of the people's mentality collapsed.

    The collapsed landslides and cracks, and the Yellow River flows backwards. If Yuan Yuanyuan knew about the collapsed, she would be stunned. She is still lying in the tavern, eating watermelon and drinking Coke, swiping her mobile phone and enjoying Massage by beautiful lady boss.

    In short, when Yuan Yuanyuan didn't know about it at all, the mentality of a group of Yuan's fans and younger brothers completely collapsed, and a bunch of seemingly very reasonable and well-founded discussions appeared in the group.

    In the case of knowing the true identity of the woman in red, the things that everyone discusses are more hard-core, and they are basically very close to reality.

& nbsp; What is he going to do, can anyone guess? 】

    Gao Ling actually has a lot of thoughts on this issue. In fact, she has been thinking about these thoughts for several nights.

    No matter what she thinks, she feels that Yuan's future is actually not so optimistic...

      Can he escape?

    Gao Ling is now more and more trying to think about this comic with a realistic thinking, rather than a simple passionate cartoon thinking. You must know that Harry Potter was a complete children's fairy tale in the first few books, but in the last one, he still started killing so many people.

    In fact, when it comes to the last part, who knows if he will be the person who died in the fairy tale?

    Just because he figured it out, Gao Ling has cut off all his sense of existence recently, and his desire to survive is very strong. She doesn't want to appear in the "last part", this is the best way to save her life, even if it only appears in the box of the comic, it may be affected and die.

    Actually speaking, the danger of Gao Ling's group is very small, because very few people pay attention to their group. The most serious group of people are those in the comics Famous supporting role, considering that the juvenile hot-blooded man generally does not die the main character, so Fanin's danger is actually quite small, at least the comic author - the big monster who is said to have never been able to discover its true face will protect the main character. of.

      Like the passage of time, the sand in this hourglass cannot be controlled - what is even more frightening is that only a few people can see the passage of this hourglass.

    This made those few people feel even more hopeless, and at the same time, an unspeakable fear spread in their hearts.

    Even in terms of comics, is there anything that excites readers more than killing such a supporting character in the final scene?

    He will become a god, even if it is simply in the scope of the second dimension. But considering Ji Qiu's maddened attitude, Gao Ling even felt that this was enough for the other party.

      】Someone asked.

     】Gao Ling recalled what he saw in the comic exhibition that day, 【Just the kind of smoke from burning white silk, most people will fall to the ground after smelling it, but Yuan seems to become very weak after smelling that thing. I recently wondered if that thing was set on fire at the venue at the time, and that was why Yuan kept coughing up blood. 】

    [Smoking is harmful to health. 】The people in the group said slightly melancholy.

    There were actually only two people who saw Yuan in that day, but everyone heard the description and could roughly think of what the scene was like, mainly the one described by Gao Ling "talking about people for a long time" Gossip, people even handed me a tissue box" The scene is so special that it has a sense of picture, which makes everyone who hears it feel deeply complicated.

    [How long did he stay in the house in the comics? 】 Someone in the group asked.

    [I read the lines in the comic at a normal speed, thirteen minutes. 】A research party in the group said silently.

    【Thirteen minutes...can you come up with an auspicious number? So how many do you set up FLAG? 】

    Thirteen minutes, in the airtight room, Gao Ling felt a little terrified just thinking about it now.

    In her mind, she kept reminiscing about how many **** tissues she found in the trash can that night, and the conditions that night were still empty outdoors.

      ] Someone in the group said, [Speaking of which, can we speculate according to the time? I think what the Patriarch of the Li family said before wanted Yuan to die in his hands for the second time, 80% of the time it will come true...]

    [Done! 】 Gao Ling suddenly interrupted the conversation in the group, startling the people in the group.

    [No matter what, you can't move now, the first task is to ensure your own safety. 】 Gao Ling explained it again in the group.

    The group was noisy for a while, but under the surveillance of Gao Ling, it gradually calmed down a little.

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