You Seem To Be Drawing Me

Vol 2 Chapter 348:

    "...Let's do this, is it really okay?" asked a girl next to her.

    "Actually, it's still a bit dead..." Gao Ling looked at the banner in front of him and said expressionlessly, "But if you don't make me sleepy, look at my dark circles."

    "Okay, okay, I'll see what that thing does." The girl next to her waved her hand, "Then do it quickly, or it will be too late for us to go back."

    Gao Ling breathed a sigh of relief, the previous banner was actually made when they went to the crowd to fight last time, and now he has made a new one, the content is [Welcome back to Yuan! 】

    The owner of the print shop looked at them with a miraculous look when they were making the banner, as if he wanted to say something, but he held back... Anyway, it seemed quite painful.

    Gao Ling doesn't care what the other party thinks, just prepares this thing, ready to use it someday.

    "Okay, okay, put it away, it's almost." Gao Ling clapped his hands, "When the time comes, don't act rashly. If we don't make a move, I really think we are vegetarians..."

    "Big brother!" Someone suddenly came over, Gao Ling was stunned, "Is there something wrong?"

    "No, I just wanted to ask...Is Yuan beautiful in women's clothes?" said the girl who sneakily approached.


    "No, if Yuan is not beautiful..." The man hesitated, "Our plan is useless, it seems that it can't achieve the original effect."

    "...Absolutely beautiful!" Gao Ling patted the shoulder of the person in front of him with a snap, "It's beautiful, trust me!"

    Gao Ling, who didn't know whether Yuan was beautiful or not, sold people so calmly, and the sale was very happy. Her idea was also very simple - I will talk about whether she is beautiful or not... Now first bluff people over.

    As for what will happen to Shi Yuan... Gao Ling chose not to think about it for the time being, she still believes in Yuan's beauty and will never lose the face of Ranniang .

    Probably not…


    Before Yuan Yuanyuan had opened her vest, a group of people were already eager to try.

    Before they rarely mentioned the setting of the red-clothed woman's sexual transformation on the Internet. Obviously, many characters have already appeared in the setting of sexual transformation, but for the red-clothed woman, many people It seems that they have deliberately avoided this setting. Fewer people mentioned it, and naturally fewer people wrote it.

    This is actually a trick that Gao Ling secretly made a long time ago. As the owner of the bar, she abused her power and deleted all those things. After a long time, although many people scolded the bar master dog Compared, but everyone knows that they have reduced the number of fans in those plots.

    Now Gao Ling takes her own tuba to work again, her tuba is quite prestigious, after all, the foundation is there before, although she hasn't painted for a long time, but Gao Ling is in She is also a well-known wife online.

    When Gao Ling updated the comics, many people cheated on the Internet and left comments below.

    【Boss, why did you suddenly appear! 】

    [Big brother, you appeared after the end of Yaoji, I almost forgot about you. 】

    [Get back the glory that belongs to you, boss! 】

    Gao Ling silently raised the corner of his mouth with a cold expression.

    Glory? It doesn't exist, she just wants to do something.

    She updated a comic, the kind of small long comics, it is easier to spread, and it can also catch cute points. Gao Ling used to like to draw this kind of small long comics. Now back to the old business, painting is naturally like this.

    The long comic is a very simple **** stalk, the cp is the woman in red and Faning, the cp of the two of them is still very popular recently, many people eat this pair, And the woman in red and Yuan have become two evenly matched CPs.


      , wrote a faint sense of youth between these two people, which is very poignant.

    During the period, Gao Ling even drove a car... It was a small stroller, but it was very beautiful to drive.

    While driving, Gao Ling deliberately kept an eye on her. The more she painted the scene, the more beautiful she became, and the more she painted key positions, the more tightly covered.

      , There is no leakage at all, which is also a very miraculous thing.

    Until the end... Gao Ling has been drawing a very cute joke, so that readers can see the kind of moaning with his face in his hands at the end.

    So readers have basically put down all vigilance when they see the end, everyone completely trusts Gao Ling's strength, and feels that there will definitely be a perfect ending in the end.

    —Until, at the end, when the woman in red and Faning smiled at each other, someone suddenly noticed that something was wrong.

    In the end, the woman in red finally took off her veil and revealed her true colors.

    Gao Ling drew a few strokes on the other party's face, which made the other party have a completely different feeling.

    Anyway... At first glance, it always makes people feel like the painting has collapsed, but gradually I find that it does not look like the painting has collapsed, because Gao Ling's human body structure seems to be well drawn …

    Someone asked silently under the comment, [Big guy...Are you broken? 】

    【I think your drawing is a bit strange...Is the last face a little broken? 】


    Gao Ling doesn't answer or speak in the comments, so I'll let everyone guess.

    Her brain circuit is like this, if Yuan can survive this time... then she will give the other party some momentum.

    If Yuan this time... really can't survive... Gao Ling doesn't want those people to watch the whole process of Yuan's death in the comics.

    It's too dignified and too painful. A few days ago, she watched Yuan Yingli's episode, and she thought that at that moment, the other party might really think she was going to die. Even if he survived, he would never be happy watching the comics.

    It's like she doesn't want Yuan to recover by herself now, no one outside reader knows what state he is in now, but she still thinks in fan comics and novels if he crosses into Yuan What will it look like in the future, will it kill the Quartet, the king's arrogance is shocked, and the girls come from all directions.

    So Gao Ling is doing his best to spread information... Even if too much things are spread now, people will be stared at, and the more serious ones will not be spread at all, Gao Ling still wants to spread .

    But that doesn't mean there is no way out... Gao Ling looked at the computer silently. Although there is no way to spread these things out... But what if those things weren't her own words?

    Is it your own idea?

    Gao Ling squinted and looked at the comment for a while, and finally refreshed an id that he was familiar with. The id said something in the comment that seemed inconspicuous, [Do you think… Does this Yuan look like a man? 】


    Gao Ling silently raised his fist beside him, hey!

    This can be sent without any impact!

    She was so excited that she almost ran around in circles, refreshed several times, and suddenly saw another familiar id, [Hey, it's a bit like a man, did the artist find a man when he was looking for a model? ? 】

      】Someone yelled at the building behind.

    Don't! What are you doing at this time? Just waiting for these "passers-by" to find a sense of existence! Gao Ling squinted at the comment, clicked the report button silently, and then deleted it by himself in the background...

    Damn it, Lord, hahaha, Gao Ling laughed frantically, silently looking at the deleted comment, his whole person was shaking with laughter.

    After laughing, Gao Ling looked at the comments below. Basically, the "water army" she found in private gradually appeared in the comments. These people were quietly and rhythmically. .

    【Do you think that woman in red looks like a man? 】

    【Yes, do you think the wife didn’t draw each other’s **** the whole time! is not it! is not it! 】

    Some people below gradually became sharper under such words.

    Yes...why didn't you draw the chest all the way?

    Someone continued to call Gao Ling under the comment and let her come out and explain. However, Gao Ling has now completely pretended to be dead, and almost never stood up to speak.

    Slowly, the comment area was occupied by Gao Ling's sailors. These sailors are naturally those of Gao Ling's group friends. Filling the content, at this time, these ids are constantly active in the comment area. Since everyone is alive, and the numbers are also live, so gradually, the rhythm of the entire comment area is taken away by them.

    Later Gao Ling saw two unfamiliar ids in the comment area and said the following words.

    【The woman in red seems to really look like a man? 】

     Since the wife didn't say much, can I just take this as Tanmei? Secretly make up my own brain, I will never say more. 】

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