You Seem To Be Drawing Me

Vol 2 Chapter 350:

    Fanning went out in the morning.

     Yuan Yuanyuan didn't know whether to sigh or breathe a sigh of relief when she heard the news that he was going out.

    She picked up the small wooden comb beside her and combed herself a fancy hairstyle, looked at it, and combed it down again in front of the mirror.

    No, this hairstyle can't bring out her weak temperament, she is still preparing to cough up blood to play... How can she go out like this.

    The city of c was fully armed at this time, Yuan Yuanyuan was a little worried about what would happen to them, but when she woke up, her eyes were full of blue and faint colors... Probe out and take a look, Whoops, that egg shell is out again.

    It was the color of those hot eyes again, Yuan Yuanyuan rubbed her eyes, turned over and prepared to go back to sleep, not to look at the hot eyes outside.

    The tavern seems to have this lively feeling at all times, even if the sky falls, the monsters are happily drinking here.

    Yuan Yuanyuan got up and walked outside, listening to what the people in the tavern were saying. The monsters in City C are not too worried, because the blue egg shell is rising, they should be more worried about the infighting in City C.

    Yuan Yuanyuan also felt that the head of the Li family might do something, but now the attitude of C city is very ambiguous, and she has not clearly stated which camp she is in, even if the top management I had been in contact with them in private, but really speaking, the upper management seems to have a good attitude towards the Li family.

    In short, neutrality.

    Yuan Yuanyuan felt that this should be a unique way of survival that C City has cultivated for so long. After all, C City was Yuan’s family back then. If there is no survival skills, in the future It is estimated that he will not survive the war, so he went with Yuan long ago.

    Now, Yuan Yuanyuan feels that the temperament of City C is actually a bit similar to that of a tavern. The high-level can still believe it, just because for so long, the other party has not exposed the fact that Yuan is still alive.

    Perhaps...should visit? Yuanyuanyuan thought.

    Two hours later, Yuan Yuanyuan was wearing a simple black shirt and painted herself a kidney deficiency makeup... This kidney deficiency makeup is that the lips are pale, the face is pale, and the whole body is white.

     Standing in front of the mirror, Yuan Yuanyuan was almost taken aback.

    Damn, this color difference is really scary.

    However, Yuan Yuanyuan thinks this skin color is very good, which is very in line with the skin color in her mind.

    With such a make-up, Yuan Yuanyuan put on a big cloak again, carried a handkerchief and walked out, wearing a star and moon, and the whole person was in high spirits.

      Yuan Yuanyuan was walking on the street, constantly performing the process of vomiting blood. At first, it was a little more natural, and the more she went on, the more exaggerated she became. In the end, Yuan Yuanyuan felt that if she was seen by others, she should not be regarded as a lunatic...

    When she walked to the small house where she used to go when she was a civil servant, Yuan Yuanyuan saw that there was only one person on duty, which made her feel a little strange, and she had to say it less often. Four or five.


    Yuan Yuanyuan walked over there and looked at it. It was a little monster with a little impression, but he didn't say a few words.

     But Yuanyuan is not worried.

    She walked over and tapped the table in front of the little monster with the bone of her finger, making him look up at her.

    The little monster looked up and looked at Yuan Yuanyuan for a moment.

    Yuan Yuanyuan was wearing a **** robe, only one hand was leaking out, that hand looked pale and a little scary, and the whole person's state looked a bit like a dementor...

    Now there is only the little monster here, he was quite flustered, but when he suddenly saw such a man in black robe standing in front of him, he was naturally very flustered.

    Here is a small place to receive and distribute tasks, and it is not an important place. The little monster's hand quietly stretched out under the table, trying to use a magic spell to call a few people over, but Suddenly I heard the human voice in front of me, "Don't call people here, they won't be able to catch up."

    The little monster was called out of his intentions, and he couldn't help being dumbfounded. The person in front of him took out a small wooden sign and handed it over, "I am also here to hand in the task."

    " scared me to death, why are you wearing such a suit? It's been so uneven lately, it's better to show your face when you hand in the mission next time." The little monster took the wooden sign I took a look at the number above, and was stunned for a second. I said I was familiar with this number, but I didn't really remember it, but I said it wasn't familiar... I always felt a little smooth.

    He repeated it several times, Yuan Yuanyuan watched the other party's complexion gradually turn pale, and then hurriedly ran down from the seat, and said to Yuan Yuanyuan. Said, "You, wait! I, I'll call someone for you!"

    Yuan Yuanyuan watched the other party run away, and thought in her heart, whether the other party will call one person or a group of people will be very debatable... After about five minutes, outside A figure came over in a hurry, Yuan Yuanyuan looked up in joy, it's been a long time since I haven't seen the lotus girl.

    The lotus girl is still dressed in white, and the whole person is like a fairy in the wind, very seductive.

    But the usual indifferent look on her face disappeared at this time, and now she looks a little anxious. She pushed the door and looked at Yuan Yuanyuan who was standing there, she was stunned for a moment.

    After a few seconds, she said with a somewhat unbelievable tone, "Is it... Yuan, Lord Yuan?"

    "It's me." Yuan Yuanyuan came over.

    "You, why are you so thin?" Sister Lotus looked at Yuan Yuanyuan, her eyes widened.

    That is, a good girl is only a hundred, Yuan Yuanyuan has accurately controlled her weight to ninety-nine kilograms, which has shrunk by dozens of kilograms.

    After all, does it have to be in line with the current personality?

    "Is the city lord here now? Take me to see him." Yuan Yuanyuan didn't talk nonsense, she still remembered the little old man in C city, the one who was very kind, and the lotus girl watched Yuan Yuanyuan didn't seem to come back to her senses yet. Yuan Yuanyuan said something again, and she just said "oh" and hurried out with Yuan Yuanyuan.

    The little monster in the house is still stupid. After a while, the lotus girl suddenly came back, with a serious expression, "Don't say anything about tonight."

    "Don't tell, don't tell! I definitely won't tell." The little monster hurriedly shook his head like a rattle.

    Sister Lotus took Yuan Yuanyuan to the front of the city lord's room, watched her walk in, stood at the door and looked inside, Lin Guu came one step later than her, and there was still a little bit when he arrived Confused, I asked the lotus girl outside, "What's wrong?"

    "Yuan just went in." Sister Lianhua didn't say much, and pointed to the room, Lin Gu's eyes instantly widened, "When did you go in?"

    "Before a stick of incense."

    "He came...he wanted to ask about the head of the Li family?" Lin Gu said clearly.

      Why are you so stunned?"

    "Ah?" Sister Lianhua came back to her senses, "I was thinking of the Lord Yuan I saw just now... She seems to be out of shape."

    "Skinny?" Lin Gu said, "Impossible, I saw him last two months, and he didn't change much at that time."

    "Did you forget that incident some time ago?" Sister Lotus lowered her voice.

    Some time ago? Lin Gu Gu turned around in his heart, and suddenly realized that it was the matter of the head of the Li family...

    "...That can't be thin, right?" Lin Gu said, in fact, they had guessed how Yuan avoided that Gu Yan at the beginning, and they were worried about each other at first There might be an accident, but the little monster who contacted Yuan would occasionally bring back some news, which reassured them.

    Later, Lin Gu Gu felt that Yuan might have some powerful way to avoid this smoke, although this smoke must be unavoidable according to common sense, but everything is just in case.

    —That's the deep.

    Lin Guguan almost completely believed this explanation. He always felt that Yuan might be somewhere now, watching the earth-shaking outside and secretly laughing, because the other party was too calm from beginning to end , there was hardly any anxious reaction. Until today, when he stood at the door and listened to the words of the woman in white, he suddenly felt a little stunned.

    "You can see him when he comes out." The woman in white said, "I don't think... that Gu Yan last time had no effect on him, and he was not like we guessed before. I avoided it that way, but just got through it.”

    Although Lin Bone and Sister Lianhua have heard about Gu, but after all, they have never tried it themselves, so they don't know much about it.

    The two stayed at the door for a while, and suddenly the door was opened, and a figure came out of the room, without looking at them, went straight to the front, and gradually disappeared in the in the dark.

    Lin Gu Gu stood on the spot, quietly watching the leaving back, it is important to understand what kind of state the woman in white is talking about.

     Yuan Yuanyuan, not far away, silently ticked a checkmark on the death book in her heart.

      Secretly open a way for the anti-war camp.

    … Yuan Yuanyuan didn’t actually confirm that the city lord agreed so happily, is it because she looked like a thin pole, she looked like she was going to **** anytime, anywhere, moved Point to the compassion of the mother's family.

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