You Seem To Be Drawing Me

Vol 2 Chapter 358:

    The proprietress may not know who Hu Tiehua is, but this does not prevent her from understanding what Yuan Yuanyuan means.

    Yuan Yuanyuan briefly talked about the heroic deeds of Miss Li family. After speaking, even the proprietress couldn't help but shook her head, put it down, pinched Yuan Yuanyuan's neck, shook her head and said, "Miss Li family has such a temper."

    "Don't you know? I thought she was quite famous." Yuan Yuanyuan asked.

    "It's a matter of the younger generation, I don't care much." The proprietress smiled and said, "But just looking at the face of the eldest Li family, she looks really watery. You really don't have it. Any other ideas?"

    "No, no, no!" Yuan Yuanyuan instantly distanced herself from the relationship between herself and the eldest Miss Li, "Whoever loves a girl like that, I can't stand it."

    "Then how are you going to face others? It's obvious that people have a deep-rooted love for you." The lady boss asked.

    "Whatever, we may not have the chance to meet in the future anyway." Yuan Yuanyuan said while sorting things out.

    "How can this be? Come here, I'll give you a good talk..." The proprietress interrupted Yuan Yuanyuan's movements and pulled her to the side, so Yuan Yuanyuan was stunned She forced herself to hear the proprietress say to her, "Girls must be coaxed, they can't be put aside so easily..."

    Yuan Yuanyuan was stunned by the education of the proprietress over there, and she thought what was going on, didn't she just ask what happened to her and Miss Li? How would she start educating her to win the heart of the eldest lady...

    A woman's heart is really hard to understand. Yuan Yuanyuan pretended to sigh with emotion, but in her heart she also roughly understood what the lady boss meant.


    It was probably at this moment that Yuan Yuanyuan and the eldest Miss Li family really couldn't get along or what, so I changed my mind and started teasing Yuan Yuanyuan. This made Yuan Yuanyuan start to think about one thing. Could it be that her reaction just now was so straight? Even the proprietress gave up her vigilance.

    Although the proprietress gave up her vigilance, there are still many rumors from the outside. The most concerning thing from the beginning to the end is how Yuan and Miss Li met, especially It was when Yuan and Li Wangzhu had such a stiff relationship.

     Looking at clothes should not be a recent thing. Probably when Yuan just came out of the well.

    At that time, why did Yuan want to see this Miss Li family? Could it be that at that time, he was still thinking of looking for the head of the Li family?

    The center of the circle said that I just ran into the street, do you believe it?

    —Ok, don’t believe it. Yuan Yuanyuan sighed deeply, looked at all kinds of guesses on the Internet, touched her nose, and always felt that she might be misunderstood by outsiders.

    In fact, it has been misunderstood.

    【You said that Yuan went to Li Wangzhu at that time, did you want to find an explanation? 】

    [It's very possible... After all, it seems that the head of the Li family pushed Yuan down the well. 】

    [When he came out of the well, he found that everything around him had become unfamiliar. He will definitely go to the head of the Li family, after all, the last moment in his memory is how he pushed him down the well. 】

    【But why did you not meet with the head of the Li family in the end, but with his daughter instead? 】

    【Why do you care so much? What if the family met after watching the Li family head back? 】

    Some people also put forward a conjecture that sounds a bit reliable, [Perhaps the head of the Li family was not good to Yuan's sister, so Yuan looked at his daughter unhappy and wanted to find trouble... 】

      Thinking about it this way, she really should have gone to trouble with others first.

    【Then why didn’t you start? 】


    …are there? Yuan Yuanyuan's dead fish eyes, when he said that, he became inexplicably tall. What happened? The Yuan who engages in it has a very moral standard, and it is not as bad as his wife and children.

    But God knows, she didn't even know who the other party was at that time, and she didn't even know what happened to her father. She never thought of revenge or anything. Now, she might have done something so cautiously.

    Inexplicably gained a good reputation among readers, which made the parties feel strange. However, as I said before, the wind from the comic readers is completely opposite to the wind from the three-dimensional, so in reality, no one has mentioned it at all.

    This is a very strange feeling again, but Yuan Yuanyuan will still look through the online comments and read the comments of readers. Think about the direction, now Yuan Yuanyuan has been lying flat as much as possible.

    Gao Ling also read the comics on the Internet during this time, and read the section next to Yuan and Miss Li, over and over five or six times. There is a feeling of not being able to stop.


    Shut up, this sentence is amazing, isn't it...

    She has read it a lot now, and she can even make up the tone and tone of Yuan's words.

    Every time I watch Gao Ling, I will think that Yuan was so handsome back then. .

& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; Gao Ling watched the comics, while feeling that this is really a man who is not bad. The eldest Miss Li followed him so firmly, even if she gave Fanning to Lu.

    Seeing that Miss Li is a little old-fashioned unforgettable, I don't know what's going on with the head of the Li family... But she also recently discovered that comics and 3D have a wall. According to the logic everyone sees, the head of the Li family will definitely beat up the eldest miss of the Li family.

    But... not.

    The weather is calm, as if this never happened, everyone seems to have not read the comics, even if they are now asked about the plot in the comics, they can basically say something Seven, seven, eight, but for this paragraph, they would say, "Haven't seen it."

      The monsters were headed by the head of the Li family, and the Li house was very lively for a while.

    It is also very strong, in a sense. Gao Ling felt that it was rare for her to be so big-hearted. If she was an ordinary person, she would have to be mad at the gap between monsters and humans. She probably had experienced a lot, so she felt very calm now.

    The other people who were indifferent repeatedly knelt down and called them big brothers.

    Gao Ling recently discovered something, that is, the role of the woman in red in the comics has skyrocketed. I don't know why so many scenes were added to her all of a sudden. Obviously, the previous scenes are not too small, but the frequency of brushing faces is obviously much more than before.

    Many readers of the comics are happy. They felt that this was a sign that the woman in red was getting better, and she might show her part in the final battle. But Gao Ling observed it carefully and did not feel that the woman in red had improved.

    Nowadays, the scene where the woman in red appears is usually lying on the bed, or half leaning on the bed, and never standing up. Do you tell her that she is in good health?

    Gao Ling looked at the dialogue in the comics, in fact, there are many words in it that are more meaningful. Gao Ling feels that Jiqiu will never draw anything useless. Even if it's just one or two scenes.

    There were two short dialogues in the last issue that caught her attention. When the perspective was "cut", there were one or two dialogues similar to the introduction of the scene, which seemed really strange Conspicuous.

    The one who always follows the woman in red is very beautiful, but I don't know if it is the real woman who asks the woman in red, "What are your plans?"

    "Talk later, don't worry."

    The woman in red replied like this.

    "She" was lying on the bed, as if she couldn't even sit up. The feeling of saying this is unusually indifferent, as if I have already made plans in my heart, so this will be as stable as Mount Tai.

    ...Don't complain about why Gao Ling can make up so many things from two pages, she feels that after such a long period of training, she can already be in harmony with Jiqiu. Basically, from the details of his paintings, you can read and understand a lot of things.

    And after listening to the conversation of the woman in red, the other beautiful woman who didn't know if it was a dirty deal with Yuan seemed to be relieved.

    Although the woman in red can't see her face, Ji Qiu painted the beautiful woman very vividly.

    Afterwards, Gao Ling suspected that he was over-hearted, so he went to the comment area to find it. But not many people mention this. Everyone's focus was on the conversation between Xuan and Miss Li, but no one mentioned what Gao Ling found really useful.

    In the back, Gao Ling found a few pictures of Yuan as if he was arranging things. I couldn't see what he was arranging, but it was indeed an action of such arranging.

    Nowadays, Gao Ling actually wants to experience Yuan's methods, after all, he is famous for his resourcefulness.

    What is Yuan's plan? Gao Ling thought. Does he actually have all his plans now? How far has his plan gone?

    Gao Ling thought so doubtfully.

    She didn't know... At a certain time not long after, she recalled the thoughts at this time again, but it was a completely different state of mind.

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