You Seem To Be Drawing Me

Vol 2 Chapter 372:

    These bright red beads all reflect light, and they look more and more like stars in the sky. It was the first time Faning saw such a scene, so he turned his head to look at the female spy in surprise, and the other party explained to him, "This was originally the hall of the party. clothed."

    "What kind of beads are these?" Fanin asked.


    Fanning looked at the red beads all over the place and thought that this is a big project. How many months do these red beads have to be saved?

    "This formation is very powerful." The banshee went around in a circle, "When they came, they took everything they could take away, except this formation, how could they get it all? It wasn't broken, so I left it here."

    Fanning looked at the floors under his feet, and could indeed see some cracks, but none of those beads were missing, and they all stayed there quietly.

    Yiqi is really amazing... It seems that he has never shown this hand before, I don't know how many things he has never shown before, but it is still very powerful, Fanin thought.


    Yuan Yuanyuan looked at the comics above Faning like revisiting the old place, wandered around the northwest, and couldn't help touching her head.

    Ah... Was it such a casual person back in 17? Did she go against the character a little bit?

    Yuan Yuanyuan silently cast her eyes on the group of four who were nibbling on the apples with relish, snatched the apples back from his hand, and asked, "Hey, I told you, no Tell me about my return, do you hear me?"

    "Listen, I heard." The four groups nodded.

    "Good." Yuan Yuanyuan instantly changed into a smiling face, touched Si Qun's forehead, and went out again.

    The comics have been whitewashed again. Although the comics are already white enough for comic readers, no one will mind if they add a little whiteness.

    Actually, looking at it this way, when Yiqi died, it should have been quite wrong, and the blow to the local monsters should have been quite big, otherwise it would not have been until now, there are still so many monsters way to accept this.

    Yuan Yuanyuan can quite understand the feeling of staying at home and being suddenly hit on the head by bad news. She was still a little distressed. The monsters in the local area don't know how to get them out.

    The group of four who had been squatting and nibbling on apples suddenly popped out three words, "He lied."

    "Um..." Yuan Yuanyuan was still immersed in the feeling of the four groups of foreheads. Now that he's bald, Yuan Yuanyuan doesn't have to be afraid of getting caught in the hair when he touches him, and can touch his... forehead unscrupulously.

    She didn't understand what the four groups were saying for a while, so she responded casually. After a few seconds, I suddenly felt that something was wrong, and turned around and asked, "Huh?"

    "Click, click, click..." Four groups of one butterfly essence, forcibly gnawed the apple out of the hamster monster.

    "Wait..." Yuan Yuanyuan took the apple from his hand again. To be honest, Yuan Yuanyuan always felt like she was bullying a child every time she robbed him of an apple, but it seemed like this trick was very useful.

    She asked, "What did you say?"

    The four groups stared at her without speaking, their eyes were black.

    I don't know why, Yuan Yuanyuan felt guilty after staring at him like this.

    "Why are you looking at me like that?" Yuan Yuanyuan asked, the four groups stared at her without saying a word, and after a while they quietly took the apple from her hand and continued to nibble.

    Oops, okay, this is a tricky trick.


    Yuan Yuanyuan went back to the house and looked at her mobile phone, and people generally expressed that they were very excited about the update of this issue. Although most of them are in the form of memories, it is a satisfying book for the Yuan people to read.


    [Yes, we have finally changed from missing persons to returning persons, but as a result, there is no shadow, what should we do? Better not come back. 】



    [No, has Yuan Yingli gone already? Will his **** fanboy watch his idol be bullied? 】


    【Is it so toxic? 】

    Yuanyuan feels that the three-dimensional and the two-dimensional have two completely different feelings now. The readers on the second dimension are too optimistic, and there is nothing wrong with being optimistic. However, the problem is that the three-dimensional can always bring her a direct sense of reality. Once she suddenly returns to the three-dimensional from the two-dimensional, she will feel very uncomfortable.

    As there is no news from Yuan Yingli for such a long time now, readers in the comics will wonder if this is a big move, maybe Jiqiu will take this at a suitable time A paragraph was released, and Yuan Yuanyuan couldn't help but wonder if this was an accident?

    She also saw the floor in the painting that was made of various blood beads. The first thought at that time was—Fuck, Yiqi was definitely a landlord.

    Don't ask her why she thinks so... After all, when she pays the rent, she uses blood beads. If she can save so many blood beads, there must be a lot of houses... Yes, Yuan Yuanyuan is like this want.

    It's impossible for the other party to need blood like her, so you have so many blood beads, right?

    Yuan Yuanyuan tried to see what the blood beads were made of. The books that were left in the 17th year did mention a little bit, but Yuan Yuanyuan didn't think much of it. clear.

    However she sees it, she thinks it looks like a doodle... Of course, it is definitely not a doodle, but there are no rules in it, and the feeling doesn't match what is written in the book.

    【Can't you tell them that Lord One Seven is still alive? 】

    【Yes...I really want to pick them up. 】

    Yuan Yuanyuan looked at the comments below the comic and was moved for a moment.

    Since she already has a place, maybe she can take over these people...

    This is just an idea, but it might actually work. A thought flashed through Yuan Yuanyuan's mind.

    …then it was suddenly blown up by a loud explosion.

    "I rely on this group of people to be poisonous!"

    Yuan Yuanyuan looked up at the hood in the sky, feeling that her ears were going to be deafened.

    How did they make such a loud noise?

    Yuan Yuanyuan looked around, and the monsters who had expressed their accustomed to the top of their heads in the past few days were all startled, looked up to the sky, and saw a group of people running around of tricksters.

    I don't know what they used to make such a loud noise just now, but the security team chased after them and chased them away.

    "What's wrong?"

    "What happened?"

    "Why did the thunder strike suddenly?"

    The ordinary people on the street who could not see the protective cover above their heads also looked up and looked around. Although they could not see, they could still hear some sounds.

    Yuan Yuanyuan raised her head and looked at the sky, only to realize that they knocked on the shield again this time.

    However, this time, the more amazing thing is that the place where they knocked actually left a white spot of light, and the spot of light was still waving outwards, like a small Like a star, it is emitting its own light, clearly remaining on the cover.


    "The cover is about to break!" Yuan Yuanyuan heard someone shout.

    Yuan Yuanyuan stood on the street, wearing her disguised clothes, and suddenly felt a little overwhelmed.

      It's just a demon fan, it's not about the hood."

    The monsters who were still running on the street finally calmed down.

    The original circle was shrunk to one side to reduce the sense of presence as much as possible, and this was still seen by the monsters of the security team. They walked over and patted her on the shoulder, "Look at this little brother, he's not chaotic in the face of danger. Why can't you learn from others?"

    Yuan Yuanyuan didn't know what kind of expression she should put on, so I can only say that fortunately today, her phantom deviance is quite large, because everyone has known recently, the ghosts and ghosts One thing, if the face looks too similar to Yuan, she will be left for questioning, so this time she simply made a passerby's face.

    The street is quiet again. The monsters knew that this was a false alarm, so they did what they had to do. Yuan Yuanyuan just thought it was a little strange. These people always acted strangely a few days ago. Why are you using this kind of demon powder that can take pictures today?

    Is it because you want to pretend to be a star in broad daylight?

     Yuan Yuanyuan continued to look at the poses they were drawing on the hood, and followed them silently in her heart. I don't know why, but she gradually became fascinated, as if she was also drawing with the monsters in the sky.

    When she came back to her senses, she realized that half an hour had passed.

    Huh? What happened to her just now?

    Yuan Yuanyuan frowned for a while, and suddenly felt that the order of the "stars" above the sky looked familiar...

    She thought again and looked down at the phone in her hand.

    The picture on the phone is just the cover of this comic, not a character, but a scene.

    A red bean-like blood bead dotted the ground, like stardust in the sky.

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