You Seem To Be Drawing Me

Vol 2 Chapter 375:

     Yuan Yuanyuan encountered a problem on the first day that the group of monsters came.

    "Master Yiqi, how did you get out of the well?" All the young and strong monsters came here. They were very curious, and these people were not afraid that Yuan Yuanyuan would turn their backs on them.

    …I didn’t come out, I died inside. Yuan Yuanyuan burst into tears, what should I say? Ji Qiu never gave her a reason.

    Then Yuanyuan was completely surrounded by these people and could not get out.

    Small, the enthusiasm of the children is really a bit overwhelming...

     Yuan Yuanyuan was a little dumbfounded. These little monsters probably really trusted Yiqi, so it was no big deal to joke with her. Other monsters would never ask Yuan Yuanyuan such things, and they would be reckless when they asked.

    "I can't tell." Yuan Yuanyuan finally said, "If there is a chance in the future, I will definitely tell you."

    "Hey... how is this!" said the little monsters who followed.

    "And don't call me Yiqi outside, call me Yuan." Yuan Yuanyuan added another sentence.

    "What a group of energetic children." When Yuan Yuanyuan came out, the proprietress said outside.

    "Are you energetic..." Yuan Yuanyuan rubbed her temples, "I just hope they don't cause any trouble."

    "How could there be trouble? These little monsters, one by one, have all the tricks of yours. It's very useful." The lady boss said.

    Yuan Yuanyuan first said that what I said was not what I meant, but she did not argue with the proprietress, and opened her phone, which was the latest issue of Yaoji. Fanin is still in that place in the northwest. Get along with the monsters left behind at that time.

    Looking at the plot of the comic, Yuan Yuanyuan felt a little cold, and it is estimated that Fanin would not have imagined that the monsters were mocking him at this moment, even when she read it for the first time I didn't react, after all, those monsters looked too real. Perhaps also because their tragic experience came from the bottom of their hearts, so the performance was particularly real.

    In fact, they knew Fanin's true identity.

      This painting, we don’t even know you are still alive, Master Yiqi, why don’t you come back to see us right away?”

    "Wait, who gave you the picture book?" Yuan Yuanyuan grasped the point.

    "It's a monster that has moved to the settlement." The little monster said again.

      A conspiracy that had been hidden for many years came in handy when he killed Yiqi. Or maybe the little monster in front of him is actually lying, he is not a monster from the northwest at all...

    When Yuan Yuanyuan came back to her senses, she had thought about all these things unknowingly. Only at this time did she realize that she was really nervous recently, and she would immediately jump to the channel of conspiracy and trickery.

    …Or she has been playing for too long, and she has become a little proficient in this set.

    Okay, I'm already a skilled trader anyway, much better than when I first started acting. Yuan Yuanyuan began to arrange the monsters in front of her according to what she had just thought.

      Seventh, the key point of this formation that he naturally did not understand was not to mention bringing them back from outside the city.

    "You worry too much." The proprietress said, "Look at Nan Xing, isn't that what his father looked like when he was young? Can this be impersonated?"


    The matter of letting these people into the tavern was temporarily put on hold, Yuan Yuanyuan breathed a sigh of relief.

    It took a while.

    She is really strong.

    Yuan Yuanyuan has been entangled recently, of course, apart from her, there will never be another person in the world who can know her entanglement. Everyone thinks that Yuan is the big monster with a deep heart, he How many times have you successfully escaped from the **** of death now, how could you be entangled in such a thing?

    The inside and outside of the comics are completely different. Sometimes Yuan Yuanyuan thinks that this comic may really be something that happened in a parallel world, and she is the one who has traveled into the comics. .

    Because if it is not a parallel world, how can there be two completely different groups of people in this world?

    Yuanyuan had a vague idea for so long.

    The people who make ideas online are not the same people who work in the real world.

    However, there is not only one possibility, but another possibility for things that are different on the Internet and in the real world.

    It's everyone's tacit understanding.

      in the drum.

    After all, after the Taoist priest communicated with the government, he felt that it would be better not to destroy the current balance, so until now, most people still think that this is an ordinary book comics.

      After that, this matter has nothing to do with him anymore. Yaoji means to them, that's it, what else can it do?

    It's hard to say if they know this is true, will they still tear it up like this on the Internet... Maybe, maybe not, but at least it won't be so reassuring, right? Is there still fear? After all, although everyone has armed themselves very firmly on the surface, most of them are actually not too bad in their hearts.

    It is such a group of human beings. Naturally, their world is much smaller than that of monsters. After all, what they see is not so complete.

    But in some things, what comes out of the mouth of a human is more true than what comes out of the mouth of a monster.

    Yuan Yuanyuan came to this emotion because of something that happened a few days ago. There was a monster girl who was killed because of something. At first Yuan Yuanyuan heard the news that the girl was a spy, but later heard that it was a bit strange.

    The girl is an obvious little jasper, why would such a girl be a spy? It doesn't make sense.

    When Yuan Yuanyuan was in doubt, the truth of this incident really appeared in the comics the next day, and Ji Qiu drew this incident.

    It turned out that a big local monster fell in love with this girl, but the girl refused, so they made an excuse to kill the girl and put her on the charge of a spy .

    When Yuan Yuanyuan heard about this, she was still very angry. Even though Yuan Yuanyuan had gone through so many things, she was still a little warm-hearted.

    The next day, when Yuan Yuanyuan went out, she heard the voices of the monsters discussing this matter.

    Everyone still called the girl "that spy" as if they didn't read last night's comics.

    One person said this, two people said this, and finally everyone said this.

    Yuan Yuanyuan listened to it in a cold sweat, thinking that she was sleepwalking or sleepy last night? As a result, I turned on my phone and saw that it was the one that was just updated last night.

    She looked down at her phone, then looked up at the monsters who were discussing in front of her, and then looked down at her phone...

    It's over, she is not only sleepwalking now, but also hallucinating.

    Later Yuan Yuanyuan knew one thing.

    Just last night, that big monster gave an order to the entire district, telling everyone to speak out, and whoever dares to speak out will be killed.

    There are many little monsters under that big monster. It’s not that no one spoke, but those people didn’t even last a night.

    When Yuan Yuanyuan got up in the morning, what she saw was already cleaned up.

     Yuan Yuanyuan didn't sleep that night until he chopped up the big monster, got his head, and threw it on the girl's grave before returning home.

    She lay on the bed thinking a lot.

    But when I woke up the next day, I didn't seem to remember anything.

    Everything in the comics seems to be bright, as if Fanning can successfully defeat the king of demons and the head of the Li family tomorrow.

    The monsters in the northwest get along very well with Fanin. The two sides are in harmony, and it feels like a human monster.

    Readers are all happy, as if tomorrow is a happy ending.

    Everything is surging in the dark.

    This time, she seems to have become the most direct promoter of that undercurrent... It's strange, it seems that this is the first time she is in this position, she used to follow the trend.

     Yuan Yuanyuan has a plan in her head, and some contradictions are difficult to solve... After all, who in the real world can make the other party bow his head and bow his head like Naruto teacher?

    Even the protagonist Faning, didn't he treat those northwest monsters with sincerity? But what is the actual situation? Has it really developed like traditional comics?

    This is not really a comic after all.

    However, since the comics and the three-dimensional are so different, Yuan Yuanyuan has a very reliable guess.

    Because of some things, everyone will tacitly unify the caliber.

    Maybe it's not a bad thing. Yuanyuan thought.

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