The two of them were very busy.

"Hello, Hattori, you finally answered the phone!"

Conan was anxiously waiting for a response from the other end of the phone in the toilet of the high-speed rail station.

When the call was finally connected, he showed an unconcealable joy on his face.

"What happened to you? You didn't answer the phone all day yesterday?" Conan asked impatiently.

"Uh..." Hattori Heiji was a little embarrassed as he hurried to the high-speed rail station and answered the phone.

He hesitated for a moment, then made up a random reason: "Haha, nothing, something happened at home!"

At the same time, Hattori Heiji thought to himself that he must not let Kudo know that he was beaten.

After all, he was already so old, and he was beaten by his parents. If his best friend knew about it, it would be too embarrassing.

"It's okay, it's okay."

Conan breathed a sigh of relief and didn't doubt it too much.

"Kudo, why are you looking for me so anxiously?"

Hattori Heiji stopped at the intersection, stretched out his hand to rub his buttocks, trying to relieve the dull pain, and asked with some doubts.

Conan did not answer Hattori Heiji's question at the first time, but carefully glanced at the closed toilet door. After confirming that no one was there, he covered the phone and said carefully: "I found the traces of the Black Organization!"

"What!" Hattori Heiji was shocked when he heard the news, and hurriedly asked, "Kudo, where are you now?"

Conan sighed helplessly, and said with a somewhat complaining tone: "I am now at the high-speed rail station, Xiaolan is going back to Dongdu, and that confused detective insisted on taking me away!"

Of course he didn't want to leave Osaka. After all, when he found the clues in the morning, he was so excited that he thought he could take down the Black Organization in one fell swoop.

But he was given a few loving educations by Maori Kogoro, so he could only follow him to the high-speed rail station honestly.

"Then Kudo, where did you find the traces of those black-clad men?"

Hattori Heiji's face became a little solemn, and his hand holding the phone tightened unconsciously.

"It's in Osaka. Didn't you watch the morning news today?" Conan took a deep breath and calmed down. Then he told Hattori Heiji the clues he found in the morning in detail. It turned out that when Conan got up from the hotel in the morning, Maori Kogoro, who had gotten up early, was sitting on the sofa and switching TV channels boredly. When he switched to the news channel, a news report about a bank robbery that happened last night instantly attracted Conan's attention and made him discover the clue. According to the surveillance video at the scene, all the robbers were dressed in black. And with that arrogant and indifferent attitude and the murderous momentum, Conan can guarantee that he will never make a mistake. These people are members of the Black Organization. "The car is about to leave, Hattori, this is up to you!" Conan listened to Maori Kogoro who was shouting at him outside, and said in a serious and solemn tone. "I understand. I will go to the crime scene right now to investigate the clues!" Hattori Heiji nodded carefully, his expression firm, "When I find any clues, I will go to Dongdu to meet you as soon as possible."

After that, he hung up the phone, put the phone away, his eyes were extremely sharp, and he pushed down his baseball cap.

"Humph~ You finally showed your true colors!"

Hattori Heiji snorted coldly, and an excited expression appeared on his face.

Knowing this news, he felt like he was given a shot of cardiotonic, and he instantly became energetic. He even felt that the pain in his buttocks disappeared without a trace, and he ran quickly to the crime scene.

As for the promise to apologize to Kazuha before, Hattori Heiji had already thrown it out of his mind.

At this moment, there was only one thought in his mind-catch the tail of the Black Organization!

After all, compared with the Black Organization, apologizing to Kazuha is simply insignificant.


"Hanyu, Xiaolan and Xiaoai, have a safe trip!"

The high-speed rail station was bustling with people, but Heye's eyes were not affected at all, and he always locked his eyes on Hanyu Nan and the others in front of him.

"Don't worry, Heye, you have to be happy all the time!"

Hanyu Nan held Xiaoai's hand and said goodbye to Heye gently.

His purpose of coming to Osaka has been successfully achieved, and he just needs to maintain this relationship with his heart.

"Goodbye Sister Heye!"

Xiaoai also waved her hand, and was very happy about this girl who had been with him for the past two days.

She had a good impression of the girl who followed them around.

"He Ye, remember to come to Dongdu, I'll take you there when the time comes!"

Xiao Lan looked at He Ye reluctantly, tears flashing in her eyes. They had experienced many interesting things together in the past two days and had become good friends.

"Yes! I will definitely go!"

He Ye looked at Hanyu Kusunoki who was smiling at her, nodded heavily, and her eyes were full of determination.

Conan on the side was speechless. After being pulled out of the toilet by Maori Kogoro, he saw this embarrassing scene in front of him.

"It's so sad, if you don't know, you would think you have known each other for a long time!"

Conan muttered to himself, thinking that Xiao Lan and He Ye were a little too emotional.

However, the next second, he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his head.

Hanyu Kusunoki hit him hard.

"Ouch~ What are you doing!"

Conan touched his painful head and questioned Hanyu Kusunoki angrily.

"It's time, get on the train!"

Hanyu Nan shook his fist nonchalantly, knowing full well that Conan was definitely up to no good.

However, it felt good to punch him just now.

Looking at Hanyu Nan getting on the train, Conan had a bitter face, and just when he was about to say something to express his dissatisfaction, Xiao Ai, who was being led by Hanyu Nan, turned back and looked at him coldly.

Xiao Ai: "Death stare!"

Conan: "..."


"It's gone..."

He Ye stood quietly in front of the platform, looking at the high-speed train that was gradually moving away until it disappeared from her sight, and muttered to herself.

Her lively eyes were a little dim at the moment, full of reluctance, and her rosy lips pouted slightly.

Although they had only known each other for a few days, she felt as if she had met the most important person in her life.

Xiaolan, Xiaoai, and Hanyu...

But soon, Heye shook her head vigorously, as if to get rid of the depression in her heart, and turned around and rushed home excitedly.

The refreshing ponytail fluttered gently with her movements, and her fair face was stained with a hint of red because of the fluctuation of emotions.

Heye has decided to discuss with her parents when she returns. When the holiday comes, she must go to Dongdu for a trip.

After all, parting is only for a better reunion.

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