At noon, without the light bulb of Kudo Shinichi, Xiaolan, Sonoko and Hanyu Kusunoki still sat under the thick tree to eat lunch together as they did yesterday.

Sonoko prepared a particularly rich lunch box today, much more than usual. Then I saw Sonoko constantly putting various delicacies into Hanyu Kusunoki's lunch box. When she found that there was not much left in her lunch box, Sonoko stretched out her claws to Xiaolan without hesitation.


Xiaolan exclaimed while dodging the chopsticks that Sonoko stretched out.

Seeing that there was no hope of grabbing food, Sonoko simply leaped towards Xiaolan, hugged her tightly, and begged with a smile on her face:

"Oh Xiaolan, give me a little food, just a little bit, can you bear to see your best friend hungry?"

Faced with Sonoko's rogue behavior, Xiaolan was helpless. She gently tapped Sonoko's forehead, and when the latter pretended to hold her head in pain, she gave her some lunch.

After getting the food, Sonoko immediately sat back in her original position with satisfaction, and proudly showed off to Hanyu Kusunoki:

"Dangdangdang, Kusunoki, look, this is a loving lunch made by Xiaolan herself! It's delicious!" As she said this, she also winked at Xiaolan.

Looking at Hanyu Kusunoki who was eating her lunch and watching the two people playing with a smile on her face, Xiaolan smiled embarrassedly, and then gave her part of her lunch.

Hanyu Kusunoki also accepted this kindness without hesitation.

Hanyu Kusunoki knew that if he wanted Xiaolan to leave Kudo Shinichi, then the first task was to make Xiaolan disappointed in Kudo Shinichi.

However, it was not easy to achieve this goal, and it required time and a lot of disappointing things for Xiaolan.

Hanyu Kusunoki thought about these questions secretly, and at the same time handed the lunch box that Sonoko shared with him to the two of them.

The three of them sat together, eating and chatting, laughing and talking.

"Xiaolan, Nan, see you tomorrow!"

As soon as the school bell rang, Sonoko slowly packed her schoolbag and prepared to go home.

Today, the Suzuki family held a family gathering, so Sonoko had to go home early. I had to say goodbye to the two reluctantly and agreed to go out together tomorrow.

After watching Sonoko leave, only Xiaolan and Hanyu Kusunoki were left walking side by side on the way home.

Hanyu Nan noticed that Xiaolan seemed to be in a low mood since the afternoon, so she took the initiative to ask:

"What's wrong, Xiaolan? I noticed that you have been in a bad mood since you went out to answer a phone call in the afternoon. Did something happen?"

Hearing Hanyu Nan's words, Xiaolan just lowered her head, shook her head slightly, and said softly: "Nothing." Her voice was a little depressed, and she didn't seem to want to talk more.

Hanyu Nan crossed his hands behind his head, walked side by side with Xiaolan, turned his head to look at Xiaolan, and said earnestly:

"If you have any unhappy things, just say it out. We are friends. We should learn to talk to friends. Whether it is happy or sad, we can always find a solution when we face it together."

Hearing Hanyu Nan's words, Xiaolan seemed to have found an outlet for venting. She stopped, looked up and looked into the distance, and said in a low voice:

"Shinichi called me this afternoon. He said someone asked him to deal with a very difficult matter. He would not come back until the matter was done." Xiaolan's eyes revealed a trace of worry and loss.

"Shinichi doesn't know how worried I am about him! Why can't you tell me if there is something wrong? At least let me know if he is safe now..."

Xiaolan became more and more excited as she spoke, and her voice unconsciously rose several degrees. She clenched her fists and waved them a few times, as if she wanted to vent all the dissatisfaction in her heart.

Hanyu Nan listened to Xiaolan's story silently, patted Xiaolan's shoulder gently and comforted her:

"What Kudo-san did was really too much! No matter what happened, as long as he was safe, he should have reported his safety to everyone immediately. How could he let his childhood sweetheart worry about him?"

After that, Hanyu Nan turned to Xiaolan and said, "Xiaolan, don't worry. When Kudo-san comes back, I will teach him a lesson for you!"

But Kudo Shinichi may never come back... But it doesn't matter, there is still Conan, Conan can replace him, anyway, they are the same person, there is no difference.

"Forget it, I don't want to care about him anymore, Shinichi is always like this!" Xiaolan said indignantly.

"Xiaolan, don't be too angry

I'm going to visit Uncle Maori and learn from the famous detective. I hope to taste your cooking skills, Xiaolan. "

"Ah, Nan, you are coming to visit dad. I'll go back and tell dad and ask him to make some preparations."

"Don't bother me. I mainly want to taste your cooking skills, Xiaolan. After all, Xiaolan's bento is very delicious."

"Hehe, no, it's just ordinary."


Since I'm going to visit Maori Detective Agency, I must prepare some gifts for Maori Kogoro to leave a good impression.

I picked a few bottles of good wine from the supermarket. After all, Kogoro's favorite thing is to drink wine. After asking the waiter to pack it, Hanyu Nan came to Maori Detective Agency with the gifts.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

People knock three times, ghosts knock four times. After knocking three times, Hanyu Nan shouted "Excuse me" and stood at the door waiting quietly.

"Wait a minute, Dad, there are guests coming, go open the door quickly. "

From inside came the voice of Xiaolan urging her father to open the door.

Mouri Kogoro lazily lay on the sofa in the room, holding a beer in his hand, staring at the horse racing on the TV screen with confused eyes. While slowly sipping the wine, he listlessly changed the channels, as if he had no interest in anything.

Hearing Xiaolan's anxious shout, Maori Kogoro reluctantly sat up and staggered towards the door, muttering:

"Okay, okay, I'm coming..."

When he opened the door, a handsome man with something in his hands and a smile on his face was standing straight at the door.

Mouri Kogoro narrowed his eyes and looked up and down at the strange man, feeling a little unhappy for some reason.

Mouri Kogoro muttered to himself: "Huh, this kind of pretty boy is the best at pleasing women, and it makes me upset just looking at him."

"Hello, Uncle Maori! "Hanyu Kusunoki greeted politely:

"I am a classmate of Xiaolan and Sonoko. I have heard of your name for a long time and know that you are a famous detective. I came to visit you today. This is a small gift. Please do not refuse it."

Hanyu Kusunoki bent down slightly and handed the gift in his hand to Maori Kogoro.

Mouri Kogoro's eyes were instantly attracted by the gift in Hanyu Kusunoki's hand. A glimmer of light flashed in his eyes. His original dissatisfaction with Hanyu Kusunoki disappeared without a trace. The young man in front of him suddenly became much more pleasing to the eye.

"Oh, it turns out to be Xiaolan's classmate! No wonder he looks so handsome. Haha, you are too polite. It's good to just come. Why bring a gift?"

Mouri Kogoro smiled and was very polite verbally, but his hands did not stop. He quickly took the things and did not forget to praise Hanyu Kusunoki.

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