The three of them drove to the foot of the mountain. Someone might ask curiously, "Aren't there four people?" I can only say, "Conan is not a human, this is the elementary school student of the God of Death." "Oh, Sonoko, why did your family build a villa in this deep mountain forest?" Xiaolan said helplessly while carrying her luggage up the mountain with great effort. "Uh, hehe... maybe my sister likes quietness..." Sonoko was also at a loss when facing Xiaolan's question. She didn't know how to answer. In fact, she herself felt that this place was too remote. Hanyu Kusuno was most curious about this question. As early as when he watched the animation, he was speechless about the villa of Sonoko's family. The villa was built in a deserted mountain, and there was only one entrance and exit, which was a shaky suspension bridge.

If an accident happened, it would be a disaster.

Maybe this is what is called "science"!

After half a day of climbing the mountain, the group finally arrived near the villa with heavy luggage.

At first glance, in the deep mountains and old forests, a lonely villa stood abruptly.

There were steep cliffs all around, and the only way to enter the villa was a dilapidated wooden suspension bridge that creaked in the wind.

"We're here!" Yuanzi saw the villa from a distance and turned around excitedly to Xiaolan.

"Hey, Yuanzi, there seems to be someone there. I wonder if he is also going to the villa." Xiaolan noticed that there was a figure wearing a black robe and a hood on the suspension bridge in front of him, walking towards the villa.

Maybe he heard the sound coming from behind, the man on the bridge slowly turned around, revealing a face covered with dense bandages and a pair of eyes that revealed a fierce light.


"I wonder if he is going to the villa too..." Noticing this scene, Xiaolan was shocked and couldn't help but repeat what she had just said.

"Ah! Nan!"

When Sonoko heard Xiaolan's words, she followed her gaze and saw a figure who turned back and smiled provocatively at them, then turned around and fled away.

Sonoko took a breath and hugged Hanyu Nan's hand directly.

Xiaolan was startled by Sonoko's voice again, and followed Sonoko to hug Hanyu Nan's hand.

"Don't be afraid, I'm here."

Hanyu Nan felt the warmth and softness coming from his arms, gently patted the backs of the two, comforted them softly, and silently gave each other a thumbs up in his heart.

Good brother! Based on your performance just now, I will definitely let you get revenge today! However, considering that you once wanted to kill Xiaolan in the original book, and you took actual action three times! So, after you have taken revenge, you can also be g.

"Haha, Lan, what are you doing!" Conan looked at the three people hugging together speechlessly, and secretly complained in his heart, have you forgotten that there is a six-year-old child here?

After a while, when they saw that the bandage monster had disappeared without a trace, Sonoko and Xiaolan slowly let go of their hands.

The big-hearted Sonoko was a little scared at first, but after hugging Hanyu Kusunoki, the fear was quickly replaced by inner satisfaction, and even began to praise the bandage monster in her heart.

Xiaolan seemed a little shy, lowered her head and tidied her clothes.

She has always been the most afraid of this mysterious creature that she doesn't know whether it is a human or a ghost.


The three followed Conan, who was treated as air, and walked quickly across the suspension bridge to the door of the villa.

"Sonoko, you're here!"

As soon as we arrived at the door, Sonoko's sister Suzuki Ayako came out and greeted everyone enthusiastically.

Sonoko's sister is a woman with slightly curly hair, squinting eyes, and a gentle face.

"Sister, let me introduce you, this is my good friend Xiaolan, and my... um... good friend Hanyu Kusunoki." Sonoko hesitated for a moment and gave Hanyu Kusunoki a special name.

"Haha, Sonoko!" Looking at Sonoko who completely treated himself as a transparent person, Conan was also full of black lines.

No one knows a sister better than her sister. Suzuki Ayako knew that Sonoko must like Hanyu Kusunoki when she heard Sonoko's stuttering introduction.

"Hello, welcome to play, I'm Suzuki Ayako."

Suzuki Ayako greeted several people with a smile on her face, and even looked at Hanyu Kusunoki a few more times.

Just as she was about to turn around and let

When they went in, they found that there was a child following the three of them.

"Hey, who is this child?"

Seeing that Suzuki Ayako finally noticed him, Conan's eyes were full of tears. Is he easy? What happened to this world? It seems that he has abandoned him.

"Oh, don't worry about him, sister. He is a little kid who is staying with sister Xiaolan and insisted on following him."

Suzuki Ayako nodded, "You guys go put down your luggage first, Sonoko, you take them to pick a room."

"Haha, Sonoko, you gossip!"

While several people went in to put down their luggage, Conan, who was left behind, pulled the corner of Suzuki Ayako's clothes and asked: "Sister Ayako, are there any people who came today with bandages?"

"I don't think so?" Suzuki Ayako thought for a while and gave an answer.

Hearing that no one who came today was wrapped in bandages, Conan nodded thoughtfully.

“Xiaolan, Nan, come here quickly, we will sleep together tonight.” Sonoko rushed to the second floor and turned back to shout to the two.


“Hehe, sorry, I said the wrong thing, Xiaolan and I will sleep in the same room.”

Seeing Xiaolan blushing with shame, Sonoko realized that she had said the wrong thing and embarrassedly stuck out her tongue at Hanyu Nan.

The rooms on the second floor were all closed at this moment, and the two girls were confused for a while, not knowing which room to choose.

“Xiaolan, which room should we choose?”

“I don’t know either… maybe this one?” Xiaolan said, while preparing to push open a door next to her.

“Wait for Xiaolan!” Hanyu Nan quickly stopped her, otherwise Xiaolan would “win three prizes in a row”.

Seeing Xiaolan's puzzled look, Hanyu Nan hurriedly explained: "There is someone in that room."

"Hey, Nan, how did you know?" Yuanzi stared at Hanyu Nan with curiosity, as if she wanted to see some clues from his face.

"You can see it if you look carefully at the ground." Hanyu Nan smiled and reminded, "As long as you pay a little attention, you will notice that there will be some water stains on the ground at the door of any room where there are people. Maybe it's because it rained outside just now."

"Oh, it's true!"

Hearing Hanyu Nan say this, the two girls lowered their heads and began to check the ground. Sure enough, they soon found that there were indeed water stains in front of several doors, and immediately looked at Hanyu Nan with admiration.

"Haha, what's there to admire about such a simple observation?" Conan, who was following behind, just came up and heard the conversation between the few people, and looked at Yuanzi who was obsessed with love with an expressionless face.

"Why did Xiaolan follow along? She doesn't usually make these inferences about me like this!"

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