The two of them were very happy.

"Don't worry, Sonoko. I'll go with Xiaolan. You stay here and watch Conan. Don't let him run around."

Hanyu Nan gently comforted the worried Sonoko, and at the same time stopped Conan, who was a little excited and seemed to want to confess his true identity to Xiaolan.

What a joke! How could Conan ruin such a good opportunity? This is an opportunity to put himself and Kudo Shinichi on the same starting line!

Hanyu Nan followed Xiaolan out of the villa. At this time, there was a drizzle outside, and Takahashi Ryoichi, who looked fierce, did not attract much attention to Hanyu Nan.

Xiaolan walked in the rain, thinking silently about her and Shinichi's future.

"Can Shinichi and I really go on forever? Will childhood sweethearts never have a happy ending?" Xiaolan's mood became heavier, and tears could not help but roll in her eyes.

She only wanted to live a peaceful and stable life, but Shinichi was always keen on chasing excitement and committed to solving those complicated cases.

Two people with different personalities, just because they knew each other since childhood, have to be together reluctantly. Will this really be happy? The more Xiaolan thought about it, the more heartbroken she became, and she was full of confusion and anxiety about the future.

Hanyu Nan followed behind, looking at the confused Xiaolan, he knew very well why Xiaolan was like this.

Children who grow up in a single-parent family environment are often filled with anxiety and fear in their hearts. They long for someone to be their safe haven and let them rely on.

If Hanyu Nan had not appeared in Xiaolan's world, perhaps she would have been silently waiting for the person who could give her warmth and protection to appear.

However, everything is different now. Hanyu Kusunoki illuminated Xiaolan's life like a dazzling beam of light, allowing her to have better choices, and the balance in her heart began to tilt towards him involuntarily.

"Has the rain stopped?" Xiaolan unconsciously walked into the depths of the forest, hugged her knees tightly with both hands, and when she looked up, she found Hanyu Kusunoki standing quietly beside her with an umbrella.

When her eyes touched Hanyu Kusunoki's hair and clothes soaked by the rain, an inexplicable bitterness surged into Xiaolan's heart.


"Are you feeling better? If you are in a bad mood, just shout loudly and vent all your troubles. This will make you feel much better." Hanyu Kusunoki smiled gently at Xiaolan.


Xiaolan nodded vigorously, wiped her face, not knowing whether it was rain or tears, stood up and shouted loudly: "Shinichi!!!"

"Please, Shinichi, if you are here, please show up!" Xiaolan prayed silently in her heart, and tears flowed down unconsciously.

She really couldn't let go of this relationship that had lasted for so many years.

At this time, Conan, who was lying on the balcony of the villa and looking outside bored, suddenly heard Xiaolan's voice. His heart suddenly tightened, as if he was stabbed by something.

"Xiaolan! Wait for me..." Conan murmured in a low voice, his heart was full of impulse, and he wanted to rush over regardless of everything and confess his true identity to Xiaolan.

However, just as Conan was about to act, an uninvited guest blocked his way.

Sonoko noticed Conan rushing down from the upstairs, and immediately ran over to grab Conan's clothes and brought him back.

"You little brat, don't run around, stay here obediently!" Sonoko said sternly, holding Conan tightly.

"Damn it! Damn it! Damn it! Sonoko, you nosy gossip, let me go!" Conan struggled desperately, trying to break free from Sonoko's restraints, while cursing Sonoko in his heart.

“Ran, Nan, you are finally back!” Sonoko couldn’t wait to greet Ran and Hanyu Nan as they were talking and laughing.

Conan calmed down now. He was relieved to see Ran was safe, but he felt as if he had lost something important.

“Oh, Nan, you and Ran are soaked! Hurry up, go upstairs and change into clean clothes, and take a hot bath.” Sonoko was keenly aware that they were all wet, and hurriedly urged.

“Okay.” Ran and Hanyu Nan responded in unison, then looked at each other, smiled and nodded, and went upstairs to the room to wash up.

A moment later, Hanyu Nan had just finished washing up when a scream full of fear came.

Hanyu Nan came out when she heard the sound, but met with the same person who had just finished washing up and was about to

Xiaolan, who was checking the situation, ran into him.

The two of them simply went to the place where the sound came from. After arriving at the scene, they found that Ota Katsu was staring out the window with a face full of horror.

Hiroki Kadaya walked up, helped Ota Katsu up, and asked with concern: "Ota, what happened?"

"Bandage Monster, there is, there is a person wrapped in bandages, just passed by the window." Ota Katsu was obviously scared and couldn't even speak clearly.

At this time, everyone gathered together. After listening to Ota Katsu's story, Conan was still worried about Xiaolan, but was attracted by the bandage monster and immediately ran out of the villa.

"We seem to have seen the person you are talking about when we came here, right, Xiaolan, Nan." When Sonoko heard about the bandage monster, she realized whether it was the strange person she saw on the suspension bridge before.

Xiaolan nodded and said: "Yes, we did see it when we came."

"If so, I seem to have seen it when we came." Hiroki Kadaya and Ryoichi Takahashi also remembered that they had seen it when they came, but they thought it was a nearby resident.

"How is it possible? There is no other entrance nearby except the suspension bridge. There are only a few single-family villas at the foot of the mountain or after climbing this mountain. No one usually comes here." Suzuki Ayako said with a puzzled face.

The plot has changed, but Hanyu Nan doesn't think it's strange. He has appeared, so how can the plot be the same as before.

"Who is that person?" Ota Katsu asked with a look of horror.

"Then let's call the police first!" Looking at Ota Katsu who was so scared that he couldn't stand steadily, Hiroki Kadaya suggested.


Suzuki Ayako brought everyone to the phone and started to call, but found that the phone couldn't be dialed out.

"How could it be possible? It can be dialed out during the day. Could it be the thunder just now?" Suzuki Ayako squinted and said puzzledly.

Haha, the phone call is not connected, the mobile phone has no signal, isn't this a perfect crime scene? Hanyu Kusunoki was powerless to complain, the location of this villa is really good.


"It must be him, it must be the bandage weirdo just now!" Takahashi Ryoichi shouted while running out in fear.

Watching everyone and Conan chase out, Hanyu Kusunoki asked Xiaolan and Sonoko to sit down, and took out two small balls from his pocket and handed them over.

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