After the police quickly understood the situation, they escorted Takahashi Ryoichi to the helicopter. However, at this moment, something unexpected happened. When Takahashi Ryoichi was being escorted, he seemed to be hit in the chest by an invisible force when passing the cliff. He suddenly flew into the air and fell directly under the cliff. Officer Megure, who witnessed this scene, was shocked at first and immediately shouted: "If he is alive, I want to see him, if he is dead, I want to see his body!" As he shouted, the police officers immediately launched an emergency search. "Who is it? Who is it?" Conan turned pale and panicked when he saw this familiar scene. He scanned everyone around him frantically, trying to find the mastermind. After carefully analyzing all the people at the scene, Conan's eyes finally stopped at Hanyu Kusunoki who was laughing and playing with Xiaolan and Sonoko. "Could it really be this guy Hanyu? "Conan frowned and thought to himself. "In these two incidents, he always happened to appear at the scene of the crime, and seemed to have been intentionally approaching Xiaolan..."

Conan stared at Hanyu Nan, as if he wanted to see his true thoughts through his smile.

Hanyu Nan talked about something interesting with Xiaolan and Sonoko, and laughed very happily. However, in Conan's eyes, this smile was full of elusive meaning.

While thinking about Hanyu Nan's true identity, Conan recalled the information he learned from Suzuki Ayako and others in the morning about the high-tech protective shield that Hanyu Nan displayed last night.

"That kind of weapon has a huge impact, but it is silent. It is definitely not something that ordinary people and ordinary organizations can have." Conan thought to himself, and his suspicion of Hanyu Nan deepened.

"Hanyu Nan, who are you? What is your purpose in approaching Xiaolan? ! "

Just as Conan was lost in thought, a terrible thought suddenly came to his mind, and his face turned pale in an instant. He almost couldn't help but rush over to find Hanyu Nan.

"Could it be the Black Organization? Have they discovered my true identity? ! "

This thought exploded in Conan's mind like thunder, causing his heartbeat to accelerate suddenly, and a layer of cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

Hanyu Nan slowly retracted his raised palm, not paying any attention to Conan's suspicious look.

After more and more props, Hanyu Nan's mentality also changed, and he gradually became a little unscrupulous.

After all, when he found out that he was Superman.

Day 1: Superman

Day 2: "Happy Superman"

Day 3: "Superman even when unhappy"

Besides, everything must be based on evidence. What can you find out about me, Conan? Will anyone believe it if you tell them?

You are all famous detectives, come on!

While thinking, Hanyu Nan couldn't help laughing, it was indeed a bit of bullying elementary school students.

"Really? Nan, are there really such props? I want it! I want this!"

When Sonoko heard Hanyu Kusunoki say that he had a kind of bread that could permanently memorize the contents of a book after it was printed on it, her eyes began to sparkle. For a poor student like her, this kind of artifact was needed.

"Hiss..." Feeling the softness on her arm, Hanyu Kusunoki nodded, indicating that she could eat as much as she wanted, but the taste was not very good and she might vomit.

However, Sonoko, who was already fantasizing about surpassing Hanyu Kusunoki in the exam and punching Mori Ran, would not think so much.

"Ran, come with us when the time comes. "Hanyu Nan invited Xiaolan who was smiling at the two of them.

Although she was a little shy, Xiaolan still couldn't refuse after hearing Hanyu Nan's invitation, and nodded.

After all, she had to experience this kind of magical prop, all for learning!

Although she was not as bad as Sonoko in studying, she was still far behind those geniuses.

Since there is such a permanent cheating prop, it doesn't matter if the taste is worse.

Hanyu Nan did think that if there is a shrinking prop in the future, she can shrink the bread and eat it directly, so that she won't be full.

However, copying books may waste some time, but that's all for later.


"Conan, let's go!"

When Xiaolan shouted this, Conan was immersed in doubts about life and couldn't extricate himself, but Xiaolan didn't pay too much attention to Conan's state, but followed Hanyu Nan directly to the helicopter to prepare for the return trip



Conan noticed that Xiaolan's attitude towards him was a little cold, and he felt bitter in his heart, so he could only follow him dejectedly.

"Conan, did my brother do something wrong?"

As soon as he got on the helicopter, Conan stared at Hanyu Nan, trying to find out the problem from Hanyu Nan.

Hanyu Nan naturally understood Conan's little thoughts, but after all, he was his ace tool man.

He rubbed Conan's head hard and said in a teasing way:

"Oh, Conan, don't be like this, brother will be sad~"


Before he finished speaking, a muffled sound came, and Sonoko raised her hand and gave Conan a head bang.

"Little brat, why are you talking to Nan?" Sonoko glared at Conan angrily.

"It hurts, did I say anything? Sonoko, you big nympho!" Conan thought aggrievedly while covering his head that was hit.

Noticing that Xiaolan was also looking at him with reproachful eyes, he felt extremely wronged and almost cried.

"Okay, okay, she's still a child."

Hanyu Nan added just the right sentence.

Sure enough, when Xiaolan heard this, she couldn't help it and said, "It's because she's a child that she needs to be educated well. If a young tree is not pruned, it won't grow straight." After that, she punched Conan again.

"What's wrong with this world? Where is my gentle Xiaolan..."

Conan was hit so hard by these two blows that he began to doubt his life.


Not long after, everyone took a helicopter back to Mika.

As soon as they got off the helicopter, Miss Sonoko's luxury nanny car had been waiting there for a long time, and the Suzuki family was very anxious.

After making an appointment to meet tomorrow, Sonoko reluctantly said goodbye to Hanyu Nan and the others.

"Then I'll go back first. Dad called me many times last night."

Although she was reluctant, Xiaolan still waved goodbye to Hanyu Nan.

Xiaolan herself didn't realize that the memory of Kudo Shinichi in her mind was gradually disappearing.


After seeing off a few people, Hanyu Nan suddenly had a whim and didn't choose to take a taxi home, but planned to stroll around the city.

Simply bought some daily necessities, then went to the vegetable market, bought some vegetables and cooked a few side dishes to reward herself.

"Wait a minute, you keep it for me first, I'll go to withdraw money first." After discussing with the fish vendor, Hanyu Nan walked towards the nearest bank.

There was no cash on him, and this kind of vendor couldn't swipe the bank card, so he could only go to withdraw money.

"Hello, is there anything I can help you with?"

A woman with long dark brown hair, purple-gray eyes, slightly drooping eyes, and a temperament and charm very similar to Xiaolan said to Hanyu Nan with a smile.

"Hirota Masami..." Looking at the nameplate on the chest of the woman in front of him, Hanyu Kusunoki nodded thoughtfully.

"Hello, Ms. Hirota Masami, I want to withdraw some cash."

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