The police officer was very angry.

"I didn't expect you to be the chief of police now!"

Hiki Eri folded her hands in front of her chest, closed her eyes slightly, and said to the surprised Inspector Megure.

"Auntie Eri, do you know Inspector Megure?"

"Of course..." After hearing what Hanyu Kusunoki said, Megure Jusan was about to explain, but was interrupted by the impatient Hiiki Eri.

"Okay, let's not talk about this, let's get back to the point. Judging from the situation at the scene, with such a large amount of bleeding, if the murderer escaped through the window, it is impossible that there was no blood at all, but now the window is too clean."

Hiki Eri pushed her glasses, and the aura of the Queen of Law instantly burst out.

If among the Teitan Twins, Fujimine Yukiko has an IQ of 80 and an EQ of 100.

Then Kisaki Eri has an IQ of 100 and an EQ of 80.

"But it is also possible that the murderer cleaned up the scene before escaping?"

Inspector Megure is both a rookie and a playful person. He still questions the guidance of a great player.

"Impossible." Hanyu Kusunoki spoke quickly. The main C is dealing damage, and he cannot let a stupid teammate mess things up. "After the murderer killed someone, he didn't even have time to take the murder weapon away, so how could he have time to clean up the scene."

A hint of surprise flashed in Eri Kisaki's eyes. She looked at Hanyu Kusunoki carefully, then turned her head and analyzed in a calm tone: "From the point of view that the murderer left the murder weapon at the crime scene, the murderer must be a customer of this store."

After that, Eri Kisaki turned her head and stared at Hanyu Kusunoki, "Am I right? This is what you want to express, right?"

Seeing Eri Kisaki controlling the whole scene so easily, Hanyu Kusunoki nodded slightly and sighed: "Aunt Eri, you are really as powerful as the legend says, and your charm is still there!"

"Thank you for the compliment." Hearing Hanyu Kusunoki's praise, Eri Kisaki's mouth corners slightly raised, revealing a barely noticeable smile.

However, Hanyu Nan changed the subject and suddenly asked a question: "But, Auntie Eri, if we follow this logic, then both of us are suspected of committing the crime..."

"Oh, now that you said that, it seems to be true." Eri Kisaki's face became a little embarrassed. She patted her forehead and muttered to herself, "I seem to have been to the bathroom just now..."

A hint of cuteness flashed across her originally delicate face at this moment. Eri Kisaki realized that she seemed to have confused herself.

Hanyu Nan was about to speak, but Officer Megure interrupted her, wiping the sweat from his forehead and anxiously denying: "Impossible, absolutely impossible! How could it be Lawyer Kisaki?"

For Jusan Megure, he could not offend the dead, but he could not offend the lawyer, especially a lawyer who had never lost a thousand games.

"Don't worry, Officer Megure." Kisaki Eri pushed her glasses, turned her head and looked at Hanyu Kusunoki, and said with a very sure tone: "With Hanyu's excellent observation ability, I believe the real murderer will be found soon!"

In fact, Kisaki Eri had already seen Hanyu Kusunoki's little thoughts. Since he intended to pursue her precious daughter, she must test him well.

She grabbed Conan who was running around, with a slightly unhappy look on her face, and said unhappily: "Little brother, stop playing detective games, and don't interfere with Hanyu's investigation!"

For some reason, every time she saw Conan's face, Kisaki Eri felt angry.

"Too much! How can you be so hypocritical, old witch? You didn't say a word when Hanyu Kusunoki was investigating the case, why can't I do it when it's my turn!"

Conan, who was picked up, was full of resentment. He cursed Eri Kisaki in his heart, but his body honestly stopped agitating. At the same time, his eyes kept scanning around to see if there were any new clues or evidence.

Suddenly, he caught a glimpse of the ring flashing in Eri Kisaki's hand from the corner of his eye, and Conan was immediately delighted: "Found it! So that's how it is. Now I finally understand how the murderer committed the crime... Hehe, Hanyu Kusunoki, this time I will definitely solve the case faster than you!"

When Conan was about to use his signature skill after becoming smaller - acting cute and using a cute voice to attract everyone's attention.

An unexpected voice sounded: "Officer Megure, I think I already know who the murderer is."

"What?" Hearing Hanyu Kusunoki's words, Conan was stunned.

He had just found out the murderer's method and was about to uncover the truth.

He said he already knew who the murderer was?

Could it be that you are the real famous detective?

Noticing that everyone was looking at him in surprise, Hanyu Kusunoki slightly raised his hand and pressed it down.

Low-key, low-key, although I didn't investigate the scene much, I have a trick.

Megure Jusan walked over quickly and asked in surprise: "Hanyu, you said you know who the murderer is?"

Hiki Eri on the side also stared at Hanyu Kusunoki curiously, her beautiful eyes blinking, constantly looking him up and down.

"Yes, I know who the murderer is."


"Mr. Toyama, I watched the show for a long time. Is it good?" Hanyu Kusunoki turned his head to look at Jusan Toyama, and his expression was like looking at an irrelevant passerby.

"Ah, me?" Jusan Toyama opened his mouth wide, looked at Hanyu Kusunoki blankly, and pointed his finger at himself unconsciously.

"Yes, it's you, Mr. Toyama. "Seeing Hanyu Kusunoki nod without hesitation, although Toyama Jusan was panicked in his heart, he was even more panicked on the surface: Why don't you play by the rules?

"You, what are you talking about?" Toyama Jusan looked panicked, "You, you should at least show evidence first, right?"

"Yes, Hanyu, you said Mr. Toyama is the murderer, do you have any reasoning?" Megure Jusan waved his hand, asked his men to block the door, and then turned around and asked Hanyu Kusunoki curiously.

"Why do you have to make inferences? Can't you just show the evidence?" Hanyu Kusunoki glanced at Inspector Megure in confusion, and began to mutter in his heart: What's wrong with this, is it just a matter of following the process?

I have been led astray by a certain detective too many times, and now I subconsciously want to follow the main process of daily reasoning, right?

Conan, who was thinking about his life, subconsciously raised his head, always feeling that someone was dissing him.

"Of course." Megure Jusan awkwardly wiped the sweat that didn't exist at all, "Then Hanyu, do you have any evidence? "

Hanyu Kusunoki pointed to her nose: "Don't you smell the blood?"

Hanyu Kusunoki had wanted to say it a long time ago. It was too unscientific that no one could smell the bloody bandage on her hand.

Snap, snap, snap

"What a wonderful case-solving." Kisaki Eri clapped her hands and walked out. "Today's police and detectives only know how to analyze complex cases and solve cases with their brains, but they forget that their bodies have other most basic organs..."

Hearing Hanyu Kusunoki mention the smell of blood, Kisaki Eri reacted immediately. She sniffed with her delicate nose and knew who the murderer was.

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