The two of them were so angry.

"No, it's not right. These two people have such strong murderous intent!" Kudo Shinichi's heart tightened suddenly.

He turned around quickly, stared at Hanyu Kusunoki with sharp eyes, and asked anxiously: "Hanyu Kusunoki, did you feel it? The eyes of those two guys are full of murderous intent."

Hanyu Kusunoki also slowly retracted his gaze at this time, but a trace of doubt appeared on his face: "Hmm? I don't feel anything strange..."

However, in fact, those two people are the core members of the Black Organization-Gin and Vodka. For Hanyu Kusunoki, they are very familiar.

After all, the key development of the plot will depend on these two important characters. Only by letting Kudo Shinichi transform into Edogawa Conan can the story move forward.

Hanyu Kusunoki knew that if he wanted to obtain more spiritual resources in the future, Kudo Shinichi had to transform from a high school detective to a "grim reaper student".

And as expected, once Kudo Shinichi transformed into Edogawa Conan, the timeline of the entire world would change dramatically.

Kudo Shinichi remained silent, thinking to himself. He was slightly disappointed with Hanyu Kusunoki's observation ability. He had originally expected that this young man, who was hailed as the next generation of hope in Japan, would be able to notice something. At this moment, it seems that this uncle may be better.

"Hanyu-san, come here quickly, there is an empty seat here!" Sonoko shouted loudly while holding Xiaolan's hand.

Hanyu Kusunoki heard the voice and waved to them, and the group walked towards the target.

There are five rows of seats in the roller coaster here. In the last row sat two tall, stern-looking men, Gin and Vodka; next to them were Hanyu Kusunoki and Kudo Shinichi; further forward, in the third row sat Kotori's ex-boyfriend Kishiyama and his current girlfriend Aiko; while Sonoko and Xiaolan were arranged in the second row, which was a little closer to the front; as for the front row, that was where the girl in blue, Kotori, and her friends sat.

Accompanied by a series of "clicks", the roller coaster slowly started, and the huge iron wheels began to rotate rapidly. In an instant, the whole car rushed out like a wild horse, rushing forward at lightning speed.

"Ahhh~~~" People sitting in the car screamed in fear from time to time. Especially when the roller coaster was running at high speed and rising and falling, up and down, the extremely exciting feeling of the body hanging in the air made everyone scream through the sky.

However, just as the vehicle passed through a dark tunnel where one could not see one's hand in front of one's face, a shrill female howl suddenly came from inside!

After driving out of the tunnel, everyone looked closely and was immediately scared to death - they saw that Kishiyama, who was sitting next to Aiko, had his head disappeared without a trace, leaving only a headless corpse lying there, with blood gushing from his neck, and even a lot of blood splashed on Kudo Shinichi's clothes.

"Oh no, someone is dead! There is a murder, Xiaolan, call the police quickly!"

Kudo Shinichi's first reaction was to immediately run to the place where the accident happened, and by the way, Xiaolan was regarded as a ruthless alarm machine, without caring that Xiaolan was afraid at the moment.

Hanyu Kusunoki couldn't help shaking his head, that was the angel-like Xiaolan, if it was someone else, you would have thrown it away long ago.

Seeing Sonoko and Xiaolan hugging each other in front, Hanyu Kusunoki took the initiative to walk forward and sit down next to the two of them.

"Are you two okay? Do you want to go out and get some fresh air first?"

The big-hearted Sonoko is much better now. Although she really wants to go out with the person she likes, she still shakes her head and refuses when she sees the scared Xiaolan.

Although Xiaolan has a high combat power, she is most afraid of this kind of situation, as well as ghosts and so on.

In this situation, her combat power will drop to negative numbers.

At this moment, Sonoko is holding her in her arms and comforting her gently.

Hanyu Kusunoki is also sitting quietly beside them, accompanying the two of them, and occasionally speaking out of concern.

Although it is said that warm men are ranked behind dogs, a warm man with good looks, wealth, and superpowers is not an ordinary warm man.

That is the warm man in Wang Wei's poem, which has evolved directly into central air conditioning.

When people are most afraid, it is also the easiest time to take advantage of the situation.

In just a short while, it is obvious that Sonoko and Xiaolan have become much closer to me.

"Hanyu-san, I'm much better now. I'm sorry to have troubled you."

Xiaolan, whose face had turned redder, took the initiative to raise her head from Sonoko's arms and said to Hanyu Kusunoki

Thank you.

"It's my honor." Shaking his head, Hanyu Nan indicated that it was okay.

Seeing that Xiaolan was fine, Sonoko on the side wanted to go out with Hanyu Nan to breathe fresh air again.

As a result, seeing that Xiaolan buried her head in her arms again, Sonoko had to make a bitter face and continue to hold Xiaolan.

Hanyu Nan looked at this scene, smiled, and was about to say something.

"Ding, detect whether the spiritual energy is absorbed?"


Hearing the prompt sound of the system, Hanyu Nan also reacted. Originally, he came here to see the famous scene this time. After all, the system said that Conan must appear, and only people who died accidentally will have spiritual energy.

It seems that Kudo Shinichi must become Conan today.

However, system, are you talking nonsense? I worked hard and didn't sleep in, why did I come here?

At the same time, Hanyu Nan noticed that a soul with a head and body divided into two parts gradually emerged not far ahead. A closer look showed that it was Kishida Satoru who had been dead for a long time!

"System, just absorb it next time. This is quite scary."

While complaining to the system, he continued to stare at Kishida Satoru's soul.

In two lives, this was the first time he saw a real ghost, and it was in the form of a headless knight.

After observing for a while, seeing that the other party did not react, Hanyu Nan decided to absorb it.

If the other party was really a good person, Hanyu Nan might still feel a little guilty, but a person who dumped his girlfriend and ran to be with his girlfriend's best friend is not a good person.

He stared at Kishida Satoru's soul and said lightly: "System, absorb it."

I have no interest in understanding your love and hatred, but I will accept your soul with a smile.

Since I have absorbed your soul, I will help you bring the murderer to justice, which is also an equal exchange.

Then, I saw the soul in front of me instantly shattered.

Then it spun wildly in place, breaking up and reorganizing, and finally forming a ball of pure spiritual power.

Then it flew towards him and landed directly in his palm.

Immediately following was the system notification sound

"Ding, gain 10 points of spiritual energy."

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