CHAPTER THIRTY-TWO I dare to sign an agreement. Do you dare to say anything about a marriage certificate

"Come to my house after work."

Xing Biao touched his face. Damn, he only remembered the first half of the sentence, how could he continue to be happy about it?

Don't even mention the chattering of the ladies. F * ck, who didn't love their wives? All of them treated that couple as their ancestors right now.

He carried a bag of food and ran back to Su Mo's house happily. Auntie Su pointed to the room.

"It has been a day since I left the house. I don't know what I am doing. and I heard the sound of a computer going off. "

"Are we going to have to prepare? His leg is still injured, so we can't go."

"Who knows? You're trying to persuade him not to work."

"Yes, mom, I have many things I need to discuss with you about this marriage. There are so many relatives and friends going to our family, should we take a photo of this wedding? What kind of car would be used to escort the bride? We have to settle all of these."

"I don't have many relatives at home. Talk to Little Mo about the wedding photos. The rest is up to you. "

"I'll see to it."

The family didn't say anything, so they didn't have any harsh requirements.

Thinking of Su Mo, he quickly opened the door and went to see Su Mo after saying a few words.

Su Mo leaned on his bed, with a few sheets of paper on his knees, smoking, who knows what he was thinking, and frowning.


Xing Biao greeted with a grin. Su Mo acknowledged and straightened the chair beside the bed.

"Sit over there, I have something to tell you."

"What's the matter? Look serious."

This was the clause that he came up with after racking his brains without resting at all. He would modify it to make sure that there were no injustices to be had before he brought Xing Biao here. Signing an agreement.

"No rules and no limits, no binding marriages will find excuses to mess around. Marriage wasn't child's play. Since they decided to live together, it would be better to explain the rules. I don't want to quarrel and say I'm sorry later. "

"The rules above restrict each other. What can be done and couldn't be done can be explained in detail, and the corresponding punishment system can be found as well." Before going against that, think about the price you have to pay, which is the best way to avoid a fight. "

Xing Biao looked at the few pieces of paper that Su Mo had passed to him.

Damn, it really was an agreement. The article was three pages long.

"First, extramarital affairs are forbidden. If there is a third party on one side, then he or she will go out.

Secondly, they must not obstruct the work of both parties, refrain from pointing fingers at each other's work and support each other's work.

Third, property is open to public and private property is not allowed. Each person pays 20% of their salary as a living expenses. The property of both parties must be used rationally and must not be squandered. If one party uses the property, it must be negotiated by both parties. If the other party disagrees, the other party may not misappropriate the property without authorization.

Fourthly, it will not hinder the friendship between the two parties. Don't be paranoid.

Fifth, filial piety, not because of not biological parents neglect, complaints.

Sixth, he must not interfere with the other party's personal time.

Seventh, take care of the other party, not neglect him and treat him as a guest. They would discuss important matters together and would not speak a single word.

Eighth, not to accept illegitimate children, both parties have illegitimate children outside the marriage, the dissolution of the marriage, clean out of the family.

Ninth, always remember that you can't act rashly when you already have a family. If his life was in danger, he could transfer the property to the other party in advance and ensure that the other party could live a safe life.

"Tenth, you can't insult and beat your partner, one curse, fine a year's salary, two curses, one beat, get rid of your marriage, and get out of the house."

Xing Biao read out the top 10, there were still 20, going so far as to drag the clothes to the floor, whoever wanted to wash the clothes, you can't just throw your jacket on the sofa, you can't throw your smelly socks, you can't smoke on the bed, if you overspend, you can't afford to pay in advance. Anyone who cooked had to wash the dishes. They had to go home at what time. If they didn't go home, they had to call ahead of time to tell them what they were doing there. If they were to go home, they had to clean the room the next day and pay a fine. Attack each other without insulting words, do not make a loud noise at home, friends try not to bring home, keep quiet space. They did not force the other party to join their circle of friends, and each of them did not interfere with the other party's business. They could not complain behind the other party's back, criticize him, distort the truth, and do things that would damage the other party's image. Always remember to be married, away from any man or woman.

There were three pages in total, and the content was very detailed.

Xing Biao grinned. These things were even more serious than the law. He was confused by the thirty-something content of the book.

"That's too strict. Who can do that? After work, he would just throw his coat on the sofa and sit there, then he wouldn't even bother to get up. That's not possible."

"Maintaining a clean and tidy home is a must, is it like returning to the Dumpster after work?"

"Don't I have a cleaner? Just keep it clean. Besides, who doesn't want to relax when they get home? Home was a place to relax. "It's waiting outside. So what if I get home?"

"A cultivated person will maintain his best demeanor even if he is alone. Once you've gotten used to it, you will naturally have a good habit. "

"You can even do it."

I don't believe that even these Su Mo can do it!

Su Mo snorted.

"If I can't do it, can I set it up?"

Xing Biao repeatedly looked at the agreement and slapped his thigh.

"Did you set this up just for me?"

"At least you're smart."

Mn, yes, it was specifically set for Xing Biao. These thirty rules, each one was meant to restrain Xing Biao. Who told him to have such an unsightly view of his profession and tasks?

"I've said it before, if you marry me, you'll be in my hands. I won't let you live a comfortable life."

Su Mo laughed complacently, he raised his chin and looked at Xing Biao, scratching his ears and cheeks, hmph, since he said that it was not good for Xing Biao to fall into his hands, then from these rules, I will give him the Tightening Curse. Let him know, the Lawyer Su was not someone that he could afford to offend.

"If you're scared, cancel the engagement."

"Fuck, isn't your purpose not to marry me? I'm not afraid of you. If there are 60 more, I won't be afraid. Restraint me as well as you, I am not a scared person. I will sign as soon as I sign, who is afraid of me? I dare to sign this agreement. Do you dare to talk to me about a marriage certificate? "

Xing Biao had matched up against Su Mo, do you dare? Do you dare to pull a marriage certificate?

"Afraid of you. "If you sign, we'll get justice from the notary's office. I'll go with you to the Civil Affairs Bureau to get a marriage certificate."

If you play, I'll fight you. Who's afraid of who?

"You said that?"

"I did."

"It's a deal, isn't it? See if there's anything to add. In case it's fair, you'll regret it. "

"It's all yours, home is your car, money is yours, I'm all yours."

Xing Biao was delighted, without saying a word, he took the pen and quickly signed his name.

Su Mo also signed his name.

"Let's go and prove our marriage."

Briefly getting married was really loving at first sight, but at the same time, it also meant getting married at second sight.

With the red marriage certificate in his hands, Xing Biao laughed like a fool.

He looked at his wife, who was only one step away from getting married.

They were legal husbands, legal witnesses, and someone dared to seduce him, slapping him twice, pointing at his nose, seducing my wife to slap you to death, our legal, incriminating, legally protected.

Su Mo's attention was not on the marriage certificate, he shook the agreement he made with the notary in the notary's office, this was also protected by the law and it was already in effect. Heh heh, if he dared to violate one of the rules, he would get the hell out of here as soon as possible.

Today, we will start to work. Comrades, darlings, let's start with 3000 sweets to eat. How many PVP will increase, I will have even more. Come on, go, get up! Collecting branches, don't just carelessly go up, today's update is limitless.

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