The old man was very sad, but the old man was very happy.

Kang Tuan felt more sorry for Shi Guo.

In his impression, Shi Guo was the most powerful soldier and the best squad leader. He had trained many excellent soldiers. The most important thing was that he was absolutely loyal to the country!

As for his impression of Chen Jun, he had always been a useless soldier. At that time, in the recruit company, He Chenguang, Wang Yanbing and others went to the fourth sharpshooter company. Even the fat soldier like Li Erniu went to the cooking squad of the fourth sharpshooter company. The other soldiers were assigned to the not-so-bad companies. Only Chen Jun, a young master soldier, was not accepted by any company.

He couldn't go back, so after discussion, the company prepared to send him to the logistics pig farm to raise pigs.

Finally, it was Shi Guo who pleaded with the company, and then he followed Shi Guo to Area 1.

If it weren't for Shi Guo, Chen Jun, a soldier, would only have the opportunity to perform in the pig farm. Of course, Kang Tuan's view of Chen Jun has changed now.

Chen Jun is loyal and righteous. In order to avenge Shi Guo, the squad leader, he took off his military uniform and risked his life to chase the enemy.

For a whole month, he fought against the militants alone in the wilderness jungle.

How many new recruits can catch up with such courage and bravery?

Shi Guo's vision is not wrong!

Both of them fell silent at this time. Chen Jun felt extremely heavy. What happened at that time was vivid, but he had no way to deal with it.

At this time, someone pushed the door in.

"Captain Kang, Chen Jun is not a soldier of your Iron Fist Regiment now, he is a soldier of our border defense."

Kang Tuan hurriedly turned to look at the voice, and a thin and capable officer stood in front of him.

The other party saluted Kang Tuan.

This is You Junda, the commander of the Sixth Company of the Border Defense Regiment. He had been to Chen Jun's home to give his parents a "relic".

Kang Tuan saluted in return: "Not now, but once, I was a soldier of my Iron Fist Regiment."

You Lian did not argue with Kang Tuan about this, and turned to Chen Jun and said: "Comrade Chen Jun, how do you feel now?"

Chen Jun wanted to salute, but he was also stopped by him: "Don't move, just lie down."

"Yes, Captain."

You Lian looked at Chen Jun, who was wrapped in gauze, with a look of horror in his eyes. It was a miracle that he could come back alive.

No one believed that Chen Jun could come back intact.

"Langya has prepared a special report for you. In this operation in Area 1, you killed 20 enemies and helped Langya to wipe out the militants' hideout in the final operation. You are a hero of our Border Defense Regiment."

"Chen Jun, after the Border Defense Research and approval by the superiors, you will be awarded a second-class individual merit and promoted to the rank of second lieutenant. You can return to the Border Defense Regiment and directly serve as a platoon leader, or even promoted to company commander."

Kang Tuan's heart trembled slightly.

So fierce!

What he cared about was not the commendation given to Chen Jun by the Border Defense Regiment, but the fact that Chen Jun killed 20 militants alone.

20 people, equivalent to two squads of people. Chen Jun was once a new recruit who was at the bottom of everything, but he had such a big change in just one month. It was incredible.

With such a record, even special forces soldiers may not have it!

Kang Tuan received the news from Langya, but he didn't know it was so detailed.

When a person is stimulated, he can actually burst out such a powerful potential. This reminds Kang Tuan of a person, the art soldier Lei Keming!

This is a legendary figure in the army. Chen Jun's current situation is surprisingly similar to his experience.

At the beginning, no one thought that an art soldier, after knowing that the leader who valued him had died, would not say a word, but rushed into the enemy's position in the middle of the night, killing dozens of people, and blowing up the enemy's arsenal. Finally, he cut off the head of the enemy leader for memorial.

Didn't Chen Jun also create such a miracle.

Kang Tuan and You Junda both looked at Chen Jun, especially You Junda looked at Chen Jun with more disbelief in his eyes. He knew Chen Jun's other identity. His father was the richest man in Donghai City and had countless assets.

Such a super rich second generation who had no worries about food and clothing, who would have thought that he would become a combat hero.

At this time, there was no smile on Chen Jun's face. You Junda couldn't help but sigh. He could understand Chen Jun's thoughts.

If it were him, he would rather not have these honors if he could get his squad leader's legs back.

But now this situation is the best result. His squad leader is still alive, and Chen Jun is also alive.

You Junda gently patted Chen Jun's shoulder and said, "You are a good soldier, you value friendship, come back to our side

Let's defend, we will continue to fight together, and we will continue to move forward according to your squad leader's will. "

Kang Tuan reacted and said hurriedly: "Chen Jun, go back to the Iron Fist Group, which used to be your home. I will give you a better position and the best training. You can become a member of the Sharpshooter Company 4. Don't you want to become a special forces soldier? That is the cradle of special forces soldiers and a necessary stage. "

"I remember you told your squad leader that you want to become a special forces soldier, let those who once looked down on you see your changes, teach them a lesson, let them know that people can change! "

You Junda's mouth twitched slightly. When did Kang Tuan become so stupid?

How did the Iron Fist Group become Chen Jun's former home?

If it weren't for squad leader Shi Guo pulling Chen Jun, he would probably still be raising pigs in the logistics department. How could he become a combat hero?

However, the conditions offered by Kang Tuan are indeed very attractive, becoming a special forces soldier!

You Junda said: "Chen Jun, there are also people in our border defense group who can become special forces soldiers, and once they become special forces soldiers, they will be the most elite soldiers!"

Suddenly, both of them looked at Chen Jun with expectation.

Soldiers like Chen Jun must be fought for. Not to mention whether he can exert strong combat effectiveness in the future, the positive impact he brings to the troops alone is difficult to estimate.

And they believe that Chen Jun will only become stronger and stronger after this transformation.

Chen Jun smiled bitterly in his heart. Who would have thought that the useless soldiers who no one wanted a month ago, a month later, a regiment commander and a company commander actually came to scramble for them in person.

"Squad leader, did you see it? Or you have vision. "

Chen Jun thought for a moment and said, "Captain Kang, Captain You, thank you for your attention to me. I am very grateful. In the past, only the squad leader believed that I would definitely become a good soldier. Now that you are here, if the squad leader knew, he would be very happy. The soldiers he led have finally made it."

"However, I will not make a decision for the time being, but there is one thing I am sure of. I will eventually join the special forces and the commando team. I want to tell them that they cannot be sloppy in carrying out their missions, and they cannot wait to locate and strike, or call for support!"

Captain Kang and You Junda looked at each other, and both showed a hint of surprise in their eyes.

This kid is so arrogant!

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