The old man was very angry, but he was still alive.

Lei Keming looked at Chen Jun.

"You should know me. I respect my old squad leader very much, just like you, but you are luckier than me because your squad leader is still alive, at least at this moment, and more than ten years ago, I personally took back my squad leader's head from the enemy, so I can understand your mood now."

Chen Jun sat quietly, looking at the closed door of the emergency room.

"When I joined the army, the squad leader had been in the army for ten years. At that time, I was still a waste. I drew the army map every day, thinking about how to escape from the army, go back to inherit the assets, and live a miserable life. I felt that the colorful life was what I wanted."

"The squad leader told me that he brought many new soldiers, and I was the most talented and passionate one. Because a soldier who doesn't want to be a deserter is not a good soldier, and a soldier who is a deserter and can't draw an escape map is not a good soldier either, so he insisted that I was a good soldier."

"It does sound funny now, but people are like this. The squad leader said it to me many times, and I naturally believed it. So slowly, I felt that I was a good soldier, and I no longer thought about it. I didn't think about how to escape, but how to draw a good map and improve my skills. "

"Because I am a good soldier, if I leave like this, I feel so sorry for the squad leader."

"My thoughts at that time were really simple, but it was this thought that prevented me from becoming a deserter."

"The squad leader told me that his parents were both rural people, facing the loess and back to the sky, relying on their hard-working hands to slowly raise him. The country gave them land so that they would not worry about food and clothing."

"So when he grew up, his parents asked him to join the army, saying that he wanted to protect his country and his land."

"The squad leader said that he could not stay in the army forever, and sooner or later he would retire, so who would he hand over the steel gun to in the future? It must be given to a good soldier like me, so I must persevere, don't be discouraged, and don't give up. "

"The squad leader also told me that he has a childhood sweetheart, her name is Wang Mei, who is willing to wait until he retires and comes back. The most passionate emotions should be given to the man you have chosen, and no one can change it. "

"Chen Jun, when you are a soldier, you should give your most passionate emotions to the country, so as not to disgrace the military uniform you wear. "

"But after three months of recruits, I still can't prove that I am a good soldier. I am the last in all assessments and have become a waste soldier in the eyes of my comrades. The company commander is going to send me to raise pigs, but the squad leader told me that a real good soldier needs a chance to show his strength. platform, so he wanted to take me to the most difficult place, the No. 1 area outpost to guard the country. "

"That place is the most dangerous place. There are wars all year round, and war can make a soldier grow up quickly. I went there because I believed what the squad leader told me, that I would be a good soldier."

"Later, our squad 3 was attacked, but I still couldn't prove that I was a good soldier. They all died, and the squad leader was disabled. Later... there was no more, there was no more story about the squad leader."

"This is the story of me and the squad leader in the barracks. In his eyes, I have always been a good soldier, but I know..."

Chen Jun couldn't say any more. His eyes turned red and tears rolled in his eyes.

Lei Keming continued, "You are a good soldier. You, who were once considered a useless soldier by others, smeared your face with oil paint, took off your military uniform, wandered in the dark with a dagger, killed the enemy, and became a famous ghost in the gray area."

"In this regard, you are crazier than me. I killed for one night, but you killed for 30 days and didn't come back. You are much better than those useless people in Langya. They deserve to raise pigs. The passion in them is not even as good as that of pigs!"

"Pigs know how to jump out of the pigsty, but they only know how to defend their own three-point land. They say that I, Lei Keming, am the most insidious commander, because their pattern is not enough. The insidious enemy is a passionate warrior who is not afraid of death and does not play by the rules."

"Chen Jun, I know why you beheaded me during the exercise."

Lei Keming has been unable to find the answer. With his arrangement in the exercise, it is impossible for anyone to break through, but Chen Jun came from behind.

He didn't understand why Chen Jun could do it, but now he knows.

Chen Jun did not speak again, remaining silent, waiting in silence.

Lei Keming did not say anything more. Chen Jun was in a very unstable mood.

The root of the problem lies with Shi Guo.

If Shi Guo survives, everything will be fine. If he can't hold on, Chen Jun will definitely go crazy and do anything. The consequence is that his military career is completely over!

It was 5:30 in the afternoon, the sky was dark, and it was almost dusk.

At this moment, in the Lei Ting Dance Hall, singing and dancing were prosperous, the lights were bright, and the atmosphere was extremely lively.

In the most lively corner, a man about the same age as Shi Guo was surrounded by a group of men and women, drinking and having fun, so happy!

The man wore tinted glasses and was very comfortable. He enjoyed this kind of life.

After a while, a man hurried over and leaned next to the man with tinted glasses, saying: "Boss, Jin Gou was caught, but he crippled Shi Guo. The disabled man entered CIP for rescue, and it is likely that he will not be rescued."

"Just now I asked in the hospital, Shi Guo's wife was too emotional and might have a miscarriage."

The man with tinted glasses said "hmm", his expression was very calm, as if he heard something that had nothing to do with him, and then put down the wine glass, and a young woman next to him immediately filled it up for him.

"After the incident is over, get Jin Gou out, we have legal procedures for the construction site, flatten it for me, move quickly, don't worry about anything else." The man with tinted glasses said in a deep voice.

The reporting man said with a hint of difficulty: "Boss, the problem now is that news has leaked that Shi Guo is a hero of the army. The villagers all know about it. The situation has become serious. Everyone has spontaneously protected him at his home. Our people can't move at all."

The man with tinted glasses frowned, with a hint of hatred in his eyes, and said coldly: "Those untouchables want to harm me, right? Find a few rebellious people and spread the news that it is fake. In a few days, they will disperse."

"Also, keep an eye on the hospital for me. Report to me immediately if there is any situation."

The reporting man's eyes lit up, and he hurriedly complimented: "Boss, you are wise, boss, you are wise, I will arrange how those country bumpkins can fight you."

At this moment, the roar of the propeller of the armed helicopter sounded above the Thunder Ballroom.

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