The police officer was very angry.

As soon as Kang Tuan sat down, Tang Tianhao stood up and turned on the video.

On the huge screen in the conference room, Chen Jun could be seen disguised as a local boss and crippled the developer Bi Dongliu in front of many people.

This is very bad and a serious violation of discipline.

He Zhijun couldn't help but sigh: "He is still too young and too impulsive."

He is very optimistic about Chen Jun as a soldier, but his impulsiveness is also what he is most worried about.

This is a double-edged sword. If used well, it will kill the enemy quickly, but if used poorly, it will hurt others and yourself.

Judging from the current situation, this alone is enough to sentence Chen Jun severely.

The patrol team called several relevant persons in charge to a meeting just to define the matter.

He Zhijun is on Chen Jun's side. If he handles it, after everything is cleared up, it is necessary to put Chen Jun in solitary confinement for a few days. As for other things, it depends on how the local authorities deal with the injured and the requirements put forward by the other party.

But no matter what, Chen Jun must be saved.

Not to mention Kang Tuan. If he handles it, he probably won't even put him in solitary confinement.

As he said just now, he himself will lead the troops.

If Gong Jian hadn't privately detained Kang Tuan and asked Langya for help, Kang Tuan would probably still be in Leicheng now.

Tang Tianhao turned to look at Gao Shiwei and said, "Chief, what do you think?"

Gao Shiwei was silent for a moment, then said, "We don't know the reason, we only see this result. Chen Jun's squad leader is a combat hero, but he rejected the hero's application, so the local people don't know that he is a hero."

"Of course, Chen Jun's behavior is impulsive, but there must be a reason. You can ask him first what the reason is. It's not too late to conduct a trial. People like Scorpion can't kill him. I don't want to see my own people kill my most talented soldiers."

"This is the pain of the relatives, and the joy of the enemies."

Tang Tianhao couldn't help twitching his mouth when he heard this.

This is biased, very obvious!

"In any case, Chen Jun can be convicted based on this video. It's not too late to conduct a trial. He is a soldier. Not only does he discredit his own people, but he also enforces the law across regions. Who do you think he is? Too presumptuous!" Tang Tianhao said heavily.

This sentence is very weighty and very heartbreaking.

No matter what era or country, cross-regional law enforcement without any approval is the biggest taboo.

Chen Jun also openly abused private actions, causing a strong reaction in society and very serious consequences.

In the past, he could have been shot directly!

Gao Shiwei said: "Soldiers must first be brave. His squad leader was beaten to death. If the local department was strong, such a thing would not have happened. Old Tang, don't be so arbitrary. Don't forget that Fang Tangjing of your patrol team is not even qualified to raise pigs."

"Look at both sides of everything, and don't just look at one result. This often leads to biased handling."

Tang Tianhao is about the same age as Gao Shiwei, and his level is about the same. He is mainly responsible for discipline inspection and is qualified to challenge Gao Shiwei, but Gao Shiwei is a well-known hawk. If the other party breaks up, he can only be a woman with bound feet.

Hearing Gao Shiwei's words, Tang Tianhao couldn't help but complain in his heart: "Damn, is Chen Jun the illegitimate son of General Gao? Why do you support him so much?"

Indeed, such an obvious violation of discipline does not need to be investigated too much, and it can be directly judged.

But Gao Shiwei suppressed it. He must investigate it first, and then investigate the reasons. What if it is clear?

The two cannot offset each other at all!

Tang Tianhao didn't understand, but He Zhijun and Kang Tuan knew why Gao Shiwei did this. This is to value talents.

Chen Jun is a very good seedling with great potential. Gao Shiwei values ​​him very much!

If his military career is ruined because of such a thing, it is a loss for the army.

Facing such a scum, any soldier with blood will not be indifferent, so he needs to figure out everything, and then consider how to deal with Chen Jun based on this.

Legal principles are nothing more than human feelings!

Tang Tianhao was silent for a long time, and said: "After the meeting, I will go to Leicheng in person."

Leicheng, in the central square, a little girl walked up to Chen Jun, who was wearing a military uniform, holding a balloon, handed the balloon to him, raised her head, and said: "Brother, are you a soldier? You look so sad, I'll give this to you."

Chen Jun didn't take it, his face was

He tried to smile, gently touched the little girl's head, and tried to squeeze out a smile, saying: "Brother is a soldier, I just thought of my comrades, no sadness."

The little girl patted her chest and said: "My parents said that the soldier brother is not afraid of bloodshed, not afraid of sacrifice to protect us, now I can also protect you, have you seen the news? Many people protected a wounded soldier, I want to be one of them..."

Her childish voice kept murmuring in Chen Jun's ear, like a lark.

Chen Jun smiled from time to time, obviously what she said was exactly the rescue of Shi Guo.

This matter has spread quickly in the local area.

"Brother, if you have anything unhappy, tell me, I will play with you, so you will be happy, I will give you this balloon to play with."

The little girl showed two little rabbit teeth, and her big watery eyes made people look very happy.

"Brother is in a good mood now, thank you." Chen Jun smiled.

After all, there are still more good people in this society. As for those termites, as many as they are found, the society will definitely become better.

Not long after, a military vehicle stopped beside the square, and two law enforcers walked quickly towards Chen Jun.

The two walked up to Chen Jun, their faces were cold, and one of them said: "Are you Chen Jun?"

Chen Jun said: "It's me."

"Come with us." The law enforcer said indifferently.

After the two confirmed Chen Jun's identity, they immediately took out handcuffs and wanted to detain Chen Jun.

The little girl immediately became anxious, hurriedly let go of the balloon, ran over and tried to pry the hands of the two law enforcers, shouting: "He is not a bad guy, bad guys don't cry, don't take him away, I want to protect him!"

The two law enforcers were stunned. They didn't expect that a little girl who didn't know him would speak for him.


Chen Jun smiled slightly, waved to the little girl, and said: "Little sister, they are not bad people either. Brother just went to explain some things to them and will be back soon. Goodbye, thank you for your protection."

After that, Chen Jun walked towards the military vehicle.

The two law enforcers were stunned here, looking at me and me looking at you.

Is this the demon that the boss mentioned, impersonating him to beat people? It doesn't seem like it!

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