After the wedding, the two of them went to the hotel.

Chen Jun and An Ran left together, and then they found a place to eat together, and then walked the streets, went shopping, and finally checked into a hotel like a normal couple.

Everything seemed very natural, natural and natural.

After all, the relationship between Chen Jun and An Ran was there, and before that, the two of them had the idea of ​​getting along well for two years and getting to know each other from all aspects.

Today, Chen Jun was too emotional.

The matter of the squad leader seriously stimulated Chen Jun's emotions, making him feel a little numb, otherwise he would not have done something that even Tang Tianhao dared to do.

Living a peaceful life with An Ran as an ordinary person again calmed Chen Jun's mood a lot.

In the room, there were only Chen Jun and An Ran.

Turning on the TV eased the dull atmosphere a little.

After An Ran finished her shower, she looked at Chen Jun standing on the balcony and looking at him in the distance and said, "Chen Jun, let's be husband and wife. You know, I've liked you for more than two or three days. You saved me when I was a child. Since then, you've planted a seed in my heart that can't be erased."

"At that time, you may not realize it, and of course I didn't realize it either. It was just a hazy feeling, but when I came into contact with you again, I found that the seed suddenly turned into a spring and erupted. I couldn't control it, just like an underground volcano erupting."

When this sentence came out, An Ran's heart was pounding, and she gritted her teeth and continued, "The psychological trauma of the battlefield can be treated with emotions. I can, and you can too."

Chen Jun turned and looked at An Ran.

At this moment, An Ran was wearing pajamas, with graceful curves. Because of regular exercise, her body was soft and delicate, giving men a strong visual impact.

In the conference room, Chen Jun felt it when he hugged her.

When An Ran wore a military uniform, she was heroic and brave, and she was as good as a man. However, she was also a woman, already mature, and she exuded the amazing charm of a mature woman.

Of course, only Chen Jun could see this side of An Ran.

Chen Jun just looked at An Ran quietly, without saying a word, and didn't know what to say. It seemed that no matter what he said now, it would be inappropriate.

Seeing Chen Jun staring at her like this, without saying anything or moving, An Ran couldn't stand his gaze, so she took the initiative to walk to his side, pulled him into the room, and sat down.

She held Chen Jun's hand, looked at him calmly and said, "I want to heal your psychological trauma, Chen Jun, the sacrifice of your comrades is still stimulating you and affecting you. If you don't channel it and completely resolve it, it will continue to affect you, and it will become more and more serious as time goes by. If something similar happens again, you won't even be able to control yourself and kill people."

"If this happens, it won't be as simple as it was today. At that time, no one can save you. Relax, I'll tell you slowly."

As she said that, An Ran hugged Chen Jun and wrapped him in her warmth.

"I know your family is very rich, the richest man in Donghai City." An Ran said.

Chen Jun shook his head and said, "Why do you say that?"

An Ran said, "I thought about it, and some people must have guessed that I suddenly married you because I was attracted by your family background. In fact, my family is in Shanghai, and I am also a rich second-generation. The An family is not much worse than your Chen family, but I never said it, and Lei Zhan didn't know it either."

"I told you this, I don't want to have any reservations from you. I can feel that because of the sacrifice of your comrades, you have lost your sense of security, including your feelings, right?"

Chen Jun only knew that the Chen family and the An family had a close relationship. As for the background of the An family, he had not investigated it, and there was no need to do so.

As for the information about An Ran in the original drama, after Chen Jun traveled through it, there should have been some subtle changes, which were different from the original.

In fact, to put it bluntly, Chen Jun didn't have much in mind for An Ran before.

If it weren't for the arrangement of fate, they wouldn't have lived in the same room after several consecutive interactions.

At this time, Chen Jun's psychology was indeed very complicated, with an indescribable feeling.

Chen Jun nodded and said, "I'm afraid of myself. I don't know when I will fall down and never get up again. Modern war is just a matter of a bullet."

After experiencing several life-and-death battles, Chen Jun can't say that he doesn't care about life, but at least he can be very calm when facing death.


Ran hugged Chen Jun tightly and said, "I tell you this to tell you that I am not afraid. Few soldiers remarry, and I, An Ran, will not. Instead of worrying about all kinds of things, it is better to enjoy love. You may not know that I have always been afraid of not finding you. You have forgotten many things and may not know who I am. So I have always been keeping my pursuit of Lei Zhan, hoping that one day you will appear in front of me."

"Until you appeared in front of me again and saved me again. This is the arrangement of fate. It is destined to let the two of us be together. You have no sense of security about yourself, and I am also an insecure person."

"But when you stand in front of me, I have an indescribable sense of security. A woman needs a sense of security. I have never had this feeling before, and I don't want to lose it again."

An Ran hugged Chen Jun's strong shoulders with both hands, feeling the strong breath of the man.

This rushing breath made An Ran feel that her heartbeat was gradually accelerating and the blood in her body was getting hot.

She couldn't control herself.

"Chen Jun, I don't want to go on like this. If you help me, I will help you take that step." An Ran lowered her voice and pressed her heart against Chen Jun's chest.

Chen Jun is not a wooden man, nor a cold-blooded animal.

He can feel An Ran's love for him. When a woman presents herself to a man without reservation, this itself already shows everything.

Chen Jun's originally stiff body began to heat up.

"An Ran, have you thought about it?" Chen Jun said.

An Ran turned her head and looked at Chen Jun closely.

Her eyes were full of love, without any other things. In her eyes, there was only Chen Jun.


An Ran blocked Chen Jun's mouth...

That night, An Ran became Huo Ran, then M Ran, then Z Ran, then U Ran, and finally Shui Ran, completing the transformation of a real woman.

Chen Jun, the iron-blooded warrior, experienced complex and diverse changes in his life. The trauma in his heart gradually subsided under his rich life experience.

Boys, only by experiencing actual combat can you become a calm and responsible man, and a true warrior!

PS: If you give more rewards, the author's wallet will become an M bag, a Z bag, or a U bag...

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