The old man was very happy.

"It's just that my ability is a little special. I don't have the ability to build a ship."

After hearing what Pagaya said, Bai Ye waved his hand and explained.

This is indeed the truth.

After knowing the principle of Wei Ba, Bai Ye used the refining technique in the interior of [Daomen Ji Lu] to refine a batch of Wei Ba, ice skates and skateboards.

The material is naturally made of special metal, and the power is also the spiritual energy enhanced version of Feng Bei.

Fortunately, these things are not complicated, so Bai Ye only took a short time to refine them.

After hearing Bai Ye's words, Pagaya didn't say much, but turned to look at the others, and said with some emotion:

"It took me ten years to learn how to drive the Viper, and I'm still a little unskilled now."

"I didn't expect everyone to have such high talent. These two guys can even master the use of ice skates."

Pagaya looked at Zoro and Sanji gliding steadily on the white sea, and said with envy.

"As for Miss Nami, she can only be described as a genius!"

After seeing Nami riding a skateboard and even being able to follow the waves to perform difficult moves, Pagaya still couldn't hide his shock.

"But Luffy, this talent makes me feel much more normal."

Looking at Luffy being carried by Nami, Pagaya couldn't help but nodded, and felt better.


Bai Ye wanted to laugh when he heard Pagaya's evaluation, but he held it back.

He also felt a little strange. Why did Luffy have no talent in this area?

"Speaking of which, I have some doubts."

Pagaya suddenly asked Bai Ye:

"Are you too anxious to learn how to drive the Vibrator?"

"It always gives people the illusion that you will use it soon."

Hearing this, Bai Ye's mouth slightly raised and said with a smile:

"It's about right. After all, we still have something important to do today."


"Quick, everyone gather!!!"

The streets of Angel Island Town suddenly heard a sound of gathering.

Then, there were waves of hurried and neat footsteps.

Soon, teams of soldiers wearing purple uniforms and white berets gathered on the street.


Connies, who was shopping with Robin and others, showed a puzzled expression:

"Did something big happen today?"

"Connies, what's wrong?"

Chopper, who was holding a [Sky Island Edition Marshmallow] in his hand, saw that Connies's expression was not right, and asked:

"Who are these guys?"

"They are the White Beret Troops of the Kingdom of God, and they are also the most common law enforcers."

Connies explained:

"Generally, they will deal with criminals who have committed low-level crimes."


Connies looked at the troops in front of her who were ready for battle, and said uncertainly:

"I have never seen these people with such a big posture."

"Even if there are stowaways making trouble in Sky Island, they will not show such an expression."

"Could it be..."

At this moment, McKinley, the captain of the White Beret Troops, who was standing at the front of the team, spoke:


He first posed a similar posture and shouted.

Then he said:

"God's instructions, we have to rush to the west of the town as soon as possible, there are enemies invading there."

"Who are the enemies, sir, do we need to mobilize all the troops?"

A voice sounded in the team, asking McKinley.

"Shut up! This is God's instructions!"

McKinley scolded first, then said:

"Listen carefully, the invader this time is from this kingdom of God--"

"The former God Gan Ful!"

"Now, everyone is going!!!"


At this time, Merry, who was also holding a marshmallow, pulled Robin's hand and said:

"Robin, aren't these people very anxious? Then why are they crawling forward?"

Looking at the white beret troops crawling in front of him, Merry was shocked.

Robin just helped Merry wipe his mouth and didn't say much.

"Gan Ful?"

Connis showed a somewhat surprised expression and couldn't help muttering to herself:

"Are you coming back, Lord God?"

At the same time, the God that Connis was talking about was chatting with Usopp on the west side of Angel Island.

"Although it's a bit strange to say now

It's strange, but I still have to say it. "

Gan Fowl looked at Usopp and said seriously:

"I am very grateful for your help."


Seeing Gan Fowl's grateful look, Usopp couldn't help but lift his tail to the sky again.

"Don't worry, I will take back the Kingdom of God! ! ! "

"I am a pirate with a bounty of 30 million! ! ! "

Usopp rubbed his nose and said arrogantly.

"30 million! ! Bailey?"

Hearing Usopp's words, Gan Fowl couldn't help but exclaimed:

"If converted into Aegus coins, isn't it 300 billion? ! ! ! "

Obviously, he was frightened by this astronomical figure.

And, pirates?

Gan Fore couldn't help but think of the pirates he had encountered 20 years ago.

The captain seemed to be called Roger, right?

"They look a lot like you, Roger."

Gan Fore couldn't help muttering to himself.

He looked at the other side of Angel Island, where the entrance to the Kingdom of God was.

"According to the time, they should have taken action."



At this moment, Pagaya on the beach of Angel Island was suddenly frightened by a loud noise.

Turning his head to look in the direction of the sound, there was a huge skull in the sky that should have been empty.

A skull wearing a straw hat.

"This, it seems..."

Pagaya turned his head to look at Bai Ye and others as if he had thought of something.

At this moment, these people also saw the fireworks in the sky.

"Is it a signal? "

Zoro asked.

"That should be right. Calculating the time, it should be this time."

Sanji lit his cigarette and said.

"Then, let's go."

Bai Ye nodded, and then shouted to Luffy who was about to ride Vibran out to sea again:

"Hey, Luffy! ! We should go!"


What people didn't expect was that Luffy refused with a hideous face.

At this time, he was staring at Vibran under his feet, gritting his teeth and saying:

"I must learn it!!!"

Bai Ye, Zoro and Sanji:...Is this guy an idiot?

Fortunately, Bai Ye had already had a response plan.

He pretended to say casually:

"Is that so? Then the three of us have to go to that [forbidden place with countless gold, but absolutely not allowed to be set foot on]."


"Absolutely no one is allowed to set foot on it! !”

“Forbidden Land!!!”

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