The old man was very upset.

Lao Hei looked miserable, and he felt so wronged.

"This... you can't blame me. After I received your notice, I went to pick him up as soon as possible, but when I got there, he left early. I heard that he went to the Civil Affairs Bureau, so I chased him immediately, but when I got there, he was gone."

"I'm always one step behind, not because I'm slow, but because that guy moves too fast. What can I do? Moreover, when I was at the Civil Affairs Bureau, I heard that he and An Ran had registered their marriage, and that guy was leaving the hospital early to get married."

When he said this, Lao Hei was a little envious.

An Ran is a cuckold in the army. The people who are thinking about her can form a reinforced company, including the Langya Special Forces. There are people who admire her.

Kang Lei was stunned for a moment and said, "You also said that he and An Ran are married?"

Lao Hei nodded and said, "Anyway, that's what the staff of the Civil Affairs Bureau said. If this guy is not married, why would he go to the Civil Affairs Bureau?"

Kang Lei muttered, "This guy is good. He acted so quickly. It's only been a month. , he actually let him pick the flower of Violet. Awesome. Gong Jian was interested in her at the beginning. I introduced my cousin to him, but he was not interested. This time he gave up. Very good, very good. "

As he said, his face darkened, staring at Lao Hei and said, "This is your excuse. Why didn't you drive faster? Don't you think he is still a waste? I tell you, Chen Jun is An Ran's savior, the ghost in the gray area of ​​Area 1."

"He is now very famous. Let me tell you, in the last battle, he single-handedly rescued An Ran from the militants and killed 20 militants. Don't stay when he is the last one. There are so many people vying for him now."

"If I hadn't run to the hospital to play the emotional card again and again, do you think he would agree to come to our Iron Fist Group?"

Lao Hei's heart trembled suddenly, and he looked at Kang Lei in surprise and said, "Chief, is it true?"

This news sounds more fantastic than Chen Jun marrying An Ran.

Did that guy cheat? Lao Hei was in charge of recruit training and knew Chen Jun's strength too well.

This guy was a recruit of the same batch as He Chenguang, Wang Yanbing and others. When he was tested on shooting, he only scored three out of ten bullets, ranking last among the recruits of the same batch!

Not only in shooting, but also in cross-country, fighting and so on, he was the last one.

Lao Hei had led so many recruits, but he had never met one with such poor performance. If it weren't for squad leader Shi Guo, he would have been thrown to feed pigs long ago.

Is he so powerful now?

Killing 20 militants in one battle, such a terrifying record, Lao Hei couldn't do it!

To be honest, when Kang Lei notified him to pick up Chen Jun, he was a little emotional and didn't want to go. As Kang Lei said, he looked down on the other party.

Why did he ask him to pick up such a bad soldier?

So when driving, Lao Hei slowed down and didn't want to arrive so early.

Now it seems that it was his fault? Did you make a mistake?

Seeing that Lao Hei was still in a daze, Kang Lei growled, "Why are you still standing there? Go! If you can't find someone to come back today, don't come back either!"

"Yes!" Lao Hei left immediately.

Kang Lei returned to the office, still surprised.

"This guy is so lucky. It's strange. Why would An Ran agree to him? A hero saves a beauty and gives herself to her? It can't be so old-fashioned. What era is it now? Why are you still doing this?"

Kang Lei thought about it for a while and stopped thinking about it. This is a problem for young people. They are willing to fight and be beaten. What's there to say?

It's better for An Ran to get married earlier, so that so many people won't worry about her.

Kang Lei took out his mobile phone, checked the news, and relaxed.

He was so angry with Lao Hei just now that his head hurt a little.

Recently, because Chen Jun and others were injured, some reporters actually reported their injuries. The next moment, Kang Lei was attracted by a headline.

"The son of the richest man joins the army, wow, what kind of gimmick news is this?"

Kang Lei clicked on the title, and a bunch of comments appeared below.

"The son of the richest man in Donghai City is awesome, much more awesome than that school principal Wang Shao who only hangs out with internet celebrities, a contemporary role model."

"This is what a rich second generation should look like, thumbs up to the son of the richest man in Donghai City!"

"He is a passionate young man, a role model for us to learn from. Other rich second generations look at him, do you know what the gap is? This is the gap!"


Kang Lei immediately became interested and quickly opened the video.

"Chen Jun... Shi Guo?"

Kang Lei recognized Chen Jun and Shi Guo at first sight and was stunned.

The more he looked down, the more surprised he was, and a huge wave of emotions surged in his heart.

"Chen Jun is actually the son of the richest man Chen Shan. Such a super rich second generation actually came to serve in the army. No wonder, no wonder, he performed so poorly in the first three months of recruiting. How good can the physical fitness of a rich second generation soldier be?"

"But even so, so what? He has a high level of awareness!"

"Super rich second generation, from a rookie who was at the bottom of everything to a combat hero, this is such a gorgeous transformation, not bad, not bad, just for what he did for the squad leader, this soldier is great."

"An Ran married him, there is nothing wrong, if I were a woman, I would marry him too."

Chen Jun is young, handsome, capable, and his family is so rich. This is definitely a rich man.

Such boys are the most sought-after.

Of course, An Ran is also very good. She is a flower in the army. She is gentle and generous, thoughtful, and knows how to take care of people. She is definitely the dream goddess of many otakus.

"This boy hides well enough. Not bad, not bad. Only men with families can be said to be real men. He will definitely not become more stable in the future. Very good!"

Kang Lei thought about it and immediately called Gong Jian to ask him to come to his office immediately.

After the call, Kang Lei continued to watch the video.

He was more and more moved as he watched. He didn't expect Chen Jun's ideological awareness to be so high.

Suddenly, a black shadow flashed in from the door, and no sound could be heard.


Kang Lei roared.

After all, he was a veteran. He was once a comrade-in-arms with Fan Tianlei. Naturally, his reaction was not slow. When the figure flashed in, he was alert at the first time.


A cold dagger was already on his neck, and then a cold voice sounded.

"You're dead."

Kang Lei was shocked and asked, "Who are you?"

Because the other party had already circled behind him.

The other party's speed was so fast that it exceeded Kang Lei's reaction speed.

Looking at the entire Iron Fist Group, he had not found anyone with such skills, including Lao Hei.

Lao Hei was estimated to be only half the speed of the other party.

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