The truth is that the two of us are still together.

Is An Ran married?

Gong Jian felt as if his brain was hit by a million points.

He met An Ran during a special mission, and her heroic and gentle personality left a deep impression on him.

So Gong Jian's favorite object is her.

Of course, Gong Jian also knew that Lei Zhan of Langya was also pursuing An Ran, but didn't he succeed? Before the relationship is really confirmed, everyone is equal, right?

Now it suddenly broke out that An Ran is married? This is impossible!

"Chief, you are talking nonsense again. Didn't you drink today? How could An Ran get married, with Lei Zhan?" Gong Jian waved his hand.

There is no news that An Ran has a boyfriend, how could she suddenly get married?

This speed can't be so fast, flash marriage is not popular in the army.

Kang Tuan looked at Gong Jian who was a little sour, turned around and laughed at Chen Jun.

"Comrade Chen Jun, don't blame me for exposing you. Squad leader Lao Hei went to the hospital to pick you up, but couldn't pick you up. When he heard that you and An Ran went to the Civil Affairs Bureau, he chased after you without stopping, and knew about your good things."

"Aren't you going to give out wedding candies? Congratulations, you got the beauty. You don't know how many people in our army are thinking about Comrade An Ran, including me, a capable subordinate, who is her admirer. For her, I don't know how many times I refused to introduce him to a girlfriend."

Chen Jun's face did not change.

He didn't care, after all, it was not something shameful.

As Kang Lei said, this is a happy event!

Of course, Chen Jun also knew that he had just beheaded Kang Lei, and the other party was just counterattacking him and pulling hatred.

An Ran has many admirers in the army, and Chen Jun is of course aware that if this news gets out, those admirers will most likely cause trouble for him.

There will definitely be no big trouble, but there will definitely be opportunities to make trouble for him.

If Chen Jun is not strong enough, then in the future... there will definitely be many voices of doubt!

Sure enough, after hearing what Kang Lei said, Gong Jian stared at Chen Jun.

"Him? Why!" Gong Jian's tone was very unnatural.

An Ran, such an excellent woman, would marry a recruit like Chen Jun? In the past, she was the last in everything and was almost thrown into pig farming.


Kang Lei snorted coldly and said, "Why not? He is younger, more handsome, and richer than you. Isn't that enough? Okay, let's go together."

He patted Chen Jun's shoulder and said, "Come on, I didn't mean to expose you. Military marriages must be registered. Strictly speaking, you have to apply for it and the organization agrees. However, as long as you are willing, there is no problem to make up for it later."

"Let's not talk about this. I like the way you beheaded this time. Haha, let's go. When you were a new recruit, didn't you always want to join the Sharpshooter Company 4? Let's go and take a look."

Chen Jun nodded and walked out with Kang Lei.

This made Gong Jian, who was standing behind him, a little confused.

"What's going on...really married?"

Gong Jian felt that the world was not so beautiful.

The Sharpshooter Company 4 is the strongest company of the Iron Fist Regiment. It is a company with a glorious title. It represents its glorious history in the past.

All new recruits are proud to join the Sharpshooter Company 4.

However, it is not so easy to join the Sharpshooter Company 4. Of the more than 100 recruits in the recruit camp, only He Chenguang, Li Erniu and others were finally assigned. Li Erniu was able to join because he had a second-level chef certificate and went to the fire department.

Therefore, those who want to join the Sharpshooter Company 4 must be the best soldiers among a hundred. A tail soldier like Chen Jun does not even have the qualification to sweep the floor.

Not long after, the Sharpshooter Company 4 assembled, and Chen Jun saw that in addition to He Chenguang, Wang Yanbing was also in the team.

"It seems that the plot has changed. At this time, Wang Yanbing should still be in the maintenance company, repairing tanks."

Kang Lei glanced at everyone and said loudly: "Chen Jun!"


Chen Jun took a step forward and walked to the front of the team.

When the soldiers of the Sharpshooter Company 4 saw Chen Jun, they all showed strange expressions on their faces.

Because Chen Jun was too famous in the Iron Fist Group, almost everyone knew that this period of recruits had the worst recruit in the history of the Iron Fist Group.

It would be fine if other recruits ranked last in one or two subjects, but he ranked last in everything. It would be fine if he ranked last, but he also broke the record for the lowest score of recruits.

This became a big joke in the Iron Fist Group.

When the new recruits were assigned to companies in March, no company wanted this soldier, and they were finally going to send him to the logistics department to raise pigs.

I don’t know what kind of luck he had, but he was taken to Area 1 by Squad Leader Shi Guo.

Why is he back now? Was he discharged from the Border Defense Regiment? This is too embarrassing.

As the same batch as Chen Jun, He Chenguang and Wang Yanbing performed quite well, especially He Chenguang, who was comparable to the veterans, or even better than the veterans.

Kang Lei could see what they were thinking from their eyes, but it didn’t matter.

“Comrade Chen Jun is a combat hero who walked out of our Iron Fist Regiment. He was stationed in Area 1. Now he is back to serve as the company commander of your Sharpshooter Company 4!”

As soon as he finished speaking, everyone’s brains exploded.

Chen Jun is the company commander of the Sharpshooter Company 4? You are not mistaken!

The sharpshooters have never had a company commander, only an instructor, Gong Jian, and no deputy company commander. They were all brought up by Gong Jian, and Lao Hei occasionally played the role of deputy company commander.

Chen Jun became the company commander directly after returning from the island garrison?

This was too incredible for them.

"This... a waste from the recruit company is our company commander? It's too funny."

"Does he have this ability?"

"Did the leader drink? It doesn't look like it, his face is red, and he doesn't smell of alcohol."


Gong Jian was also confused when he heard this decision suddenly.

"What does Lao Kang mean? Isn't it too sudden? Even if Chen Jun is different from the past, he is a recruit who has been in the company for less than a year. How can he be a company commander?"

Gong Jian stared at Kang Lei.

Kang Lei didn't care what they thought, and continued to fan the flames, saying: "The Sharpshooter Company 4 has never had a company commander because I think no one is qualified, but today there is one, and that is Chen Jun. It can be said that he is already the strongest recruit in the history of our Iron Fist Group!"

The faces of the people changed again and again, and when they looked at Chen Jun, their eyes became even more weird.

Chen Jun immediately heard someone in the team say: "That rubbish was kicked back? Guarding Area 1, he can directly become our company commander? Become the strongest recruit in history? Just kidding, what ability does he have? A new recruit dares to lead us? Is he worthy!"

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