The soldiers were so angry that they were beaten.

The people of the Fourth Sniper Company were all stunned when they saw the ten people who fell in less than a minute.

The fighting strength of these ten people is definitely the top part of the Fourth Sniper Company. The ten people joined forces and couldn't withstand Chen Jun's attack.

It's too fantastic!

"How is this possible? How can his fighting ability be so strong? Wasn't his fighting ability the weakest in the whole regiment when he was a recruit?"

"Yes, too strong. Even special forces soldiers don't have such strong attack power. When he attacked, I felt a chill, as if he was murderous."

"What on earth has he experienced? How can his fighting ability be improved so terribly in such a short time?"

Everyone's face showed a look of shock, and when they looked at Chen Jun, their eyes became complicated.

After all, Chen Jun's performance in the recruit period was too bad before, and he was said to be the worst recruit in the history of the Iron Fist Regiment.

But such a worst recruit, in one encounter, knocked down the ten strongest fighters in their fourth sharpshooter company. What does this mean?

Gong Jian was shocked.

Chen Jun's fighting ability is comparable to the fighting skills trained by special forces, no, it should be said that it is stronger than fighting skills!

With the speed and strength of his attack just now, if it was on the battlefield, these ten people would have become a corpse!

"How can this kid be so strong? No wonder he is so arrogant. The other party is not bragging, but really has this strength. What happened to him?" Gong Jian looked at Chen Jun's face with surprise.

Kang Lei looked at the ten people who fell to the ground and exclaimed: "No wonder he was able to kill 20 militants. I think those special forces have less combat experience than him! Great, great! This time there will be something interesting to watch. Someone will take care of these bastards!"

"That's right. We must quit drinking. We can't let such soldiers run away!"

At this time, Chen Jun looked at everyone with a cold face and said coldly: "My squad leader said that the Sharpshooter Company 4 is the best company of the Iron Fist Regiment. Now it seems that it is just so-so. On the battlefield, you are not gods, but weak chickens. You are slow, weak, have many flaws, and still live in the glory of the past!"

"I look down on you!"

Chen Jun has seen the power of those militants. At that time, he had obtained [Hacker Assassination Technique] and [Hacker Shooting Technique], but he was still shot six times and almost died there. His squad 3 was very strong, but people continued to sacrifice.

What does this mean? Lack of actual combat!

It is true that Yanguo soldiers are the best soldiers, but the long-term peaceful life makes them lack actual combat.

Only by training on the real battlefield and surviving can they grow up quickly and become a real soldier.

Growth comes at the cost of blood. Chen Jun has seen Xi die, and he doesn't want to see such a scene happen again.

"On the battlefield, you don't even have a chance to shoot with such actions!"

Chen Jun's sarcasm is in line with Kang Lei's meaning. He knows very well why Kang Lei invited him.

The Sharpshooter Company 4 is indeed the best company of the Iron Fist Group, and the best example of the Sharpshooter Company 4 is that Kang Lei was caught in an exercise, which stimulated them to rebound and start to reflect.

What Chen Jun has to do now is to make the Sharpshooter Company 4 stronger in advance, so that when the war suddenly comes, more sacrifices can be reduced and there will not be so many sad families.

"You, let me down!"

Chen Jun threw this sentence, turned and rushed to the playground, and started running.

Wang Yanbing, He Chenguang and others who had fallen to the ground recovered and stood up slowly.

After Chen Jun's ridicule, their eyes were all on fire.

There was a burning fire in the eyes of all the people in the fourth sharpshooter company.

Kang Lei growled: "You can't fight, are you afraid of running? I see you are all soft-fisted soldiers, I will call you soft eggs from now on!"


He Chenguang took off his clothes and threw them on the ground, angrily saying: "Let's go, run and knock him down!"

Wang Yanbing gritted his teeth: "Damn, sneak attack, can't lose to this trash, go!"

As they said, they rushed directly towards Chen Jun's figure.

This time, not only the people who were knocked down rushed forward, but all the people in the fourth sharpshooter company rushed forward and began to run behind Chen Jun.

They all have to save face!

People have already kicked and scolded them at the doorstep, if they still hold it in like a soft bag, he

What are they?


Tap tap...

On the playground, dense footsteps sounded.

A contest of endurance began.

One lap, two laps, three laps... After the team ran ten laps, the gap between the team members began to show, and some people began to slow down, but some still kept up with Chen Jun's pace.

But when it reached 20 laps, fewer and fewer people could keep up with Chen Jun's running pace.

The originally neat team has now turned into a long snake formation.

Kang Lei has been standing aside and watching, with excitement in his eyes.

"Report to the chief, Chen Jun is not found." Lao Hei rushed over to report to Kang Lei.

He saw the scene in front of him and said in surprise: "Chief, what is this? The fourth company is in a long snake formation."

Kang Lei smiled and said: "No need to look for it, Chen Jun is back and is comparing with the fourth company. Look at the one running in the front. It's already the 22nd lap."

Lao Hei immediately looked at the soldier rushing in the front.

"It's really Chen Jun!"

Lao Hei's pupils suddenly opened, and his mouth opened wide.

"Good boy, I really misjudged him. He has such great potential and has improved so much in such a short time. No wonder squad leader Shi Guo is so optimistic about him and wants to protect him desperately. He is amazing. After 20 laps, he still has such a speed, which can be compared with special forces!" Lao Hei exclaimed.

Kang Lei said, "You must have made a mistake. I asked you to pick someone up, but you were so careless. Where can we find such a good soldier? Let me tell you, our Iron Fist Regiment can't lose this soldier!"

Lao Hei hesitated for a moment and said, "Commander, I have heard some news. He is indeed a ghost who appears and disappears in Area 1. Border Defense Captain You values ​​him very much and wants him to go back. Or the regiment commander is capable and let him come to our Iron Fist Regiment. However, Youlian said that the patrol team seems to be targeting him. Let us be careful. He may be expelled from the army."

Kang Tuan was stunned, his eyes widened, and he growled, "Get out! That bastard's idea is that he is a hero and must be respected by all of us. The country and the people need people like Chen Jun. If those guys in the patrol team target him, I, Kang Lei, will be the first to disagree!"

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