The more you go, the more you will be in trouble.

Chen Jun looked at the personal attribute panel in his mind and thought secretly.

The three major hacker skills have been perfected. This is the result of his crazy training for one and a half months, but it is not so easy to reach the ultimate state of the highest level.

When the Fourth Company of the Sharpshooters was training, he was training. When the Fourth Company of the Sharpshooters was resting, he was still training crazily alone.

Now the Fourth Company of the Sharpshooters knew that their company commander was a beast and trained tirelessly.

They were numb from the initial shock to now.

They could not see the limit of this perverted company commander at all. The pity was that they had to suffer with Chen Jun's crazy training!

Now, Chen Jun looked at the 3.8 attributes and felt relieved. His efforts during this period were not in vain.

With an attribute of 3.8, this is already a physical fitness of the King of Soldiers level. With the mastery of hacker assassination, hacker shooting and hacker stealth, Chen Jun is confident that if he encounters the previous difficulties again, he will not be as embarrassed as before.

"It's time to take back the relics of my comrades!"

Chen Jun's resolute face and eyes are extremely firm.

This is a system task, and there is also a 100 experience value reward.

Chen Jun basically understands the nature of the system.

It's just that there is a 100 experience value reward for taking back the relics of my comrades, which shows that this task is not as simple as it seems on the surface, otherwise there would be no experience value reward.

After the life test in Area 1, Chen Jun is no longer a rookie in the recruit period. In order to ensure that everything is safe, his strength has reached a bottleneck, so he planned this action.

In fact, it doesn't matter if I get 100 experience points. Taking back the relics of my comrades is what I promised to the squad leader in person.

Squad leader Shi Guo is his Achilles' heel. Without the squad leader, there would be no Chen Jun today. Since he has promised the squad leader something, no matter how difficult it is, he will find a way to do it.

Chen Jun is not a procrastinator. Since he has made up his mind, he will go to Kang Lei immediately.

Dong Dong!

Five minutes later, there was a light knock on Kang Lei's office door.

"Come in." Kang Lei shouted loudly.

"Chen Jun, it's you!" Kang Lei saw that it was Chen Jun who came in, his eyes lit up, and before the other party could speak, he immediately said excitedly.

Chen Jun stood at attention, saluted, and said: "Report to the chief, I want to ask you for a leave."

Ask for leave?

Kang Lei was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that this training madman would still want to rest.

He has seen Chen Jun's performance in the past month and a half. It can be described in two words: crazy!

This guy trains all the time. He is a madman and a beast in the eyes of the people of the Fourth Company of the Sharp Gun. Kang Lei is still worried about how to let him rest. After all, it is not a good thing for a person to be too nervous for a long time.

Now, the other party actually proposed to give up. That's great!

Immediately, Kang Lei said without asking, "It's approved. Training should also be combined with work and rest. You should have a good rest in the next two days."

"Also, you can find Lao Huang and ask him to take you wherever you want to go."

Kang Tuan doesn't care what Chen Jun is going to do now. He is happy that the other party can still think about resting.

During this period, he has seen the changes in the Fourth Company of the Sharp Gun.

Under Chen Jun's training, it can be said that the level of the Fourth Company of the Sharp Gun has been improved by a level. The key is that the other party has aroused the training enthusiasm of the Fourth Company of the Sharp Gun.

It has been many years since the Fourth Company of the Sharp Gun trained so crazily.

After getting Kang Lei's approval, Chen Jun was not polite and immediately left the base in the special car arranged by the other party.

The news that Chen Jun had left the Iron Fist Regiment base immediately caused a sensation in the Fourth Company of the Sharpshooters.

"Fuck! Has that ghost left?" Wang Yanbing looked expectantly at the military vehicle that slowly left the gate of the base.

"Haha, I'm finally free. I don't feel like myself anymore. I've lost interest in traditional crafts."

When Wang Yanbing confirmed that Chen Jun had really left the base, he jumped up excitedly.

It's crazy!

Wang Yanbing was a particularly fast runner in the Fourth Company of the Sharpshooters. As a result, he was dragged by Chen Jun, a beast, and fainted three times. Although this was more exciting than running the urban management when he was a hawker.

"What is a traditional craft? How come I didn't know you had this specialty?" Li Erniu asked with a grin, staring at Wang Yanbing curiously with his eyes as big as cow eyes.

Wang Yanbing laughed and said, "He Chenguang can do it, and all of them can do it. Ask them to teach you."


Brother He, you are a good person, teach me." Li Erniu immediately asked He Chenguang for help.

"Get lost!"


Suddenly, the Fourth Company of the Sharpshooters burst into thunderous laughter.

At this moment, He Chenguang also breathed a sigh of relief, his tense nerves relaxed, and he complained: "It's too abnormal, he asked the squad leader Laohei to practice with him, Laohei passed the blame to me, and asked me to do it every day, I became a target. ”

He spent the past month and a half like a year. At the beginning, He Chenguang refused to admit defeat. He was a free-fighting champion, so how could he lose?

But after sparring with Chen Jun, the first three days were fine, but he was beaten almost every day afterwards. He almost became a sandbag. Now his limbs are still swollen, and he is completely convinced by Chen Jun.

When the Fourth Company of the Sharpshooters learned that Chen Jun had temporarily left the base and cheered, the happiest person was actually Lao Hei.

He laughed so hard that his mouth was almost grinning to his ears. He felt that he was not as excited as he was when he got a salary increase.

This month and a half was too hard to endure. God knows how he got through it.

Every day, he was either loading bullets or preparing to force ducks to climb the shelves.

Chen Jun, this beast, actually hit More than 100,000 bullets were used, which was enough for the entire 4th company of the Sharpshooter for two months. The key point was that the opponent's shoulder could withstand it.

And Lao Hei was miserable. He pressed the bullets, and even his fingers were blistered. He wanted to cry but had no tears!

When he was still thinking about getting back in the fight, after all, he was a rookie with limited fighting skills.

But it was even more miserable. He became the opponent's human sandbag. In the end, Lao Hei couldn't stand it, so he took the title of squad leader and dragged He Chenguang into the pirate ship. As a result, He Chenguang was miserable.

Looking at the smiles on the faces of the 4th company of the Sharpshooter, Gong Jian's mind was a bit complicated, with a complicated expression on his face.

"Why do I feel that he went to find his wife to relax!"

"I don't know what kind of shit luck this guy has left? "

He felt sad because his goddess An Ran was engaged to this guy.

At the Iron Fist Group's base, when everyone was celebrating, Chen Jun, the ghost they talked about, had already arrived at the station.

And the beautiful An Ran was already waiting there, with a pretty face, a slender figure, and a green military uniform, she looked heroic.

An Ran stood there quietly, like a crane among chickens, attracting everyone's attention from time to time. They had never seen such a beautiful female soldier.

When An Ran saw Chen Jun, she immediately looked him up and down with her beautiful eyes, secretly surprised.

This guy has changed again, and the faint murderous aura on his body made her, a veteran of the battlefield, feel a little depressed.

"Get in my car, your car can't drive into the Langya base. "An Ran said immediately.

Chen Jun nodded and got in the car, asking the driver to go back first.

An Ran started the car and looked at Chen Jun in the rearview mirror, with a determined look on his face, and his eyes were full of admiration.

Since getting engaged to Chen Jun, the two have been husband and wife in name, and naturally they always pay attention to each other's dynamics. She knows Chen Jun's recent performance in the Fourth Company of the Sharp Gun.

Now, Chen Jun, a rookie, has made a group of unruly people in the Fourth Company of the Sharp Gun scream, which An Ran could not have imagined.

By As the relationship between the two was not ordinary now, neither of them spoke, and the car was filled with an awkward atmosphere.

20 minutes later, the car went directly to the Langya base.

With a squeak, the rapid wheels emitted green smoke and stopped steadily at the gate of the base.

Yan Wang and others were already there. When he saw An Ran's car coming, he greeted the sentry and wanted to jump on the co-pilot.

Immediately, he found a young, expressionless young soldier sitting on the co-pilot, as steady as a mountain.

"Who is this?"

Yan Wang had a surprised expression on his face. Obviously, he didn't expect such a young soldier to appear in An Ran's car.

An Ran smiled and said calmly: "Don't you remember? Lei Dian saved him."

Immediately, Yan Wang's mind emerged with the tragic figure who took off his military uniform and resolutely returned to the isolated island in Area 1.

"So you are not dead yet? Pretty fierce! What is your relationship? "

Yan Wang showed a surprised expression on his face. He obviously didn't expect this guy to survive. This is a miracle.

You know, Area 1 is a gray area. The militants inside are all extremely vicious. Even if a special forces soldier goes in, he may not be able to come back alive. I didn't expect this guy to survive. It's a bit unbelievable.

An Ran was about to speak, but Chen Jun had already said loudly: "She is my wife, we got the marriage certificate."

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