The sound of a beeping ambulance siren sounded.

An ambulance stopped in front of the taxi Chen Jun was riding in. The door at the back of the car was pushed open, and two medical staff jumped out of the car, and then quickly lifted the cart down.

A medical staff member hurriedly shouted to the front: "Where is the injured soldier?"

The taxi driver hurriedly stopped the car, jumped out of the car and opened the door.


Two medical staff immediately rushed over with a reclining cart.

An Ran held Chen Jun and shouted anxiously: "Doctor, quick, quick!"

The medical staff immediately moved the unconscious Chen Jun from An Ran's hands to the reclining cart, and then pushed it into the ambulance.

An Ran followed.

The ambulance rushed to the hospital.

In the car, the doctor quickly gave Chen Jun first aid.

An Ran could only wait anxiously by the side, praying in her heart that Chen Jun could hold on.

When she looked out the window, faces flew past her, their faces were full of concern, and many people were waving and shouting "Come on".

Both sides of the leading road were full of people.

They were all people who wanted to help Chen Jun and hoped that Chen Jun could overcome the difficulties.

"Come on!"

"Come on!"

Raised their fists and made victory gestures.

"You must hold on, you must survive."

"You must!"

It was the first time that An Ran saw such a scene, and she was completely shocked.

She didn't expect so many people to stand up and pay attention to Chen Jun.

They were all ordinary people, and they did what they could and could do, but it was the power they gathered together that created the current situation.

An Ran suddenly thought of the most frequently mentioned sentence in history: This is a people's revolution.

This situation can only happen in Yan Country. In other countries, it is impossible to happen.

Some time ago, in a Western country, a building needed rescue, and the fire truck was blocked by several small cars and could not move forward.

However, the owner of the car refused to give way on the grounds that it was my right to park, resulting in the inability to carry out rescue and the death of more than ten people.

Such things have happened too many times in those countries.

They advocate the right to freedom, not mutual help, more like Yan Country, where one side is in trouble and all sides support it.

When a sudden fire came, the firefighter said that this was in addition to my eight-hour work, and I would work again when it was time to go to work...

This is abroad.

Like now, letting the whole city make way for Chen Jun is a miracle that can only happen in Yan Country.

A few foreigners carrying luggage bags not far away saw that the cars on the road actually gave way and made a wide road, and their eyes were full of wonder.

"WHY? What are they doing? They actually wasted so much time for a car. What were they thinking?" A gray-haired foreigner was shocked.

"I don't know. This is amazing. If it happened in our country, such a thing would never happen."

"Yes, this nation is really strange. Do they really have so much time that they can waste it at will?"

"Oh, it's really enviable. If I can live in such a country for a long time, it must be a very happy thing. If there is really a next life, I want to be reborn as a person in this country." A middle-aged foreigner said with emotion.

Because he saw too much indifference in his own country, unlike this oriental country, which is full of human touch everywhere.

As for why the people here are like this, they don't understand the history of this country and can't understand what is happening in front of them.

At this moment, An Ran in the car was moved.

"Chen Jun, did you see that? There are so many people outside paying attention to you. They all hope that you can hold on. They all hope that you will live."

"Chen Jun, you must hold on!"

The ambulance had a smooth journey and soon arrived at the hospital gate.

As soon as the car stopped, the doctors and nurses who had received the news and were waiting here quickly surrounded him.

They carefully lifted Chen Jun onto the stretcher, quickly put on a respirator, and attached the instrument probe for monitoring vital signs to Chen Jun's body.


When Dr. Mu saw the hideous and terrifying wounds on Chen Jun's body, he couldn't help but take a breath, and tears welled up in his eyes.

He recognized Chen Jun. More than a month ago, Chen Jun was also seriously injured and unconscious.

He was sent to the hospital, where Dr. Mu performed the surgery himself. What touched him the most was that Chen Jun turned out to be the son of the richest man in Donghai City.

At that time, he caused a strong sensation because he helped the squad leader Shi Guo.

Many people praised Chen Jun.

The son of a rich man resolutely joined the army, interpreted what a soldier is with his actions, and set an example for contemporary young people.

Unexpectedly, only one and a half months later, Chen Jun was injured again, and the injury was obviously more serious than the last time.

Dr. Mu was full of mixed feelings.

"He was so desperate!"

According to the information Dr. Mu got, Chen Jun used his body to block the knife in order to save his comrades, and he was so seriously injured.

Last time, he was on the battlefield to save his comrades and almost lost his life, and this time was the same.

Dr. Mu calmed down and began to check Chen Jun's injuries.

But with further examination, Dr. Mu strangely discovered that with Chen Jun's injuries, he should have lost a lot of blood.

After all, the wound was so big and the puncture was quite deep, but the blood flowing out now was not much, and the blood around the wound seemed to have solidified.

This surprised Doctor Mu very much.

From a medical point of view, when the wound of the human body is large enough, it cannot heal automatically, and the bleeding can only be stopped through external treatment.

"What's going on?" Doctor Mu was stunned.

At this moment, Chen Jun opened his eyes slightly and said weakly: "Doctor, I cut off the flow of qi and blood in my body and temporarily stopped the bleeding."

Doctor Mu's heart trembled suddenly, and he exclaimed: "Cut off the flow of qi and blood by yourself? How did you do it?"

And cutting off the flow of qi and blood is equivalent to sealing the qi and blood of the whole body, making the body enter a state of suspended animation. Doctor Mu has only heard of this method and has never seen it with his own eyes.

This method is too against the sky. It can be said to be a skill to have such a level in the world.

Doctor Mu thought Director Chen had just fallen into a coma and would never wake up, but he not only woke up, but was also able to speak.

What kind of healing skill is this? Can he directly cut off the flow of qi and blood without any medical tools? Moreover, he was pretending to be unconscious.

This is very scary!

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