After a long time, the two sides have been in a mess.

Director Wang took Kang Lei's hand away, looked at Chen Jun with a smile, and told him to take a good rest, not to think too much, and to get his body back on track.

Director Wang has been engaged in ideological education in the army for so many years, and this is the first time he has met a soldier like Chen Jun who satisfies him.

The son of the richest man in Donghai City, a super rich second generation, has such ideological awareness, which is really rare.

Look at the sons of other richest men, almost all of them are dandy, and there are all kinds of gossip every day. If they are not dating this internet celebrity today, they will drive a luxury car to visit a nightclub tomorrow, or go fishing on a cruise ship...

In short, in Director Wang's eyes, they are all full of extravagance.

Chen Jun is different. He has set an example for the new generation of young people!

So Chen Jun is like a luminous body that attracts Director Wang, just like a man and a woman in love.

It's a pity that such a soldier is unwilling to go to the news general affairs department, otherwise he can definitely become a big star in the army and cause a greater reaction in society.

However, the other party naturally chooses to continue to stay in the combat unit and swears to avenge his comrades, which is also worth learning.

Therefore, Director Wang did not force it. Otherwise, with the ability of the Military Affairs Department, a transfer order would be directly issued to the Iron Fist Group. Chen Jun would have to go even if he didn't want to.

After a few simple conversations, Director Wang asked Kang Lei to send him out.

After reaching the door, Director Wang's face suddenly became serious, and he said, "I have to go to Langya. When did the special forces become so cowardly? Not only did they restrict their hands and feet, but they also called the patrol department to target the heroes who took off their uniforms to fight for their comrades!"

"We must focus on their ideological education, and do it hard. Otherwise, can we still be called soldiers if we are soldiers?"

Kang Lei staggered and almost lost his balance. He wanted to persuade Director Wang not to go. That was Langya. If you go to educate them, won't you also be affected and burn me?

But Kang Lei didn't dare to persuade him. Director Wang was angry now. He was so optimistic about Chen Jun that he even gave him the second-class merit, but Chen Jun didn't go.

How angry did he make him? So he had to vent his anger. Langya couldn't escape this time.

Three days later, at 6:30 in the morning, the collective meeting room of the Langya Brigade.

The dark crowd was filled with dozens of people, each sitting upright, with a solemn and serious expression.

The entire conference room gave people a feeling of impending storm.

He Zhijun, who was sitting at the head, looked like a storm, and an invisible pressure emanated from him, and people who were close to him felt a breathless feeling.

It was the first time for them to feel such a powerful aura of He Zhijun.

On his table, there was a rectification list given by the Military Affairs Department after a comprehensive inspection of Langya. It listed dozens of problems that needed to be rectified, and the ideological rectification report that needed to be written was more than 100,000 words!

This... is overwhelming!

As the founder of Langya, He Zhijun is naturally powerful. The materials on his research by foreign armies alone fill up a room, and when he was young, he participated in countless large and small competitions and won various honors.

It can be said that He Zhijun is full of legendary colors.

But he has never written a 100,000-word ideological report, and pointed out the requirements. The report must be profound, and it must be signed by He Zhijun and delivered to Director Wang’s office in person.

He Zhijun glanced at the crowd with a sharp gaze and said angrily: "Who asked the Military Affairs Department to come? They are not a patrol department and rarely come down to inspect in person. How could it fall on our Langya!"

In the audience, Fan Tianlei, Lao Gao, Lei Zhan and other officers of Langya, big and small, were sitting.

Fan Tianlei and Lao Gao shook their heads. The people from the Military Affairs Department suddenly came down to inspect. The two were still confused. How could they know what was going on? But one thing is certain, they definitely didn't know that the guy had provoked the people from the Military Affairs Department, otherwise they would never come to the door.

Lei Zhan looked aggrieved, as if he was constipated, but he stood up and said, "Report to the commander, the situation is like this. A few days ago, the people from the inspection department went to the Iron Fist Group to investigate Chen Jun's affairs. The inspection department asked me to participate in the investigation."

"I couldn't refuse, so I followed him, but I don't know why, Director Wang of the Military Affairs Department suddenly came. He asked the team leader Fang to write a 200,000-word ideological report..."

He Zhijun's body trembled, and he almost swore.

Two hundred thousand words? This is still giving me face? !

He Zhijun's heart

A burst of gunfire, I really want to beat Lei Zhan!

"Chen Jun?" Fan Tianlei asked, "That Chen Jun?"

Lao Gao immediately became interested: "Is it the Chen Jun that the whole city is reporting and making a lot of noise? The son of the richest man in Donghai City is joining the army?"

This matter is now a hot topic in society, and many people regard Chen Jun as an idol.

Lao Gao also paid attention to this matter, but he was on a mission later and didn't have time to continue paying attention. I didn't expect that Lei Zhan would actually provoke him?

No wonder the Military Affairs Department would cause trouble for Langya, this is a problem of ideological style.

Fan Tianlei immediately showed an aunt-like smile on his face and said, "It's him, it's him, it's him. I've long thought about taking Dezhou Roast Chicken and Laojiao to find Lao Kang and let him pass the Langya, but Director Wang was one step ahead of me. Needless to say, he must have poached Chen Jun to the Military Affairs Department, otherwise he wouldn't have helped him."

"Needless to say, the matter is very clear. Director Wang wants to use my Langya as a scapegoat as a gift to Chen Jun. Captain Lei, you really gave a great assist this time. You directly pushed a good seedling like Chen Jun to the Military Affairs Department, and also made our Langya restless."

Lei Zhan's face was livid, and he was indescribably aggrieved, but what could he say? He still had a ten-thousand-word ideological report to write!

He Zhijun glanced at the silent Lei Zhan and wanted to give him a beating, but thinking that he had just had a relationship problem, he held back.

In any case, Lei Zhan is already a Ninja Turtle. If he continues to attack, he will probably collapse psychologically.

He Zhijun thought for a moment and said directly to the secretary: "Tell Kang from the Iron Fist Regiment that I will go to the Iron Fist Regiment when Chen Jun is discharged from the hospital. Lei Zhan and Lao Gao will go with me."

Lei Zhan and Lao Gao responded: "Yes!"

Fan Tianlei immediately shouted: "Wolf Head, I will go too. I miss my brothers."

He Zhijun shook his head and said: "Don't go. Your intention is too obvious. I can't afford to lose face. By the way, the pig farm is going to send a batch of new piglets. You take people to arrange it. Pork is expensive recently and the brigade's funds are tight."

Fan Tianlei's face suddenly became frozen, and he felt like he had swallowed a fly.

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