Chen Jun stared at Lei Zhan, his face as hard as marble, and said sternly: "Captain Lei, this is a military camp, public and private affairs must be clearly distinguished, this is not a place for love!" "Also, I tell you, I will not use a woman as a bet. What you want to do is your own business and has nothing to do with me." "As for An Ran and I, it's not your turn to make the decision for her. We are a legal couple. Don't confuse public and private affairs, otherwise you are not worthy of being the captain of the Thunder Commando!" Lei Zhan's forehead instantly raised a black line. He kept telling himself that he was not a petty person, but this guy repeatedly challenged his bottom line! "I don't need you to teach me how to do things, please pay attention to your identity!" Lei Zhan said coldly, "Since you are so confident, I want to see what you, the son of the richest man, can do besides ideological awareness!"

"Lao Gao, bring out the liquid bomb!" Lei Zhan suddenly shouted.

"Damn, why are you shouting so loudly?" Lao Gao was startled, but a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, it seems that the good show is finally about to begin.

Lei Zhan is too obsessed with that Violet, and he exploded at a touch. This hits his trigger point.

Chen Jun is a good talker. No matter what Lei Zhan says, it is untenable, and it is getting more and more interesting.

Lei Zhan, this fierce tiger, has been a soldier king for three years and his temper is getting bigger and bigger, and there is something wrong with his thinking.

Women only affect the speed of men drawing guns. Such a simple truth should not have been understood a long time ago?

Look, I am already a big old man, and I have been single and happy all the time.

At this time, squad leader Lao Hei came running over, saluted Lao Gao, and said, "Do you need help? I'm also a bomb man."

"Bomb man?" Lao Gao nodded in surprise and said, "Lao Hei, someone asked you to bomb, awesome!"

In terms of seniority, Lao Hei is only slightly lower than Lao Gao, but slightly higher than Lei Zhan. Who would give him such a big face?

Lao Hei said a little embarrassedly, "It's a long story. I'm a professional now. It's just a traditional skill. I'll get used to it slowly."

Lao Gao laughed.

The two quickly walked towards the off-road vehicle and took out four large boxes from it.

The so-called liquid bomb is a beer bottle.

When they, the special forces, are training shooting, they often use them to move targets. There is no other reason. It's easy to throw, a bit like throwing a grenade.

Lei Zhan looked at Chen Jun and said, "30, 100 meters away, throw them up and fight. Whoever finishes first and hits more will win. Remember, I will persuade Ziluolan to cancel the engagement."

Chen Jun said in a deep voice, "Why do you always talk about women? Traditional handicrafts are suitable for you!"

"I'm telling you, Ziluolan is my wife now, pay attention to your identity! Otherwise, the ideological report will be written in vain!"

"In addition, Captain Lei, our Sharpshooter Company 4 all start at 200 meters. Do you special forces have a 100-meter standard?"

Lei Zhan's poker face darkened for a moment, and the people in the Sharpshooter Company 4 were as excited as if they were following a novel with 100,000 words, and it felt like the New Year.

Chen Lian is crazy!

That's right!

Aren't special forces awesome? Arrogant? Chen Lian is even crazier than them!

This is a real tough guy!

In the past, every time the special forces came to compete with them, they always put on a condescending attitude, like an adult seeing a child.

The people of the Sharpshooter Company 4 have long been unhappy, but they are helpless because the opponent is indeed stronger than them.

They can only endure and hold back, and then train frantically, hoping to defeat the opponent when they fight again.

Now, Chen Jun stood up and faced Lei Zhan, the captain of the Thunder Commando, the three-time Soldier King of Langya. Even facing such a master, he still stood up.

This is the spirit of the Iron Fist Group.

Lei Zhan snorted coldly and said, "Is that so? It seems that I underestimated you. Let's see what kind of trump card the famous Ghost has."

Chen Jun said nonchalantly, "Don't talk nonsense, our relationship is not that good, and we need to talk nonsense."

Damn it!

Lei Zhan shut up, his face full of black lines.

He is really not a petty person, except for An Ran's matter, but this guy is too arrogant.

This guy must be taught how to be a man!

At this time, Chen Jun growled, "Lao Hei, squad leader, go and throw it as quickly as possible, and bring three soldiers with you."

Lao Hei froze for a moment, muttered in a low voice, "Again, this is fate."

Then he shouted loudly, "Yes!"

There was no way Chen Jun could compete with Lei Zhan.

The amount is no longer their personal problem, but has something to do with the honor of the Fourth Sniper Company and even the Iron Fist Group.

Lao Hei has to come even if he breaks his arm.

As for throwing beer bottles, it's all tears.

Soon, Lao Hei led people to set up the venue.

Chen Jun and Lei Zhan turned their backs to each other and headed towards different planes.

Suddenly, the two attracted the attention of everyone present.

The soldiers of the Fourth Sniper Company were full of fighting spirit, and their eyes were full of the belief that they must win.

Because this is Chen Company!

Lao Gao glanced at the people of the Fourth Sniper Company, and everyone's eyes were full of confidence.

"Okay, it seems that they trust Chen Jun, the company commander, very much. A new recruit, serving as their company commander, these veterans are actually convinced. This kid is getting more and more interesting."

Lao Gao gradually became excited.


Accompanied by Lao Hei's roar.

Lao Hei and others began to throw beer bottles into the sky.

Chen Jun and Lei Zhan raised their guns, locked, and fired almost at the same time.

Gunshots continued to ring out in the shooting range.

Lao Gao and He Zhijun both pricked up their ears and listened, but their attention was on Chen Jun.

They were too familiar with Lei Zhan, and they knew what he could do without even watching him, but it was different for Chen Jun.

This time they came here just to see Chen Jun's performance.

"So fast! This kid can shoot so fast? How many years of practice would it take to practice such a skill? Can he maintain accuracy?" Lao Gao frowned, "Don't shoot at the wall behind you."

Chen Jun's shooting speed was too fast, he just raised his hand and shot, it felt like he didn't need to aim.

On the other side, Lao Hei was desperately throwing beer bottles into the sky, as fast as he could.

Throwing bottles into the sky one by one, it was like a fairy scattering flowers.

On the side paying attention to Lei Zhan, it was obviously half a beat slower than Chen Jun, but very stable.

This is Lei Zhan's style!

Chen Jun stopped shooting after about 30 seconds, while Lei Zhan was ten seconds slower.

Soon, the report came: "Captain Lei, time 45 seconds, all 30 bottles are smashed."

Lei Zhan nodded slightly. This result is within his normal level of performance, and he will definitely win!

Although Chen Jun's shooting speed is faster than his, in such a short time, the opponent shoots so quickly, and the accuracy is difficult to control.

Shooting is a traditional skill, fast, accurate and ruthless. It's just that it shoots fast, but it's not accurate, and it can't hit for a long time. What's the use of a fast gun man!

He is bound to lose.

Although Lei Zhan has not met An Ran, he believes that he can convince the other party.

Fast food feelings are useless. What's good about that kid except that his face is whiter, his figure is better, and his family has some money.

"Chen Lian, all 30 beer bottles are smashed."

Lei Zhan, who was still in YY, froze instantly.

He was more than ten seconds faster than himself, and his hit rate was the same as his own?

Is this cheating? ?

PS: It’s freezing cold, I have to deliver the goods, please support me with rewards.

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