The enemy was in chaos, but the enemy was still alive.

At this moment, in the jungle, relying on the danger source detection of [Hacker Space], after more than an hour of rushing, Chen Jun once again shook off the drone.

Compared with the large army, it is too easy for Chen Jun to avoid the drone alone.

After all, the fourth company of sharpshooters has nearly 100 people. When they act collectively, they make a lot of noise, which makes them more likely to be exposed. Chen Jun is only one person. In the vast darkness, it is difficult to detect him if he just goes into a bush.

What's more, Chen Jun has [Hacker Stealth Skill], and he is best at lurking in the dark, like a ghost in the dark. Not to mention drone reconnaissance, even some snipers hidden in the dark can hardly detect his movements.

The combination of the reconnaissance capability of [Hacker Space] and [Hacker Stealth] greatly improved Chen Jun's field combat capability. In addition, his strong physical fitness allowed him to run long distances, so he had enough confidence to destroy the blue team's logistics.

It was already the second half of the night, and Chen Jun was lurking in a bush, while waves of blue troops passed by him, and no one noticed his presence.

This was the horror of [Hacker Lurking], which allowed Chen Jun to blend into the surrounding environment and become a whole. Unless the other party stepped on him, his presence could be confirmed.

Chen Jun's attention was always on the checkpoint ahead, looking for a target to attack.

After all, he had to disguise himself and infiltrate in order to easily destroy the logistics, otherwise he alone could not force his way in.

About twenty minutes after a wave of troops passed, a single military vehicle appeared and was stopped by the sentry when it approached the checkpoint.

A female officer poked her head out and said, "I am Tan Xiaolin from the Fire Phoenix Commando, and this is Director Tang from the Scientific Research Office. At the request of the Thunder Commando, I sent a hotspot tracker. This is my ID."

When Chen Jun heard this, his eyes lit up immediately.

"Tan Xiaolin and Tang Xinyi? Aren't these two young ladies from the world of special forces?"

Chen Jun was quite impressed by the two of them, because they both acted according to their tempers and had very strong character.

Of course, this is no wonder. The daughter of a military district chief has been spoiled since she was a child, so it would be strange if she didn't have a young lady's temper. The other elite of high-level talents has also been treated like the moon since she was a child. After entering the army, she was valued by the chief, so she naturally has the capital to be arrogant.

In a word, these two women are not easy to provoke, not because of how capable they are.

Anyway, they are very crazy.

If such officers go to guard Area 1, needless to say, the team will definitely suffer a large number of casualties due to their willfulness.

"I didn't expect them to show up together. Very good, I'll start with you!"

Chen Jun immediately moved back, took a shortcut and ran in the direction of the road they had to take.

At the checkpoint, the sentry let them go after checking.

In the car, the driver Tan Xiaolin said: "Director Tang, it's so late, and I asked you to come here. Thank you for your hard work. After this exercise, I will treat you to dinner."

Tang Xinyi leaned against the car window and said: "Nothing, it's just right that I can also test the role of this equipment in actual combat and see if there is anything that needs to be improved."

Tan Xiaolin smiled and said: "Director Tang is modest. The advanced nature of this hot spot tracking is the first in the military region. The leaders unanimously affirmed it, and the experts have demonstrated it. If there is no problem in this actual combat, it will soon be popularized to the entire army. . "

Tang Xinyi smiled confidently and said, "Let's wait until the actual combat results come out."

Tan Xiaolin said, "Don't worry, we guarantee victory. In this red-blue confrontation, the Iron Fist Group is no match for the Wolf Fang. They are just an appetizer."

"Now their main force has been wiped out, and only a few small mice are left. Hot spot tracking can just catch them one by one..."

Suddenly, a soldier appeared on the road ahead. Tan Xiaolin, who was driving, was startled and hurriedly braked and stopped.

"Who is this? Are you really not afraid of death? Blocking the road in the middle of the night, don't you take your life seriously?" Tan Xiaolin opened the car door, jumped down directly, and walked towards the other party angrily.

"That soldier, aren't you afraid of being hit to death? If you want to die, don't come to harm others!"

Tan Xiaolin started to curse directly. Fortunately, she reacted quickly just now, and the driving speed was not fast, so she didn't hit the other party.

"Really? Soldiers nowadays are becoming more and more undisciplined!"

Tang Xin

Yi leaned out and shouted, "He is a soldier on the exercise. Let him get out of the way. We don't have that much time to waste here with him."

Tan Xiaolin raised her hand and shouted, "Get out of here. Don't delay important things. Be careful or I will tell your leader and give you a beating!"

But at this moment, the soldier clenched his fist and looked like he was going to fight.

Tan Xiaolin frowned and shouted, "What are you going to do? Do you still want to fight with me? Get out of here!"

As soon as her voice fell, she said, "Ouch, bastard, you hit my face!"

Tan Xiaolin covered her nose with a nosebleed, and the next second, like an angry female leopard, she attacked Chen Jun.

As the captain of the Fire Phoenix Women's Special Operations Team, Tan Xiaolin's fighting ability is very strong, and ordinary old special forces are not her opponents.

Now she was attacked by a soldier, and hit in the face, and Tan Xiaolin's temper was suddenly ignited.

Tan Xiaolin directly swept the soldier's neck with a split kick.

However, Chen Jun possesses the [Hacker Assassination Technique]. Blood splashes five steps within ten steps. This is no joke.

Seeing the opponent's fierce attack, Chen Jun did not retreat but advanced, approaching the opponent in one step, and suddenly punched the opponent in the face with his right fist.

Tan Xiaolin's face changed drastically. She did not expect the opponent to attack so strangely, approaching her like a ghost.

She wanted to retreat, but it was too late.


Tan Xiaolin only felt a sharp pain in her jaw, and then the whole person fell backwards as if thrown up.

Her mind was blank. She never dreamed that the opponent would attack her so cruelly. She was a woman!


Tan Xiaolin fell heavily to the ground, her nose bleed splattered, and she fainted on the spot.

Chen Jun looked at the car and said, "Heping originally borrowed the car from you, but you forced me to do it. Don't think that you can do whatever you want just because you are a woman."

As soon as he finished speaking, Tang Xinyi in the co-pilot saw that Chen Jun had knocked Tan Xiaolin unconscious, and angrily said, "You bastard, which unit are you from? You hit a woman, isn't your mother a woman!"

As she said that, she jumped out of the car and rushed towards Chen Jun.

Chen Jun raised his eyebrows. What kind of logic is this woman? Hitting a woman, what does it have to do with my mother being a woman?

Seeing Tang Xinyi rushing over, Director Chen clenched his fists and immediately rushed forward.

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