Jiang Fan couldn't bear to see the photographer's dementia at this time, so he patted his back to wake him up.

"Okay, stop being dazed, pack up and get ready to work!"

After hearing Jiang Fan's words, the photographer came to his senses, and he looked at Yang Mei reluctantly.

"Yang Mei, sit down and wait for a while, I'll chat with you after I'm done!"

Then he followed Jiang Fan to get busy.

After debugging the cleaning equipment, Jiang Fan began to prepare for the carpet cleaning work.

He looked at the vacuum-packed carpet under Yang Mei's feet and said.

"This is the carpet, right!"

Yang Mei nodded.

Jiang Fan took the carpet, put it in the cleaning area, and then opened the vacuum bag.

Pour the carpet inside into the cleaning area.

As the carpet fell out of the vacuum bag, a strong smell of blood instantly hit his face.

Looking at the carpet on the ground again, I saw that the originally blue carpet was full of blood, and blood was occasionally coming out from under the carpet.

Looking at this scene, the photographer, who was originally in high spirits, almost collapsed to the ground in fear.

Jiang Fan looked at the carpet on the ground with a serious face and remained silent.

This scene appeared in the live broadcast room, and the live broadcast room instantly boiled.

[Popularity] +1+1+1

[Popularity] +1+1+1

[Fuck, is this carpet soaked in blood? Too scary! ]

[Damn, this amount of blood is ten times more than the previous carpet that was used to kill and dismember people. How many people did this dismember! ]

[Call the police, call the police quickly, how many people must this woman have killed to have so much blood, she can't be the legendary murderer! ]

[Mom, I almost peed, okay, Brother Fan, don't call the police first, run away quickly, who knows if she will take out a big knife and stab you in the next second! 】

【Who just told me that this woman is a pure goddess? How can she be pure? She is just a living butcher! 】

"Fan…Brother Fan, hurry up…hurry up and call the police…call the police!"

At this time, the photographer came to his senses and said tremblingly, pointing at the carpet that was bleeding.

Jiang Fan waved his hand to signal him not to panic.

Although the carpet in front of him was covered with blood and the air was full of blood, in addition to the blood, there was more of the smell of sheep.

So Jiang Fan speculated that the blood in front of him was not human blood as everyone thought, but most likely sheep blood!

When Yang Mei, who was sitting aside and playing with her mobile phone, heard the photographer talking about calling the police, she staggered and her mobile phone fell directly to the ground.

Without bothering to pick up the mobile phone on the ground, she hurried to Jiang Fan and the others and asked anxiously.

"Call the police? Why do you want to call the police? What do you know?"

Looking at the goddess who suddenly went berserk, the photographer suppressed his inner fear and said directly to the carpet that was bleeding.

"This... the blood on this carpet... the blood is from people..."

Hearing the words of the photographer, the sheep girl, who was originally tense, suddenly relaxed.

Sheep girl breathed a sigh of relief and said with a sense of relief.

"You misunderstood. The blood on this carpet is not what you think. They are all sheep's blood!"

"I usually slaughter sheep with this carpet. I can't clean the sheep's blood dripping on this carpet, so I come to a professional carpet cleaning place like you to clean the carpet."

After listening to the explanation of the sheep girl, the photographer suddenly realized that his body was shaking constantly because of fear just now, and now it has returned to normal.

"Hehe... Hehe, I said, how could our sheep girl do such a thing!"

The photographer who has returned to normal said while scratching his head.

The audience in the live broadcast room watched this scene and sent barrages one after another.

[Popularity] +1+1+1

[Popularity] +1+1+1

[You scared me so much. I really thought this woman was a serial killer! ]

[Photographer, you changed so quickly. Just now you were yelling to call the police, but now you support Yang Mei. You idiot! ]

[Damn, just now I thought that Brother Fan’s curse of being a jailed anchor appeared again. It turned out to be a false alarm. It seems that this Yang Mei is fine. Brother Fan’s curse will be broken by this woman! ]

[This Yang Mei posts videos and broadcasts live every day. If there is a problem, it would have been exposed long ago. I believe she is innocent! ]

[The above, I agree with you. I don’t see any criminal in this Yang Mei at all, so I also think Brother Fan’s curse will be broken. ]

Just when everyone in the live broadcast room thought that Yang Mei was a good person, Jiang Fan, who had the ability to read people’s expressions, noticed something.Something is wrong.

Just when the photographer said the word "call the police", Yang Mei's eyes were not only panicked, but also afraid.

And before she explained, she asked the photographer - what did you find.

Obviously, there are other things in the carpet that have not been discovered.

And these things that have not been discovered are very likely to be the things that make Yang Mei afraid! ! !

"There is something wrong with this person, and it's not a small problem!"

Jiang Fan thought to himself based on Yang Mei's reaction.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't tell you in advance, and you got scared. It's my fault!"

At this time, Yang Mei spoke to Jiang Fan and the others.

Before Jiang Fan could say anything, the photographer waved his hand.

"Oh, this is none of your business. We didn't see it."

"Just now, I reacted too excitedly, and I must have scared you. So, I will pay for the carpet cleaning today, which is all a little compensation for you!"

Good guy, the photographer actually started to lick.

Jiang Fan couldn't help but despise him.

Facing the photographer's words, Yang Mei smiled happily, nodded and went back to play with his phone.

Seeing Yang Mei smiling so happily, the photographer suddenly felt that he was good again.

"Brother Fan, did you see that Yang Mei smiled at me!"

"How sure do you think I can get her!"

The photographer asked Jiang Fan.

Listening to the photographer's words, Jiang Fan shook his head helplessly and said.

"Don't think about it, get ready to work!"

Then, Jiang Fan used tools to spread the carpet flat in the cleaning area.

The carpet was full of bloodstains. Even though they knew that the bloodstains were sheep blood and not human blood, the visual impact it brought to everyone was still very shocking.

It seemed that he wanted to show himself in front of the goddess. The photographer picked up the high-pressure water gun with full energy and sprayed it at the carpet.

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