Then, the driver Xiao Gao walked to the front of the nanny car and quickly unloaded the carpet in the car, then lifted it high, pointed at the hole in the middle of the carpet and said to everyone.

"Okay, no wonder you suddenly changed your mind and didn't want to wash it, so this is it!"

"Look, there is a hole in our carpet for no reason. You don't have to think about it. This hole was damaged when he was packing up just now!"

At this time, Li Qian also hurriedly stood up and agreed.

"Oh my God, this is a limited edition carpet that I just imported from abroad. It has only been used for a few days, and it has become like this!!!! How can I use it with such a big hole!"

At this time, the driver Xiao Gao pointed directly at Jiang Fan and said loudly.

"This is what our sister Qian bought from abroad at a high price. The travel fee alone cost more than 10,000 yuan, and the price of the carpet itself reached 100,000 yuan!"

"If Mr. Jiang admitted it generously, with our sister Qian's character, this matter would be let go and no one would pursue it!"

"But not only did you not admit it, you pretended not to see it, and even told us directly that we didn't need to wash the carpet. Do you want to shirk your debt?"

"You also cursed our sister Qian's new movie not to be released. You are so cruel!"

After a pause, he continued.

"Today's matter must not be let go. You must be responsible for the damage to the carpet!"

"And because the damage to the carpet delayed its use and wasted our sister Qian's time, so we ask you to pay ten times the compensation!"

"Compensation of one million!!!"

To this, sister Qian on the side also nodded in agreement.

"One million? Are you crazy? You want one million for this broken carpet?"

"Do you really think our brother Fan is easy to bully?"

When the photographer heard that the driver actually asked Jiang Fan to compensate one million, he couldn't hold back and said angrily on the spot.

At this time in the live broadcast room.

[Popularity] +1+1+1

[Popularity] +1+1+1


[Are you crazy? You want our brother Fan to compensate one million for this broken carpet. Isn't this pure extortion? ]

[Oh my God, one million, how can you say that? For this carpet, the small shop downstairs sells it for ten yuan a day. I think it's too expensive if you say you want to compensate one hundred! ]

[What a shitty brand name, it's just a label. Maybe it was made in our Longguo, but it was transferred abroad and then transferred back to China. You dare to ask for one million for this! ? I'll slap you in the face! 】

【Call the police, Brother Fan called the police immediately, isn't this pure blackmail? Besides, we watched Brother Fan pack up the nanny car, and Brother Fan didn't even touch the carpet, how could it be Brother Fan who broke it! 】


Even Zhao Xueer, who was standing by, felt that Li Qian was being unreasonable when she saw this scene. She stepped forward to stop Li Qian, but was interrupted by Li Qian.

"Xiaoxue, don't worry about this matter, I must make him pay the price!"

And Jiang Fan sneered at Li Qian who was singing the same tune with the driver.

How did the hole on the carpet appear? Jiang Fan, who could see everything through the ability to go back in time, knew it very well.

The hole on the carpet appeared when Mr. Zhao and Li Qian had a tryst in the nanny car yesterday.

But when the two were having fun, Mr. Zhao took out the candle he had prepared directly from his pocket.

Then he lit it and held it high in the air, letting the melted wax drip onto Li Qian's skin to satisfy his strange fetish.

Just when the two were having fun, a wax tear with a burning wax core fell on the carpet, and the flame instantly burned a hole through the carpet.

And this hole is the hole that the driver is using to frame Jiang Fan.

"Haha, why are you silent?"

"Want to default? I tell you, as long as you don't pay us the compensation today, we'll see you in court!"

"At that time, we will hire the best lawyer to keep you in jail! You will never get out of jail in your life!"

The driver Xiao Gao looked at Jiang Fan proudly, as if he had completely controlled Jiang Fan.

Jiang Fan laughed out loud when he heard his words, and then said with some emotion.

"It's really a matter of fate, no one can escape it!"

"I sent so many customers in before, but today I met a customer who wanted to send me in!"

"But God, please find someone smarter. Finding a two-armed customer like this is really an insult to my IQ!"

Then, Jiang Fan pointed at the hole in the carpet, then looked at Li Qian on the side and said coldly.

"How did this hole appear? I think you know better than me.Chu, right!"

Li Qian laughed instantly after hearing this.

"Haha, what, you still want to push the responsibility onto me now?"

"What do you mean I know better than you what caused this hole? You're talking as if I made this hole!"

Jiang Fan sighed and shook his head, then continued to speak.

"Although this hole was not made by you, you are very familiar with the person who made it!"

"Could it be that you just had a tryst with your Director Zhao yesterday, and you don't remember it today?"

"It must be uncomfortable to have the hot wax tears dripping on your body, tut tut, you are a capitalist, you play with flowers!"

Director Zhao?

Hearing these two words from Jiang Fan's mouth, Li Qian was stunned on the spot.

And Zhao Xueer beside her looked at Li Qian with an unbelievable look on her face.

"You...what are you talking about, Director Zhao, what wax tears, why don't I know! "

Li Qian said, suppressing the turmoil in her heart.

"If I'm not mistaken, there should be a lot of solidified wax tears on the carpet!"

"And in that hole, there should be wax tears, after all, it was burned through by the wax core!"

As soon as the voice fell, everyone's attention was focused on the carpet.

Sure enough, as Jiang Fan said, there were many solidified wax tears on the ground.

And inside the hole, it was also filled with wax tears. Obviously, the hole in the carpet was burned by the candle!

"Hey, you said you can play with Mr. Zhao, why do you have to get a candle? What if you accidentally set the whole nanny car on fire? What should I do?"

"It doesn't matter if you are gone, but if Mr. Zhao is gone, then what will you do with your best friend? After all, he is your best friend's father!"

"Don't consider yourself, you have to consider your best friend! "

Jiang Fan shook his head and said with some emotion.

" actually followed me! ! ?"

Listening to Jiang Fan's words, Li Qian pointed at Jiang Fan angrily and shouted loudly.

And her words also indirectly confirmed that what Jiang Fan said was true.

At this time, Zhao Xueer, who had been silent just now, spoke.

She looked at her best friend coldly and murmured a sentence.

"What is going on?"

"What did you do behind my back?"

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