"Mr. Jiang, I still have a lot of things to deal with, so let's say goodbye today!"

After saying goodbye to Jiang Fan, Zhao Xueer drove away in her car.

After watching Zhao Xueer leave, Jiang Fan stretched his body.

Today's performance is not bad. He sent a big star and a big boss in Beijing circle to jail, which is worthy of his reputation as a host who went to jail.

At the same time in the live broadcast room.

[Popularity] +1+1+1

[Popularity] +1+1+1


[Hahaha, the princess of Beijing circle can be sent to jail by Brother Fan, I wonder who dares to question Brother Fan's ability in the future! ]

[Brother Fan is awesome, he sent the princess of Beijing circle and the big boss of Beijing circle to the police station in a row. These two people are both people with big backgrounds, Brother Fan 666! ]

[Brother Fan: There is no carpet that I can't wash, and there is no one I can't send in! ]

[Wait, I seem to have discovered something incredible. Did you notice that no matter whether it was Yang Mei or Li Qian, it seemed that the photographer was their loyal fans, and they were all sent to jail by Jiang Fan without exception. Is there a possibility that as long as the stars and internet celebrities that the photographer liked, they would eventually be sent to jail by Brother Fan! ]

[The above, after thinking carefully, it is indeed as you said. It seems that the photographer was infected by following Brother Fan all day long! ]

[Haha, it seems that those internet celebrities not only have to worry about Brother Fan washing their carpets, but also have to worry about the photographer liking them, hahahaha! ]

Looking at the time, it was already time to get off work at noon. Jiang Fan stretched his limbs and walked towards the company cafeteria with the photographer.

At the same time, as the news that Li Qian was arrested for drug use broke out on the Internet, Jiang Fan's popularity once again became a hot search.

At the same time, all the movies endorsed by Li Qian were forced to be taken offline by the relevant departments.

From then on, Li Qian always appeared in the public eye in the form of mosaics.

And people changed her name from Li Daxingxing to Li Mou.

Meeting room of Jingcheng Media Company.

With the arrest of Chairman Zhao Mou for drug abuse, the company's vice president Zhang Tian took over the position of chairman.

But as Li Qian's drug abuse and her affair with her best friend's father fermented on the Internet, the stock of Jingcheng Media Company once fell.

At this time, the atmosphere in the meeting room was extremely depressing.

Zhang Tian frowned and looked at the company's financial statements in his hand, not hiding his anger at all.


The report was thrown hard on the table by him.

"It's only been a short hour, and the company's stock has shrunk by 50%, and it is still in a stage of continuous decline."

"It is very likely that it will reach the freezing point today. I don't care what method you use, come up with a solution for me immediately, otherwise get out of here!"

Seeing the chairman angry, the others buried their heads and dared not speak.

At this time, Zhang Tian's secretary hurried to Zhang Tian's side.

"Mr. Zhang, the brand endorsed by Li Qian came to us. Because all of Li Qian's endorsements were removed from the shelves, they asked us to pay relevant compensation to them according to the relevant provisions in the travel contract!"

Zhang Tian frowned when he heard the secretary's words.

"According to the contract, how much compensation do we need?"

"Mr. Zhang, the twelve brands need to pay a total of 350 million in compensation!"

The secretary quickly said the compensation figure.

350 million?

Zhang Tian was stunned when he heard this number, and then he was completely angry.

The stock crash had already caused the company to suffer a great loss of vitality, and now he had to pay 350 million again. This was going to kill his company!


Zhang Tian threw the teacup in front of him to the ground fiercely, and the glass broke with a crisp sound.

"Is your PR department just for free? Li Qian was arrested only an hour ago, and the whole network knows about it. Even the brand has come to our door."

"What is the role of your PR department? The company spends a lot of money to support you, and this is how you repay the company?"

"Don't you know how to remove the hot search? Don't you know how to delete the post? Do you still need me to teach you?"

Zhang Tian shouted angrily at the PR department.

Facing the boss's reprimand, the head of the PR department said with a face full of grievance.

"Boss Zhang, it's not that we don't want to do it, it's that there are too many posts, we can't delete them all!"

"When Li Qian got into trouble, it was recorded in full by a live broadcast room with 20 million people online."

"Afterwards, at least 10 million people promoted this incident online. We just spent money to buy the hot search, and a new hot search came up a few minutes later."

"Our technical department's keyboards are smoking, and we have been deleting posts about Li Qian, but we just deleted one, and three more related posts were added. We... we reallyIt's impossible to delete it all!"

It's true as he said. Jiang Fan's fans played a big role in the reason why Li Qian's story became popular on the Internet.

Especially when fans noticed that the hot search was removed and the post was deleted, all fans spontaneously pushed Li Qian's story to the hot search again and posted it online.

Millions of people work together to do one thing. This is definitely not something that a company's public relations department can resist.

Zhang Tian listened to the words of the director of the public relations department and leaned back in his chair decadently.

Dead end!

From the current situation, this is already a dead end!

There is no way out!

He was unwilling to accept it. He finally got the position of chairman, but he ran into this incident.

"Hold a press conference and do everything possible to sever the relationship between the company and Li Qian. "

He said weakly.

Although he also knew that the effect of doing so was minimal, he still had to give it a try.

Then, with a fierce look on his face, he stood up from his seat and said to the director of the public relations department.

"You said that Li Qian's accident was recorded by a live broadcast room. Who was it?"

"It was a host named Jiang Fan. It seems to be a variety show. It seems to be quite popular on the Internet recently!"

The director of the public relations department immediately told what he knew.

"The host, right? I don't care who he is. Anyway, all this is now thanks to him."

"Use all means and all means to ban him!"

"I want him to pay the price!"

Zhang Tian said fiercely. He has now blamed Jiang Fan for the company's losses.

"But Chairman, the other party..."

The director of the public relations department wanted to say something, but was glared back by Zhang Tian, ​​so he had to shut up.

"Dismiss the meeting!!! "

Zhang Tian snorted coldly and then left the meeting room.

At this time, Jiang Fan still knew nothing about all this. He was eating lunch very leisurely and felt very comfortable!!

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