When netizens saw Jiang Fan was about to start, the barrage area, which was originally very lively, was immediately cleared!

All netizens in front of the live broadcast room spontaneously sat up straight, pricked up their ears and stared with their eyes, extremely serious.

At the same time, Jiang Fan started.

However, the first sentence he said directly made those netizens feel half disappointed.

"To be honest, viewers in the live broadcast room, I actually think that I don't have the so-called experience of making money!"

"As for making money, just do whatever you want. If you can make money, you can make money. If you can't make money, we should not be discouraged. Just like me, I have also experienced a scene where I didn't make any money in a day!"


However, Jiang Fan's next words made those netizens who were half disappointed come back to life.

"However, next I will tell you how I made money. You can refer to it if it is useful!"

In the live broadcast room.

[Ah? No so-called experience of making money? Then I came here in vain! ]

[Hiss, although he has no experience in making money, it is not bad that he is willing to share his experience. Wouldn't it be better if we summarize his experience for him? ]

[What the above person said is right. When the anchor shares his experience of making money, our main feature will be an imitation. Hehe, isn't it wonderful? ]

[Anchor, please stop talking. We can't wait. We are waiting for you to share!!! From today on, I, Wang Laoer, will also become a rich man, hahahaha! ]

At the same time, all the contestants were silently watching Jiang Fan's live broadcast on the TV in front of them.

And without exception, everyone had a notebook in their hands, ready to take notes at any time.

Not for anything else, just to find a way to make money, and then re-enter the competition to win the championship.

At this time, Jiang Fan paused, and finally began to count his experience of making money in the past half month in the live broadcast room!

At the beginning, he was chased by three red wanted criminals. In order to save himself, he dug up the national defense cable and called the army. As a result, he found the spy equipment and made 500,000 yuan.


As soon as this was said, the enthusiasm of netizens in the live broadcast room dropped by half.

At this time, their eyes were full of big question marks.

? ? ? ?


Can this be called a way to make money?

It's easy to dig up the national defense cable!

But the spy equipment is not something that anyone can find.

If this is not found, let alone making money, it's not enough to lose your pants!

Afterwards, everyone gave up recording this way of making money in their notes. After all, the difficulty coefficient of imitation is too high, the risk is too high, and it is not easy to imitate.

But it doesn't matter, after all, there are other ways!

At this time, Jiang Fan's second way of making money continued to come out.

Go to the museum for an interview as a security guard, then smash the national treasure Yue Wang Goujian Sword, successfully find the Yuchang Sword inside the sword, and get a reward of 500,000 yuan.


Faced with Jiang Fan's second way to make money, everyone remained silent.

It sounds simple, just smash something to earn 500,000.

But what he smashed was a national treasure!!!

Who dares to imitate this! ?

Let's not talk about how he got the national treasure. If he made a mistake after smashing it, and failed to find a great treasure like Jiang Fan, the crime of smashing the national treasure alone would be enough to make him work like a sewing machine for the rest of his life!

No way!!!

The difficulty coefficient of imitation is greater than the previous one, and it is not suitable for imitation!


All netizens exhaled heavily.

So far, two consecutive ways of making money have been denied by them.

At this time, the hearts of all netizens have begun to get restless!

Following that, Jiang Fan's third, fourth...way to make money appeared.

Treat the richest man in Jinghai who faked his death, a set of ultimate electrotherapy brought him back to life and earned three million!

Modify the tractor, buy a set of intelligent automatic driving program for 10 million!

Clean the carpet, send all customers in, and transfer the bonus!

As Jiang Fan talked more and more, netizens looked at the empty notebooks in their hands and couldn't hold it anymore!

In the live broadcast room.

[Popularity] +1+1+1

[Popularity] +1+1+1

[Damn, I took a special leave for this live broadcast, and you show me this? You are telling me fantasy novels, throwing national treasures and digging cables? You treat me like a fool, right! ]

[Is that your way of making money? I think you are sending us in! ]

[Sir, I don't know you at all, and we have no grudges. Why do you treat me like a fool? Do you think I'm a three-year-old child! ]

[I'm convinced. I came here to listen to the experience of making money, notListen to your bragging. This live broadcast room is suspected of false propaganda. Everyone, report it! 】

[Haha, if you have money, don't buy a radio, just listen to the anchor's bragging. If there is any one of these that the anchor has done personally, I will eat shit directly! 】


After hearing Jiang Fan's words, the new fans in the live broadcast room who were looking for Jiang Fan's way of making money all unanimously believed that Jiang Fan was playing tricks on them and making up stories.

But this can't be blamed on him. After all, which serious person's way of making money is to dig cables and smash national treasures!

Seeing these people questioning Jiang Fan, the old fans couldn't sit still and posted barrages in the barrage area to defend Jiang Fan.

[A bunch of frogs at the bottom of the well, you can't do it, but it doesn't mean that our brother Fan can't do it. If you don't believe it, watch the backstage playback, it will scare you to death! 】

[Haha, no wonder you can't make money, this is the reason. You don't have the ability and you blame others. You deserve to be poor! 】

【I swear on my life that everything Brother Fan said is true and can't be more true. If you don't believe me, look at my homepage. I have live broadcast clips! 】

【Everyone, give up. Brother Fan's way of making money is not something that anyone can learn. Otherwise, it will be your turn as a new fan? Just find a class to attend! 】.


A restaurant.

The contestants stared at the live broadcast room, and the notebooks they had prepared long ago have not been touched until now.

After a long time, someone finally reacted from the daze!

With a snap!

Li Daqiang angrily threw the notebook on the ground, then took out his mobile phone and called the program team, shouting at the program team.

"Fuck, I'm going to quit!"

"What a special way to make money, isn't this a surefire way to get in? Who can imitate this!"

"Quit the competition, I'm going to quit no matter what I say today!!!"

Other contestants were influenced by Li Daqiang, and they also threw away their notebooks and took out their phones to apply for withdrawal!

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