
Jiang Fan's words were as powerful as a grenade!

"Fan... Brother Fan, what bandits?"

"Where are the bandits? You... Don't scare me!!"

The photographer looked around and said with a trembling voice.

Apart from the two of them, there was only the poor old man who was robbed of six million. Where were the bandits!


That old man! ! !

The photographer looked at the old man in disbelief.

"Fan... Brother Fan, the bandits you are talking about are not..."

In response, Jiang Fan nodded slowly, indicating that it was indeed the case!

Good guy, the man who was just a sympathetic man a second ago, became a bandit in the blink of an eye? ?

And the man's eyes looking at Jiang Fan at this time, the tyranny became more and more serious!

However, he still adjusted his emotions well, forced a smile from his face, and said to Jiang Fan stiffly.

"Mr. Jiang...Mr. Jiang, don't joke around!"

"How can I be a gangster? If I were a gangster, would the six million be stolen by others?"

Jiang Fan sneered at this.


"No, to be precise, it should be called uneven distribution of the spoils!"

"You robbed a bank, not only did you not stop in time, but you also wanted to expand and become stronger. What, do you want to go public?"

Listening to what Jiang Fan said, the man began to panic!

He didn't expect that Jiang Fan actually saw through his identity!

However, thinking that he still had a way to save his life, the man was relieved.

"You are purely framing, and you robbed a bank!?"

"If I robbed a bank, would I dare to come out to you to wash the carpet openly?"

"You say I am a gangster, then you show me the evidence!"

At this time, the photographer also took out his mobile phone and searched the Internet for recent bank robberies according to what Jiang Fan said.

Sure enough, the result jumped out.

In the past few years, there was only one extremely bad bank robbery in a small county in the north half a month ago.

Looking at the news on the interface, the identity information of several robbers was clearly posted on it.

The photographer held the mobile phone and compared the suspect's identity information with the man in front of him.

The man not only did not resist, but also cooperated very well.

After comparison, the photographer found that the man's face had nothing in common with the faces of the five suspects.

"Brother Fan, are you mistaken? This is just a robbery case, and this doesn't match the suspect!"

The photographer said to Jiang Fan in confusion.

In the live broadcast room.

[Popularity] +1+1+1

[Popularity] +1+1+1


[I just searched the news. There was indeed a street bank robbery case recently. However, looking at the official information, the five suspects in it are also different from this man! ]

[Is there a situation where the man has plastic surgery? ]

[You are stupid, the guy above. You didn't hide after robbing the bank and went to the hospital for plastic surgery. Do you think the police don't exist? ]

[Strange, could it be that Brother Fan recognized the wrong person? Otherwise, why would he say that the man was a gangster? ]

[Maybe Brother Fan made a mistake. After all, Brother Fan is so busy every day, sending several customers to the police station every day. The pressure should be great. I understand Brother Fan! ]

[I agree. Maybe Brother Fan was dazzled for a while, but it's okay. Just apologize. It's not a big deal! ]

In response, the man looked at Jiang Fan with a smug look on his face.

Just when everyone thought that Jiang Fan was dazzled and made a mistake, Jiang Fan's next move shocked everyone.

Jiang Fan walked in front of the man, and before the man could react, Jiang Fan grabbed the man's ear with lightning speed.

Then there was a tearing sound!


Then there was a shrill scream!

In a trance, everyone seemed to see that Jiang Fan seemed to have torn something off the man's face.

As the screams continued, the man covered his face with his hands and bent over in pain.

Blood kept oozing out from his hands that were covering his face.

Everyone who saw this scene instantly quieted down!

Looking at the thing torn off the man's face in Jiang Fan's hand, some timid people in the live broadcast room were almost scared to pee their pants.

What was torn off the man's face turned out to be something like a piece of human skin.

This was the human skin camouflage mask the man was wearing!

However, most people in the live broadcast room mistakenly thought that Jiang Fan had directly torn off the man's face.

And because of the popularity of the maskThe stickiness was very strong. After wearing it for a long time, the man's eyebrows and the human skin mask were firmly stuck together. In addition, Jiang Fan tore it off directly, so not only the mask was torn off, but also the man's eyebrows that were stuck to the mask.

This caused the man's eyebrows to bleed profusely, but the uninformed saw this and were more certain that Jiang Fan had torn off the man's face directly.

For a while, the live broadcast room exploded instantly.

[Popularity] +1+1+1

[Popularity] +1+1+1

[Fuck, what did I see!!! That thing, could it be the man's face? ]

[I was directly scared, Brother Fan was too cruel, the face was torn off directly, it was too scary! ]

[Oh my God, I've heard of hand-torn chicken, but this hand-torn face is the first time I've seen it, how much strength does it take! ]

[What's going on? Didn't he recognize the wrong person? Why did Brother Fan tear off his face? I was stunned. It's so weird! ]

[It's over. Brother Fan tore off the face of an innocent person. What should I do now? Brother Fan will be sent to prison! ]

[Although I always stand on Brother Fan's side, but this time, to be honest, Brother Fan did go a little too far. The opponent just lost 6 million, which was already miserable. Now his face is gone. It's really miserable! ]

Just then, the photographer on the side also noticed something strange!

It stands to reason that if you tear off a person's face directly, the blood will definitely be high, and the person is probably directly killed by the pain.

But the man in front of him, the blood only flowed for a while, and now it has completely stopped.

And after the man screamed a few times, he stopped, just covering his face and trembling and gasping.

Looking at the face skin in Jiang Fan's hand, it should be covered with bloodstains if it is torn from a human face, but there is none!

After looking carefully, the photographer finally noticed.

This is not a real human face skin, but it looks like a silicone product!

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