Xiao Hei felt the stinging pain from his lower body and stretched out his hand in disbelief.


He took a breath and said with a somewhat collapsed expression.

"Broken… Broken!!! Woohoo, I… I'm broken!"

Good fellow, listening to Xiao Hei's words, everyone in the audience felt a chill in their bodies!

"It's all because of you, bitch, that I became like this!"

"Isn't it just the money for a meal? Do you have to use a gun?"

"Is this the etiquette of you Long people to treat foreign friends? I will report you, I will expose you!"

Xiao Hei pointed at Jiang Fan and blamed Jiang Fan for all his tragic experience.

Jiang Fan looked at the furious Xiao Hei, sneered, and said lightly.

"You are right, it is indeed not necessary to use a gun to refuse to pay for a meal!"

"But for a murderer, this gun is fine!"

As soon as Jiang Fan said this, Xiao Hei's face changed immediately.

The audience around also cried out in surprise.

"Kill... murderer?"

"Brother Fan, do you mean that Xiao Hei is a murderer?"

The photographer beside him shuddered and said in a trembling voice.

Jiang Fan nodded.

According to the judgment given by the criminal star judgement device, Xiao Hei's crime has reached the level of three stars.

It is already a crime involving murder.

"Fuck, you... you are slandering!"

"I... I didn't kill anyone!!"

Xiao Hei pointed at Jiang Fan and said excitedly, his eyes were full of evasion, and he didn't dare to look Jiang Fan in the face.

Looking at Xiao Hei who refused to admit it, Jiang Fan shook his head helplessly.

He didn't understand why these criminals always talk hard.

They are soft everywhere, but they are especially hard!

It would be better if they confessed voluntarily, but they had to resort to some tricks to be willing to say it.

Jiang Fan sighed, raised his right hand and walked towards Xiao Hei.

The photographer and the audience in the live broadcast room were all excited when they saw this scene.

They knew that the God's Hand was coming.

After several live broadcasts, the audience in the live broadcast room summed up a rule.

That is, every time he encountered a stubborn criminal who refused to repent, Jiang Fan just had to slap him.

Then after a few slaps, the stubborn criminals would cry and admit their mistakes.

For this reason, the audience affectionately called Jiang Fan's slap [God's Hand].

Seeing Jiang Fan raise his hand, Xiao Hei had a bad feeling in his heart.

"You... what are you doing!"

"I tell you, my dick is broken, don't mess around!"

"I'm a foreign friend, you can't just do it... you..."

Before Xiao Hei finished speaking, a slap that resounded through the sky came on Xiao Hei's face!


After the physical fitness of Jiang Fan was strengthened, his strength was doubled compared to before.

Coupled with the blessing of the five consecutive palms to eliminate evil, the power of this slap can be said to be ten times that of the previous one!

The audience at the scene even heard the sound of breaking through the air when Jiang Fan took action.

That sound was like the sonic boom produced when a supersonic fighter reached the speed of sound!

So terrifying! ! !

Xiao Hei, who suffered a slap from Jiang Fan, directly spat out four teeth.

The whole person instantly felt that his soul was sublimated, and the whole person was floating, as if he was going to ascend in the next second!

Feeling the stinging and swelling from his right face, Xiao Hei wanted to faint directly.

But the pain in his lower body kept him awake, and he couldn't faint even if he wanted to!


Xiao Hei wanted to say something, but the next second, the second slap came again.

Jiang Fan didn't even ask, and directly started a new round of offensive.

After all, Xiao Hei was thick-skinned and thick-fleshed, and the feeling of hitting was not ordinary.

Finally I have the chance, I must have more slaps to satisfy my craving!

Pa pa pa pa!

Four consecutive slaps!

With each slap, several teeth flew out of Xiao Hei's mouth!

Xiao Hei wanted to faint after every slap, but the pain in his lower body made his senses so clear that he couldn't faint, and could only bear it silently.

After the five consecutive slaps, Jiang Fan looked at Xiao Hei, who had swollen into a big black pig in front of him, and said coldly.

"Still stubborn, huh? I'll ask you one last time, will you tell me or not!"

Then, Jiang Fan raised his right hand, which had just been put down, again.

At this time, Xiao Hei, who had fully witnessed the power of Jiang Fan's slaps, had already collapsed his psychological defenses, and his swollen pig head was already in tears.

"I... I said, I was going to confess when you slapped me for the first time, but you didn't give meOpportunity!"

Xiao Hei said with a sad face and great grievance.

"Ahem, stop making excuses, tell me all the crimes you have committed!"

Jiang Fan said loudly.

"I'll tell you, I'll tell you!"

"I... I didn't commit any serious crime, but... I just robbed a farmer in Eagle Country and took some of their money!"

Xiao Hei's eyes were dodging, and his voice was getting smaller and smaller.

Jiang Fan saw at a glance that Xiao Hei was definitely holding back, and raised his right hand and slapped Xiao Hei's face fiercely.


The sound of breaking through the air came again!

Hearing the sound of death, Xiao Hei was almost scared to pee, and he closed his eyes and shouted loudly on the spot.

"I'll tell you, I killed someone!"

Listening to Xiao Hei's words, Jiang Fan stopped his actions in the last 0.01 seconds.

"I'll give you one last chance! "

Seeing that the slap did not fall, Xiao Hei breathed a sigh of relief with lingering fear.

He knew that he could not deceive Jiang Fan, so he could only confess the truth.

"I did kill someone, but I had no choice!"

"I originally just wanted to rob some money to buy some food, but not only did they not give it to me, they also threatened me to call the police!"

"I... I did it in self-defense!"


Listening to Xiao Hei's words, everyone present felt angry in their hearts.


How dare you say such a thing!

Robbery in someone's house, it's their fault if they stop you.

It's not right for them to call the police!

It's really unheard of for a person to be so beastly!

"What did you do to the farmer's family!"

Listening to Xiao Hei's words, Jiang Fan suppressed his anger.

"I... I accidentally killed them all! ”

“There are four people in their family, the farmer and his wife and his two children!”

“I killed the couple with an axe. Their eldest son kept screaming. I was annoyed and strangled him to death!”

“Originally, I wanted to let their little daughter go. After all, she was only one year old. But after all, their family was gone. I thought she would be lonely in the future, so I sent her away and reunited their family!”

“I know it’s wrong, but after all, I was helpless. The other party called the police first. Everything I did was just to keep me out of jail. I don’t think it’s a big mistake!”

“It’s just excessive self-defense at most!”

“I’ve said everything I should say, so can you let me go!”

When Xiao Hei was talking about his murder, his face was extremely relaxed and his tone was light, as if everything he did was so insignificant.

But he didn’t notice that as he spoke, the faces of everyone around him were already full of anger!

Her words had aroused public outrage!

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