They received a call from someone saying that a black guy was going to attack the police.

As soon as he got off the car, Captain Li noticed Jiang Fan.

He hurriedly walked up and asked worriedly.

"Mr. Jiang, it's you!"

"I just received a call saying that a black guy openly attacked the police with a knife. You won't be attacked!"

"Are you okay?"

In response, Jiang Fan smiled and waved his hand.

"It's okay, Captain Li, I'm fine. Someone else is in trouble!"

Someone else?

Listening to Jiang Fan's words, Captain Li quickly turned his attention to the photographer beside him.

He was sharp and immediately noticed the blood on the photographer's hand!

"Are you...are you injured?"

Captain Li pointed at the photographer's hand and asked with concern.

Following the direction of Captain Li's finger, the photographer looked up and looked at the blood on his hand. He quickly waved his hand and said.

"Captain Li, you misunderstood. This blood is not mine. I accidentally stuck it on it just now. It's someone else's!"

Someone else's?

Could it be that other people were injured?

But looking around, the people around were all excited. Logically, they should be afraid when someone was attacked and injured!

Oh, by the way, didn’t the police call say that a black man attacked the police with a knife?

Why can’t I see that black man?

Just when Captain Li was confused, a policeman behind him pulled his clothes and pointed to a corner not far away and said with a trembling voice.

"Li... Captain Li, look there... there!"

Looking in the direction of the policeman's finger, I saw the Korean girl lying on the ground like a zombie.

Not far away from her was the black man with a swollen face like a black wild boar and covered with wounds.

If it weren't for the unconscious black man shaking from time to time, Captain Li really thought that the black man was dead!

Looking at the two miserable people, Captain Li was a little at a loss for a while.

What's going on?

Didn't they say that a black man attacked the police with a knife?

Why does this scene look like someone attacked Hei with a knife!

"What... what's going on?"

Team Leader Li asked curiously.

"There's nothing we can do. The crowd is too enthusiastic! We can't stop them!"

Jiang Fan said with a smile.

After listening to Jiang Fan's words, Team Leader Li was even more confused!

Jiang Fan waved to the photographer, and the photographer understood and told Team Leader Li about the situation just now.

Five minutes later!

After listening to the photographer's words, Team Leader Li's face was full of anger and regret.

The anger was because Xiao Hei, a globally wanted murderer, was so rampant that he dared to touch the women of Longguo.

Smuggling to Longguo, not only did he not behave himself, but he also dared to do so. This phenomenon is really unforgivable!

As for why he felt regretful, it was because he regretted not driving faster and not arriving at the scene in time.

Otherwise, he must have had a share of Xiao Hei's strong injuries!

Captain Li let out a long breath, then looked at the crowd around him.

These were the people who had just worked with the photographer. When they saw Captain Li looking at them, they thought that they had been too harsh and that Captain Li was going to cause trouble for them.

They were so scared that they dared not breathe.

Who knew what Captain Li would do next? This group of people were stunned.

Captain Li bowed solemnly to this group of people.

"Thank you, thank you for being fearless in the face of the threat of criminals and safeguarding the safety of our police officers!"

"You are all great, and you are the pride of the lives of our people in Jinghai City!"


The group was very moved by Captain Li's thanks.

The photographer on the side watched this scene and thought to himself that it was fortunate that he did not tell the real truth.

Otherwise, it would be embarrassing!

After thanking the crowd, Captain Li called a policeman and asked him to verify Xiao Hei's identity.

Soon, the identity verification result came out, and it was the murderer wanted worldwide by Eagle Country.

"Mr. Jiang, you have made a great contribution this time!"

"It's just the first day of work, and we have caught a wanted criminal worldwide. This is unprecedented in our police station!"

Jiang Fan smiled at this.

"Captain Li, we will be colleagues in the future, you can just call me Jiang Fan!"

"I was just lucky today, and these are what I should do."

Captain Li listened to Jiang Fan's words and laughed.

"Okay, then I will call you Brother Jiang in the future!"

"Let's go, it's just right that we are back to the team, and by the way, I will take you to the police station to report!"

Then, the unconscious Xiao Hei and the Korean girl were carried into the police car by the police.

After doing all this, the police car whizzed away, taking Jiang Fan and the photographer to the police station.

In the live broadcast room.

[Good guy, he caught a wanted criminal on his first day, he is worthy of being the anchor who mainly sends people to prison! ]

[Haha, Brother Fan can join the police station, I guess the chief of the police station is very happy, Brother Fan gives him a performance of one day, which is probably equivalent to a month! ]

[Correct answer, after all, sending a murderer in a day is not just a casual talk! ]

[Too exciting, I caught a little black right after joining the job, is this the legendary newbie benefit! ]

Ten minutes later, Jiang Fan and his team arrived at the police station.

Several police officers took Xiao Hei and the Korean girl to the interrogation room for interrogation, and Captain Li took Jiang Fan and the photographer directly to the director's office.

Standing outside the director's office, Captain Li knocked on the door respectfully.

"Come in!"

A majestic middle-aged man's voice came from inside the house.

Captain Li pushed the door and walked into the office with Jiang Fan and his team.

"Chief, I brought Jiang Fan to you!"

At the desk, a middle-aged man in a white police uniform was processing documents.

When he heard Captain Li mention Jiang Fan, the chief's eyes lit up, and he stopped his work and looked up at Jiang Fan beside him.

Then, a hearty laugh came from the chief's mouth.

"Hahaha, I finally saw the real person!"

"Okay, the young man is handsome, just like me back then!"

"Mr. Jiang, no, now you should call him Officer Jiang. Today is your first day at our police station. On behalf of our police station, I would like to express my heartfelt welcome!"

Then, the chief stood up from his seat and applauded Jiang Fan.

Wow, he was personally received and welcomed by the chief on his first day at work. If you don't know, you might think Jiang Fan is a second-generation with a strong background!

The reason why the chief was like this was not for anything else, but because Jiang Fan had brought so many achievements to his police station when he was washing carpets, including murderers and spies.

Having solved so many major cases, the police station responsible for the aftermath also gained a lot of fame, received awards from above, and was even named one of the top ten outstanding police stations in Longguo.

In the past, this was unthinkable!

Moreover, now that Jiang Fan has joined their police station, it is like finding a treasure for the chief!

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