Seeing this, the bearded man on the side stood up from the ground again and said loudly.

"Uncle San, what's wrong with telling them? We didn't do anything wrong!"

"We did borrow their money, and we don't want to pay it back, but so what?"

"This group of bastards should be treated like this!"


Why does this sound like [It's my ability to borrow money. Why should I pay back the money I borrowed with my ability? ]

And Uncle San saw that the matter could not be concealed any longer, so he sighed and said slowly.

"Officer, it's true that we borrowed some online loans."

"But there is a reason why we did this. They were the first to treat us as human beings. The reason why we borrowed money and didn't pay it back was to teach them a lesson."

Listening to Uncle San's words, Jiang Fan asked directly.

"Then... Third Uncle, how much online loans have you borrowed in total?"

"This... Actually, it's not a lot."

"Each household in our Mang Village has only borrowed about 100,000!"


Hearing this number, Jiang Fan took a breath.

Each household borrowed about 100,000, this is a village.

How much did they borrow!

"Third Uncle, I wonder how many households there are in our village!"

"Not many, not many, a total of 70 households!!"


Good guy!

No wonder the loan company came to your village to fight you!

It would be strange if they didn't fight!

Seventy households in the village, each borrowed 100,000.

In other words, the entire village has borrowed a total of 7 million from online loan companies.

And they are determined not to pay it back!

How can they not fight with you!

The village collectively fleeced the online loan company.

I have to say, this is the first case!

The audience in the live broadcast room was boiling with excitement after hearing what the old village chief said.

In the live broadcast room.

[Popularity] +1+1+1

[Popularity] +1+1+1

[Hahaha, interesting, the whole village is collectively borrowing online loans. I think we can change the name of the village in the future. Don’t call it Mang Village, just call it the Online Loan Village! ]

[No wonder they want to come to your village to cause trouble. So that’s it. It’s worthy of being called Mang Village. The folk customs are so tough! ]

[Haha, I can imagine the scene when those debt collectors came to Mang Village to collect debts. They were besieged by villagers in the same village with hoes and shovels. It’s funny to think about it! ]

[Don’t say, I think this method is quite useful. I seem to have found a new way to make a fortune. Brothers, I won’t say anything. I will download the online loan software with my village name! ]

And Jiang Fan listened to the words of his third uncle and suddenly realized it.

No wonder the online loan company wants to fight to the death with your village. How can they not be anxious after getting 7 million yuan for free!

Then, Jiang Fan looked into Mang Village.

Wow, all the small western-style buildings and villas, and many houses are under construction.

The roadside is full of various flowers, and there is even a small square with various entertainment and sports equipment at the entrance of the village.

Logically speaking, this kind of village in the mountains should be relatively poor and backward, but Mang Village is completely different.

If you don’t know, you might think this is a small village with tourist attractions!

Seeing Jiang Fan’s eyes looking at his village, the third uncle smiled and said.

"All this is thanks to the money we got from online loans. With that money, we have transformed from a small broken mountain village into an advanced village!"

"Every household lives in a small Western-style building, and we have also renovated and expanded the school and the square."

"The villagers are happier, how great!"


Listening to the words of the third uncle, Jiang Fan silently gave a thumbs up in his heart!


It's really high!

The villagers are happy to take advantage of the online loan company with all the villagers.

But some people probably have no place to cry now!

At this time, Jiang Fan remembered what the third uncle and the bearded man said just now, and they kept mentioning that this was what should be done, and said that the online loan company was a bastard.

Jiang Fan felt that there must be something hidden in this matter, so he asked.

When the third uncle heard Jiang Fan's question, he burst into tears instantly, shook his head and sighed.

At this time, the bearded man looked at the Third Uncle and spoke.

"Third Uncle, I can't stand it anymore. I'll tell you today!"

"Actually, it's like this. A year ago, our Mang Village finally had a college student. This is the first scholar to leave our village in a thousand years! The hope for the future of our Mang Village!"

"But because his family is too poor and his father died early, he couldn't afford the tuition, so he planned to give up going to college!"

"But how can this be possible?We finally got a college student in Mang Village. How could we let him give up like this? "

"So our whole village raised 5,000 yuan to pay for his tuition and send him to school!"


Speaking of this, the bearded man's voice was a little choked and his eyes began to moisten.

"Two months after he went to school, we received a notice from their school saying that he had an accident."

"When we rushed to the school, the kid's legs were broken. Although he was sent to the hospital in time, he was still disabled and had to spend the rest of his life in bed!"

"Afterwards, we found out that all this was because of that online loan company!"

"The kid had a strong self-esteem. In order to pay off the 5,000 yuan to the villagers as soon as possible, he worked part-time when he didn't have classes!"

"In two months, he had saved up 2,000 yuan. ”

“As a result, when he was working part-time outside, he was bewitched by the people of the online loan company. They said that since he was a college student, they could lend him 3,000 yuan without interest and asked him to pay it back to the villagers as soon as possible.”

“The kid was bewitched by them and lent them 3,000 yuan. Who knew that they would treat him like this because they saw that he was honest!”

“Half a month later, the kid was awarded a scholarship of 5,000 yuan. When he took some money to repay the loan, he was told that 3,000 yuan had become 10,000 yuan.”

“The kid argued with them on the spot, but was beaten up and became disabled. He can only stay in bed for the rest of his life.”

“A good college student is gone just like that!”

“And the online loan company didn’t intend to let them go. They even came to our village and said that the 3,000 yuan had increased to 30,000 yuan, and if they didn’t pay back the money, they would pay with their lives!”

“They also said that if we call the police, as long as they can’t sentence them to death, then when they get out, our village will be in trouble! ”

“To bully our village like this is simply to not take our village seriously and look down on our village!”

“So our Third Uncle decided to fight this online loan company to the death!”

“Under the leadership of our Third Uncle, our whole village collectively fleeced the online loan company and refused to pay it back!”

“If they dare to come to our village to collect debts, haha, then we will let them see the enthusiasm of our Mang Village!”

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