Meanwhile, Longguo Central TV Station No. 1 was broadcasting a news broadcast.

When the host who had just finished broadcasting a piece of news was about to read the next piece of news, an urgent news broadcast suddenly appeared on the prompt board in front of him.

The host did not hesitate and immediately started to read.

[Now insert an urgent news broadcast. A vicious knife-wielding hijacking incident broke out in Jinghai City Museum. It is reported that the other party is a mentally ill person. The situation is critical. The police are on the way. This station will continue to report on this! ]

Then the news screen changed and turned directly into Jiang Fan's live broadcast room screen.

At the same time, on the headlines of major platforms, the news of the hijacking incident in Jinghai Museum instantly topped the list.

Countless netizens poured into the live broadcast room.

Jiang Fan's live broadcast room instantly exceeded one million views.

Ace Career Experience Program Group Headquarters.

"Director... Director..., it's bad... something big has happened!!!"

The staff in charge of Jiang Fan's live broadcast room shouted loudly while rushing into the director's live broadcast room.

"Why are you so irritable? You are not calm at all!"

"Learn more from me. No matter what happens, you must be as steady as a rock. What is it?"

The director, who was lying leisurely in the boss chair, looked at the anxious face of the staff and said dissatisfiedly.

To this, the staff just wanted to say, you have forgotten how you were scared to death when you learned that Jiang Fan had dug up the national defense cable and were ready to run away with a bucket!

"Jiang... Jiang Fan's live broadcast room... Something happened in the live broadcast room!"

The staff said breathlessly.

Hearing this, the boss was no longer calm and fell off the chair in fear.

After Jiang Fan used the excavator to dig up the national defense cable, the whole program became popular on the Internet and became the number one in the variety show list!

Of course the director knew it. All this was Jiang Fan's credit, and the netizens who watched this program basically watched it for Jiang Fan.

The other contestants were just Jiang Fan's foil.

Now the staff said that Jiang Fan's live broadcast room had an accident. How could this make the director not anxious?

Jiang Fan is now more important than his lifeblood. If something happens to Jiang Fan's live broadcast room, then the show can be declared dead.

"What happened...what happened...what happened!"

The director asked in a panic.

"Jiang Fan's live broadcast room has exceeded one million viewers!!!"

The staff member said after taking a breath.

Hearing the staff's words, the director was stunned, and then kicked the staff member directly.

"Damn, I was scared to death, I thought the national defense cable was dug up again!"

"Breaking through one million viewers is a good thing, why are you so panicked, I almost had a heart attack!"

The director patted his chest and said with lingering fear.

"No, boss, something really happened. I can't explain it for a while, just watch it yourself!"

The kicked staff member said with fear on his face, and then he took out his mobile phone and called up Jiang Fan's live broadcast screen.

At this time, in the live broadcast screen, the perverted man holding two knives was stabbing at Jiang Fan aggressively.

At this moment, Jiang Fan looked at the perverted man rushing towards him, and the machete flashing coldly under the light. It was impossible for him not to be nervous.

Although he was now proficient in martial arts and his physical fitness had been greatly improved, he was still a traditional flesh and blood after all.

If he was hit by the machete, he would still be injured.

Moreover, Jiang Fan was currently unarmed, and the other party had two sharp machetes. Jiang Fan did not dare to take risks.

After all, there is an old saying that no matter how good your kung fu is, you are afraid of kitchen knives!

What's more, it was two kitchen knives!

Jiang Fan quickly retreated, trying to find a weapon to defend himself.

But looking around, there was nothing except the display cabinet.

Wait, display cabinet? ! ! !

Jiang Fan remembered something and looked to the side. Next to him, the Sword of Goujian, King of Yue, was lying quietly in the display cabinet.

Isn't this a ready-made weapon!

However, isn't it a bit bad, after all, this is a national treasure!

But looking at the perverted man approaching him, Jiang Fan naturally couldn't care too much.

Jiang Fan just looked at the direction of the Sword of Goujian, King of Yue and shouted.

"Sword is coming!!!"

Jiang Fan's sudden burst of laughter made the people around him a little confused.

Shouldn't Jiang Fan run away at this time? Why is he still suffering from the second-year syndrome at this time?

What does "Sword is coming" mean.

When the old curator heard Jiang Fan shout "Sword is coming", he didn't know why he always felt that something big was going to happen.

Then Jiang Fan didn't hesitate, turned his hands into fists, and smashed the glass of the display case fiercely.

There was a loud bang, and the glass on the display case shattered.Falling to the ground.

Seeing this scene, the people around were shocked.

They didn't understand what the meaning of Jiang Fan's doing was.

The old curator looked at this scene, and his heart almost jumped out of his throat.

At this time, he had a guess in his mind, but he didn't dare to face his guess.

In the live broadcast room.

[Popularity] +1+1+1

[Popularity] +1+1+1


[What's going on, what is Brother Fan doing, why don't you run away, why are you smashing the glass, you are not going to fight back with the glass! ]

[Fuck, this glass is all special tempered glass, Brother Fan actually broke it directly, how much strength it takes, I just shouted awesome! ! ]

[Brother Fan is going to give up struggling, stop it, Brother Fan, run quickly! ]

[Brothers, I have a bold idea, but because this idea is too bold, I dare not speak! ! 】

【Fuck, Brother Fan is not planning to...】

When Jiang Fan saw the glass of the display case fall to the ground, he did not hesitate at all and directly picked up the Sword of Goujian, King of Yue on the stand, then waved his hand and pointed the sword at the perverted man.

"Come on!!! Come and fencing!"

That's right, facing the knife-wielding gangster, Jiang Fan directly chose to smash the glass of the display case and took out the Sword of Goujian, King of Yue to fencing with the gangster!

The occurrence of this scene directly destroyed everyone's three views and values!

They would never have thought that Jiang Fan would do this!

When the old curator saw this scene, he felt that his body was a little light and his head was a little dizzy.

That was the Sword of Goujian, King of Yue, a heavyweight national treasure. He took care of it more attentively than his parents, and the whole museum worshipped it as an ancestor.

And now it was directly picked up by Jiang Fan to fencing with the gangster, which was really a waste of natural resources.

If possible, the curator would rather fight the gangsters himself than let the Sword of Goujian go.

If the Sword of Goujian was damaged, the curator would be heartbroken.

At the same time, at the headquarters of the program group.

When the director saw Jiang Fan smash the glass of the display case and take out the Sword of Goujian, he was stunned.

When he saw Jiang Fan was going to fight the gangsters with the Sword of Goujian, his legs began to tremble uncontrollably.

A smell of urine came.

That is a national treasure. If there is a slight mistake, it will not be enough to compensate for it even if I sell everything I have!

Run away, must run away!

"Hurry, pack my things, I have to go on a business trip for a few days, and the program will be handed over to you in the future. You will be the director in the future!"

The director said to the staff beside him, trembling all over.

Listening to this extremely familiar line, the staff knew that the director was preparing to run away again!

"Director, don't worry. What if nothing happens in the end? Let's wait and see. I believe Jiang Fan knows his limits!"

The staff comforted him. After all, the salary for this month has not been paid yet. Who will pay the director if he runs away?

"Yes, I will be calm this time. Last time, the national defense optical cable was cut off, and nothing happened to me in the end!"

"There will definitely be no accidents this time!"

Listening to the staff's words, the director gradually calmed down and decided to wait and see. It would not be too late to run away when the situation gets bad!

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