The audience in the live broadcast room were furious when they saw this scene.




【I also read those news, and it made me feel sad. They were all five or six-year-old children, at the age of flowers, but they encountered this. Hey, I hope the case can be solved as soon as possible! 】

【Human traffickers should be killed. Why don’t you do something else? You become a human trafficker. If I run into this, I will definitely kill him! 】

【I hope those children are still safe now! 】

【Family members, you’d better keep an eye on your children recently. After all, the incident happened in our neighboring city, so close to us! 】

【Brother Fan, promise me that if you catch this human trafficker, beat him to death and torture him to death! 】


And at this moment, a childish voice came.

"Bao...Bao Za...Come...Come!"

Jiang Fan looked up, but there was still no one in front of him. He looked around, but there was no one either.

Just when Jiang Fan was confused, he heard the childish voice again.

"Big...Big pot, help me catch it, I can't reach it..."

Listening to the source of the voice, Jiang Fan looked down.

I saw a little girl in a white floral dress holding a steamer with a steamed bun in it, which was bigger than her head, and standing in front of her table with difficulty.

But because she was too small and not as tall as the table, the steamer could not be put on the table, so the little girl asked Jiang Fan for help!

Jiang Fan hurriedly took the steamer from the little girl.

"Huh, thank you Big Pot!"

The rescued little girl said to Jiang Fan gratefully.

Looking at the little girl in front of him who was about five years old, Jiang Fan said with a smile.

"Why are you moving such a big thing when you are so young? What if you get hurt?"

"This is adult work. Don't do it anymore. Got it?"

Listening to Jiang Fan's words, the little girl shook her head and pouted and said loudly.

"I am already an adult!"

Then she trotted to the proprietress who was making tofu pudding and pointed at Jiang Fan and said loudly.

"Mom, that Guo Guo said I am not an adult! He is a bad guy!"

Hearing what her daughter said, the proprietress cast an apologetic look at Jiang Fan, and then brought two bowls of tofu pudding that had just come out of the pot to Jiang Fan's table.

After putting the tofu pudding on the table, the proprietress said apologetically.

"I'm sorry, my daughter is ignorant!"

Jiang Fan shook his head to indicate that it was okay, and looked at the little girl who was neatly cleaning up the table that the guests had just left, and said.

"It's okay, she's just a kid!!"

"But I'm a little curious, why is she so willing to work so hard when she's so young!"

After hearing this, the boss sighed, then looked at her busy daughter with tears in her eyes!

"Oh, it's all our fault!"

"My husband had a car accident last year and now needs to lie in bed to recover, so I'm the only one running the store. I can't handle too many customers."

"My daughter is very sensible. Seeing that I'm too busy, she often takes the initiative to help me. Oh, I know, she just doesn't want me to be too tired!"

At this point, the boss's tone was a little choked, and tears began to flow uncontrollably!

After hearing this, Jiang Fan looked at the little girl who was happily cleaning the table and said to her solemnly.

"Brother was wrong just now, you are indeed an adult!"

The little girl smiled proudly when she heard Jiang Fan's words!

Ten minutes later, Jiang Fan and the photographer finished their breakfast, left the breakfast shop, and prepared to go to the police station!

When they were halfway there, they happened to meet a little girl in the breakfast shop, carrying a pink schoolbag and jumping forward.

There was no doubt that the little girl was going to school.

Looking at the innocent little girl, Jiang Fan recalled the conversation he had just heard in the restaurant, and his face was full of worry.

"Let's go, let's send her to school before going to the police station!"

Jiang Fan said to the photographer.

The photographer nodded.

Then the two walked towards the direction of the little girl, intending to send her to school before leaving!

At this moment, the little girl turned a corner and walked into the public toilet on the side!

Looking at this scene, Jiang Fan smiled and shook his head.

He didn't follow her anymore, intending to wait for the little girl to come out.

At this moment, Jiang Fan noticed that a middle-aged woman about 40 years old came to the public toilet with a sneaky look on her face.

Moreover, she didn't choose to go in at the first time, but looked around. After realizing that there was no one, she looked up, as if to check if there was any surveillance nearby!After seeing that there was no surveillance around, the middle-aged woman walked into the public toilet!

Seeing this scene, Jiang Fan became alert.

The sneaky look gave Jiang Fan the first impression that he was not a good person!

And at this moment, a scream suddenly came from the public toilet?

That voice was exactly the tone of a little girl!

"Not good!"

Jiang Fan secretly said that it was not good, and then hurried towards the public toilet.

The photographer saw this scene and did not dare to hesitate at all, and followed Jiang Fan's footsteps.

When he came to the public toilet, he saw that the plastic door of the women's toilet was tightly closed.

Jiang Fan did not choose to rush in rashly at the first time, but stood at the door and listened to the movement inside.

Soon a middle-aged woman's voice came from inside.

"Be good, don't scream, do you hear me!"

"I'm not a bad person, don't be nervous, auntie is a good person!"

Then, the little girl's childish voice came with a crying tone.

"What...what are you going to do?"

"Why did you lock the door? Can you let me out? I...I want to go to school!"


"Don't worry, of course I can let you out, but before you go out, I have something to tell you!"

"Actually, I'm a doctor, a very good one!"

"I know your father is sick and he's still lying in bed!"

"It just so happens that I have a medicine at home that can cure your father's illness. Do you want to go home with me to get the medicine?"

The middle-aged woman's voice came again.

After this, there was silence for a while, and then only the trembling voice of the little girl came.


"Then... can I go home and let my mother go with me? I... I'm scared to go alone!"

"No, you'll waste a lot of time if you go home, and your father's illness will get worse!"

"You know he might even die, do you want your father to die?"

"If you want to cure your father, follow me now!"

The middle-aged woman's voice was full of impatience, and then a rustling sound came.

"Come on, eat this candy first, and then when you wake up, we'll get the medicine back."

"By then, your father will be able to stand up from the bed, so your mother won't have to be too tired, dear, you're a good child!"

"Eat this candy quickly!!! Hurry!!!"

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