The people around were expressionless when they heard the screams, and it was obvious that they were used to it.

Aunt Mei smiled excitedly when she heard the screams, and it was obvious that she enjoyed the feeling of being able to control others.

Jiang Fan looked at Aunt Mei, whose red dots were flashing in front of him, with murderous intent in his eyes.

From her words, it can be seen that she is a person who regards human life as worthless. She not only regards the children she abducted as goods, but also feeds them sleeping pills, saying that if they don't die, they will eat them to death.

Jiang Fan resisted the urge to slap her to death, and silently used his skills to investigate Aunt Mei's crimes.

[Zhang Mei, nicknamed Aunt Mei, is the leader of the Aunt Mei criminal gang. She is involved in child trafficking, drug trafficking, and human organ trafficking. So far, she has directly participated in the trafficking of more than 300 children and indirectly participated in thousands of cases. Among them, the number of children who were tortured to death by her is as high as more than 20, and she used drugs to control...]

In an instant, Jiang Fan's mind emerged with all the crimes that Aunt Mei had committed.

After learning about the crimes of this middle-aged woman who looked plain in front of him, Jiang Fan, who was well-informed, couldn't help but take a breath.

Even if the crimes of all the criminals he had encountered since he was a carpet cleaner were added together, they were not even one-tenth of what she had committed.

Child trafficking, murder and dismemberment, drug trafficking, organ trafficking and other major crimes, Aunt Mei did not miss any of them.

Any of these crimes alone would be subject to immediate execution.

At this time, Aunt Mei waved her hand, and the two strong men behind her immediately helped her up from the recliner.

Aunt Mei stretched her back, glanced at Jiang Fan casually, and then looked at the woman beside her.

The woman felt a chill in her heart when Aunt Mei looked at her like this, and her legs went weak and she almost knelt down on the spot.

"Didn't I ask you to go down the mountain to buy goods? Why, where are the goods?"

Aunt Mei looked at the woman coldly and said.

The woman was so scared by Aunt Mei's questioning that she knelt on the ground and said to Aunt Mei with a trembling voice.

"Aunt Mei... Aunt Mei. I... I encountered a little accident when I went down the mountain!"

"Although the goods did not come in, I found a buyer who is willing to pay a high price for the goods..."

"Please forgive me this time because I found a buyer. Don't worry, I will definitely bring you more goods when I go down the mountain tomorrow!"

The woman said tremblingly, and it was obvious that she was very afraid of Aunt Mei in front of her.

Listening to the woman's words, Aunt Mei turned her eyes to Jiang Fan. She looked Jiang Fan up and down, her eyes full of vigilance, and then asked Jiang Fan.

"It's you, want to buy goods?"

Facing Aunt Mei's vigilant eyes, Jiang Fan was calm, just nodded and said lightly.

"Yes, I do want to buy goods!"

Hearing Jiang Fan's words, Aunt Mei smiled and then spoke.

"You can buy goods, and we warmly welcome you!"

"However, our gang has our rules!"

"Before buying goods, we need to verify your capital first, after all, our goods are very expensive!"

Listening to Aunt Mei's words, Jiang Fan smiled and nodded, indicating that it was okay.

In fact, he understood that the so-called capital verification was fake, and he was afraid that verifying his identity was real.

Investigating whether he was a policeman based on his assets was Aunt Mei's real purpose.

Then, Aunt Mei waved to a sturdy man beside her. The sturdy man nodded, then came to Jiang Fan and took Jiang Fan's mobile phone.

"Hey, last year there was a policeman who didn't know how to live or die. He pretended to be a buyer to defraud us. As a result, there were only tens of thousands of yuan in his bank card when he checked the funds."

"And looking at his information, there is a transfer of several thousand yuan from the police department's finance department every month. Haha, guess what happened to him?"

"We chopped him up and fed him to the dogs. Do you think he is stupid? Who is the one who comes to buy goods from us who is short of money? Who would believe that a poor guy would buy goods from us!"

Aunt Mei said to Jiang Fan, and the vigilance in her eyes did not diminish at all.

Faced with Aunt Mei's words, Jiang Mian did not change his expression, but just said lightly.

"It's just a big gang, but they are so thoughtful, so amazing!"

"Indeed, you'd better be careful!"

Auntie Mei listened to Jiang Fan's words and nodded to the sturdy man holding Jiang Fan's phone.

After receiving the instructions, the sturdy man turned on Jiang Fan's phone.

Then he called up Jiang Fan's bank card information. When he saw Jiang Fan's balance, he was stunned.

Auntie Mei looked at the sturdy man and thought thatWhat's the accident? He waved his hand quickly, and then a group of strong men surrounded Jiang Fan.

Just as he was about to take action, the strong man holding Jiang Fan's mobile phone immediately came to his senses and hurriedly shouted to Aunt Mei.

"Aunt Mei...Aunt Mei, problem!"

Then he handed the phone to Aunt Mei.

Aunt Mei looked at the mobile phone screen in front of her and was also stunned.

Then she narrowed her eyes into a small slit, stretched out a finger and pointed at the screen to count.

"One, ten, hundred... ten thousand... one million... ten million hiss..."

"More than 26 million!!!"

Looking at the more than 26 million lying in Jiang Fan's bank card account, Aunt Mei also took a breath of cold air.

This can be said to be the most generous customer she has ever seen.

There are more than 20 million lying on the card alone.

Then his real net worth must have exceeded 100 million, he is a billionaire! !

Aunt Mei quickly recovered from her shock and waved her hand to let the strong men surrounding Jiang Fan leave.

Then the vigilance in her eyes disappeared, replaced by a full smile.

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