And when they checked, they found a lot of white powder in almost every box.

After a surprise interrogation, they found out that today was the birthday of the owner of the Buckingham Club, so the owner was happy and waved his hand to give some white powder to his subordinates.

However, when they checked, they checked all the boxes on the second floor, but they couldn't find the owner of Buckingham.

"Tell me, where is your boss?"

Jiang Fan lifted the collar of the foreign language student who was caught at the beginning and asked loudly.

Having seen Jiang Fan's barbarity, the man dared not disobey Jiang Fan's questioning at this time.

"Police... Officer, our boss should be in the largest box on this floor!"

"Half an hour ago, I went to the box to toast him, and he was there."

"It's impossible that he's not here!"

As the man said, he covered his face with his hands. After all, the slaps Jiang Fan gave him just now left him with a big shadow.

Looking at the man's appearance, Jiang Fan knew that he was not lying.

"Xiao Jiang, I've checked the box just now. There's no one else in it except a few waiters who were cleaning."

Captain Li listened to the man's words, walked out and said to Jiang Fan.

"Let's go and take a look!"

After hearing this, Jiang Fan did not hesitate and led a few people to the largest box.

When they arrived at the box, there was indeed no one else except a few waiters in uniform.

Seeing Jiang Fan and Captain Li return to the box again, the waiters in the box looked nervous and sweated on their faces.

"Do you know where the people in this box went!?"

Jiang Fan looked at the three waiters in the box and asked slowly.

"No... I didn't notice!"

"But we will open the back door. They should have seen you coming and left through the back door in advance!"

"Go to the back door quickly and you should be able to catch up!"

A waiter wearing a mask said to Jiang Fan.

Jiang Fan nodded, then winked at Captain Li who wanted to ask something else, and then left the box with a few people.

After watching Jiang Fan and the others leave, the three waiters in the box looked at each other and let out a long breath.

They all collapsed on the sofa, with expressions of surviving a disaster.

"Brother, you have a lot of ideas. We managed to escape. Thanks to you, otherwise, we would have been in trouble today!"

One of the waiters took off his mask, revealing his scarred face, and said thankfully.

"Don't you know your brother loves books? He reads the Spring and Autumn Annals."

"I usually ask you to read more books, including The Art of War, but you don't believe me."

"Now you know the use of reading more books!"

"Okay, wait until these policemen leave, let's pack up and sell the goods that haven't been shipped. We'll go abroad with the money!"

"I was scared to death. I almost had a heart attack!"

One of the waiters who collapsed on the sofa said to the scarred man.

His real identity is Buckingham, one of the top backbones of Auntie Mei's human traffickers.

The relief of surviving the disaster made him breathe a long sigh of relief, and his nervous mood slowly calmed down.

He leaned on the sofa, closed his eyes and rested, muttering to himself.

"Damn, I didn't expect that the police would raid our house."

"It shouldn't be like this. We usually hide very well, so the problem shouldn't happen inside our club!"

"No, could it be that there is a problem with the headquarters? Aunt Mei won't be caught by the police!"

"No, I have to make a phone call to ask."

At this time, a ghostly voice suddenly sounded from behind him.

"No need to call, you should be able to meet soon!"

The sudden voice shocked Boss Buckingham and he opened his eyes suddenly.

When he opened his eyes, he saw that Jiang Fan, who had already left the box, appeared behind him.

"You... why are you here?"

"I... I..."

Boss Buckingham looked at Jiang Fan who suddenly appeared behind him, with cold sweat on his face, pointing at Jiang Fan and saying in a trembling voice.

This scared Boss Buckingham a lot, and suddenly he covered his chest with his heart and said in a trembling voice.

"I... I'm having a heart attack..."

Looking at Boss Buckingham's expression, Jiang Fan's expression did not change at all. He just snorted coldly and then raised his hand.

A loud bang was heard in the club!

Boss Buckingham was slapped by Jiang Fan and flew away from the sofa.Come down.

"Is it done??!!"

Jiang Fan asked coldly, looking at Boss Buckingham, who was covering his face and wailing on the ground.

"Okay... okay!!!"

Boss Buckingham was slapped by Jiang Fan, and suddenly felt that his heart didn't hurt so much.

Then, Jiang Fan set his sights on the other two "waiters".

Seeing the eyes sweeping towards them, the two stood up from the sofa, took off their disguises neatly, and said tremblingly.

"Police... Officer, I... I don't have a heart disease!"

"I... I surrender!!!"

And Captain Li and others who were watching this scene at the door looked at Jiang Fan with admiration.

Not only can he easily see through the enemy's disguise, but he also has a pair of hands that can bring back the dead. A difficult disease like heart disease can be cured with a slap.

This is the well-deserved police god! ! ! !

Seeing that several people honestly confessed their identities, Jiang Fan said nothing more and threw three handcuffs at them.

"Handcuff yourself, don't make trouble for yourself!"

The three people also cooperated with Jiang Fan's instructions very well. They picked up the handcuffs on the ground and handcuffed themselves tightly, and then hid in the corner with their hands on their heads waiting for their fate.

"Xiao Jiang, how did you know their true identities?"

Captain Li walked forward and asked curiously.

Jiang Fan smiled and said.

"Eyes, from their eyes, I can see that these three are definitely not good people!"

Listening to Jiang Fan's words, the admiration in the eyes of Captain Li and others became more and more obvious.

In this regard, Jiang Fan could only sigh in his heart.

What eyes, it was just something he said to perfunctorily.

The reason why he could see through the disguise of these three people was because the red dots on the three people in front of him kept flashing and the criminal information of the three people was sent to his mind by the system.

But if I tell the truth, it is indeed a bit unbelievable.

After all, it is fun to cheat.

But it is too uncomfortable if I can't do it while others can.

In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, Jiang Fan directly gave a mysterious explanation.

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