As all the fragments on the sword of Goujian, King of Yue, fell to the ground, the full appearance of the Yuchang Sword finally appeared in everyone's sight.

There were bursts of exclamations from the crowd.

Jiang Fan looked at the Yuchang Sword, which had revealed its true appearance, and was amazed.

The sword of the Yuchang Sword was short, and the surface showed a unique bluish-white color, emitting bursts of cold light under the light.

Although he had not tried it, Jiang Fan was sure that the sharpness of this Yuchang Sword was only stronger than that of Goujian, King of Yue.

It would be no problem to be able to truly cut iron like mud.

The sword of the Yuchang Sword, which had just been born, trembled slightly, as if celebrating its rebirth after two thousand years.

He casually waved the Yuchang Sword in his hand, and the blade cut through the air, making a whistling sound, and the sword body trembled slightly, making bursts of sword sounds.

The temperature in the air dropped a lot in an instant, and the crowd watching around shivered.

"It is indeed a peerless sword!"

Jiang Fan said with emotion while looking at the Yuchang Sword in his hand.

"Xiao Jiang, what kind of sword is this? How could it be hidden in the Sword of Goujian, King of Yue?"

Captain Wang, who was standing by, asked curiously while looking at the Yuchang Sword in Jiang Fan's hand.

Jiang Fan told everyone the origin of the Yuchang Sword.

After listening to Jiang Fan's story, everyone was shocked.

They never thought that there was a peerless sword hidden in the sword of Goujian, King of Yue - the Yuchang Sword.

This is a sword that only exists in historical records. Due to its extremely low appearance in the long river of history, it has never appeared again except in that assassination.

So much so that people doubt whether such a peerless magic weapon really exists in this world.

Now, listening to Jiang Fan's words, the Yuchang Sword has returned to the arena, how can they not be shocked!

This scene fell in the live broadcast room, causing a huge sensation.

[Popularity] +1+1+1

[Popularity] +1+1+1


[Brother Fan knows too much, he knows all this, amazing! ]

[Damn, the Yuchang Sword, one of the ten great swords? Oh my god, I always thought it was a fictional thing in history, but I didn't expect it to really exist! ]

[Oh my god, I thought Brother Fan was finished this time, but there was a reversal? ]

[Brother Fan suddenly changed from a criminal who damaged the national treasure to a hero who discovered the national treasure. Although the Sword of Goujian, King of Yue, is a national treasure, it is still not as good as the Yuchang Sword. Brother Fan has made a great contribution again! ]

[Oh my god, Brother Fan's luck is so amazing. This is the Yuchang Sword. I didn't expect it to be hidden in the Sword of Goujian. This is a blessing in disguise! ]

[No way, if he said it was the Yuchang Sword, it must be the Yuchang Sword. He is not an archaeologist. What if it is not the Yuchang Sword but just an ordinary sword! ! 】

[Although what the above said is not pleasant, it does make some sense. Brother Fan is not an archaeological expert after all. Whether the short sword is the Yuchang Sword remains to be investigated! But I believe Brother Fan!! 】

At the same time, the old curator who had just fainted opened his eyes in a daze, looking at the broken body of the Goujian Sword, his heart ached.

It was just like his wife who he had taken care of for many years was suddenly abducted one day.

Waves of dizziness hit him again.

Just when he was about to faint again, Captain Wang on the side quickly supported him.

"Director, it's a big deal, it's a big deal!"

The old curator felt bitter when he heard Captain Wang's words.

How could he not know that this was a big deal? The Goujian Sword of King Yue was directly broken into pieces.

I, the old curator, have worked in the library all my life, and I have never made any mistakes in my work, and now I will retire in two years.

I thought I could retire peacefully, but now, the treasure of the country has been shattered into pieces in front of me.

I can't bear this responsibility!

But now that things have come to this, there is no turning back, and I can only accept it.

He sighed and said slowly.

"Forget it, since it has happened, let's find a way to solve it!"

"You can't blame Xiao Jiang for this. After all, he is also trying to save people. I am the director, and I bear the main responsibility."

The old director's eyes were filled with tears, and he aged several years in an instant.

Captain Wang, who was standing by, looked at the director's appearance and was confused.

What's going on?

Shouldn't the old director be happy that the Yuchang Sword, one of the ten famous swords, was discovered!

Why does the old director's words sound like he is explaining his last wishes!

"Director, what's wrong with you? Isn't it a good thing to discover the Yuchang Sword? Why do you look so sad?" Captain Wang asked puzzledly.

"What? Yuchang Sword?"

Hearing Captain Wang's words, the old director was immediately alertShocked, the whole person stood up straight, without any sign of decadence just now.

"Look at the short sword in Jiang Fan's hand, it has been hidden in the sword of Gou Jian. If the sword body is not broken, I am afraid we will never find it in our lifetime!"

Captain Wang pointed at the Yuchang sword in Jiang Fan's hand and said.

After hearing what Captain Wang said, the old curator's eyes lit up, and the whole person suddenly became extremely energetic.

He ran to Jiang Fan quickly and said to him with trembling hands.

"Quick, Xiao Jiang, show me!"

Jiang Fan handed the Yuchang sword to the old curator without hesitation.

After the old curator received the Yuchang sword, the whole person instantly became extremely excited.

He quickly took out his reading glasses and put them on, and then put the Yuchang sword in front of his eyes to observe carefully.



While watching, he kept nodding, and laughed excitedly from time to time.

Jiang Fan, who was watching from the side, was a little confused. Could it be that the old curator received too much stimulation in one day and his brain was broken! ?

At this time, Captain Wang came over and patted Jiang Fan on the shoulder.

"Don't worry, the old curator is always very excited every time he encounters those precious antiques!"

"And the more excited he is, the higher the value of the antiques!!"

"When the Sword of Goujian, King of Yue, was unearthed, the old curator was not so excited. It seems that the value of this Yuchang Sword is very high!"

And at this moment, the old curator looked up, tears streaming down his face, and roared to the sky, and then shouted excitedly.

"It is exactly the same as recorded in the ancient books. This is the Yuchang Sword. This is really the Yuchang Sword!!!"

This scene appeared in the live broadcast room and directly ignited the whole audience.

[Popularity] +1+1+1

[Popularity] +1+1+1


[Fuck, what's wrong with this old man? Who is he? Does he know that this sword is a Yuchang sword? Can a professional come? Is there no archaeological expert in a museum? ]

[Yes, look at him, so excited, like a psychopath, crazy! ]

[The two two-armed people upstairs, do you want to check what you are talking about? Open Baidu and search. The identity of this old man will scare you to death. He is the director of the Jinghai Museum and a professional archaeological expert. He has participated in countless archaeological projects throughout his life. The Sword of Goujian, King of Yue, and the Four Sheep Square Tripod are all archaeological projects he presided over before. He is a veteran in our Longguo archaeological community, the two clowns upstairs! ]

[Since the veterans of the archaeological community have spoken, it can be said that this sword is a Yuchang sword. Brother Fan has really set up a job again this time! 】

【Good fellow, we just wished Brother Fan a safe journey, but the situation turned around and Brother Fan became the hero again. This incredible luck will really shock me for a thousand years! 】

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