The next morning, Jiang Fan got up early, had a simple breakfast, and went to the police station with the photographer.

As soon as he arrived at the police station, he saw a group of colleagues gathered together, discussing something enthusiastically.

Jiang Fan, who was a little curious, also came over.

Seeing Jiang Fan coming, the group of people looked at him one after another, and one of the younger police officers couldn't wait to say to Jiang Fan.

"Brother Fan, do you know that the Burmese monkey you caught yesterday, no, the Burmese student, has been sentenced to death by the court, or executed immediately. It is estimated that this person will be re-opened in the next few days!"

Hearing this, Jiang Fan's face also showed a little smile.

The dark and thin man was sentenced to death, which was also an explanation for the two women he had killed.

At the same time, Captain Li came to the scene, clapped his hands, and said to everyone.

"Everyone, please stop what you are doing and go to the conference room for a meeting. The director has something to say!"

Listening to Captain Li's words, everyone stopped talking and walked towards the conference room.

After arriving at the conference room, everyone sat in their seats and waited for the meeting to be held.

Then, the director walked into the conference room and the meeting officially began.

At the beginning, the director simply reported to everyone the recent public security situation in Jinghai City.

Since the largest gangs in Jinghai City came to the police station to surrender, this matter seemed to have started.

For a time, many people who had committed crimes and had criminal records took the initiative to go to the police station to surrender.

In just two days, nearly a hundred people came to the police station to surrender!

The reason for this number is not the limit of the number of people, but the limit of the number of people that the police station can accommodate.

Even the people who surrendered have been waiting in line for a week!

When the police officer who took the record asked why this group of people came to surrender, everyone's answer was surprisingly consistent.

That is - scared by Jiang Fan!

Good guy, one person directly scared the criminals of a city to surrender voluntarily!

This situation can be said to be unique in the world.

When the director said this, all the police officers looked at Jiang Fan and applauded enthusiastically.

All the police officers, regardless of their seniority, looked at Jiang Fan with respect and admiration.

After all, Jiang Fan's strength is there!

And then, the director officially began to talk about the purpose of this meeting.

That is, Jinghai Bank will hold its annual anti-terrorism exercise this afternoon.

At that time, it will be held together with the Jinghai City Police Department and the SWAT team!

And Jiang Fan and his police officers will cooperate with the SWAT team on the spot to solve the robbers in the bank and rescue the hostages!

At the same time, in order to simulate the reality of this exercise to the greatest extent, ten police officers will be selected from the police to play the role of robbers.

After the director finished speaking, he took out a box from behind, which was full of ping-pong balls.

Each ping-pong ball has a number written on it.

Then the chief asked each police officer to come forward and draw a ping-pong ball from the box.

The police officers who drew numbers 1-10 will play the role of robbers in this exercise.

Soon, everyone had a ping-pong ball in their hands.

They looked at the numbers in their hands to determine whether they were robbers.

"Hahaha, I'm number one, I'm a robber, hahaha, I'm tired of being a police officer every year, today I can finally be a robber!"

"I'm also a robber, haha, so lucky!"

"Wuhu!!! I'm a robber, hand over the money!!!"

The faces of several police officers who drew the robber numbers were full of excitement!

After all, this kind of exercise is held once a year, and they usually play the role of police officers. Now they can change their identities, and they are still robbers. It is extremely exciting for them!

"Xiao Jiang, did you draw a robber or a police officer?"

At this time, Captain Li came to Jiang Fan and asked curiously.

"It's the police!"

Jiang Fan said with a smile.

Then Jiang Fan looked at the police officers who had been drawn as robbers and said jokingly.

"Dear "robbers", I will not show mercy this afternoon!"

Good fellow, as soon as these words came out, the "robbers" immediately fell in dismay.

Originally, they had thought that they could use the identity of robbers to indulge in lawlessness in the exercise.

But now, Jiang Fan is in the police team, what are they going to do this time?

In just a few minutes, they solved their own group of robbers and successfully rescued the hostages! ! !

The audience in the live broadcast room laughed when they saw this scene.

[Popularity] +1+1+1

[Popularity] +1+1+1


[Hahaha, this year's exercise is probably the fastest to end. Once Brother Fan takes action, it will only take a few minutes! ]

[I think this exercise is totally unnecessary. After all, which blind robber would rob a bank in Jinghai City? They don't know that Jinghai City has the Dragon State Police God in charge! ]

[I am dying of laughter, Brother Fan. You sent all the customers to the police station before. Now you are finally going to attack your teammates! ]

[Brother Fan, the director has said that this exercise must restore reality to the greatest extent, so don't show mercy, hahaha! ]

[The person above, act like a human being! Although I agree with you! ]


Then the director explained some precautions and adjourned the meeting, asking all the police officers to prepare for the afternoon exercise.

Although the police played the role of robbers in this exercise, Jiang Fan, who had a plug-in, was confident that he could finish the exercise in a few minutes.

However, he did not plan to take action again in the exercise.

After all, the exercise trains the coordination between special police and police officers, and at the same time finds loopholes in the bank.

If he ended the battle within a few minutes, it would be meaningless.

Therefore, Jiang Fan decided to be a transparent person in this exercise and wait and see.

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