The lobby of Jinghai Bank was crowded at this time.

There were people queuing up at each reception window to handle business.

The rest benches in the lobby were also full of people.

In order to restore the reality to the greatest extent, the exercise was not informed to everyone.

In other words, a large number of people on the scene were unaware of the upcoming exercise.

At this moment, a white Syrian war-damaged Wuling Hongguang drove towards the bank gate.

Just as it was about to hit the bank gate, a squeak of brakes came.

Then, the car door banged open.

Ten men wearing bandit masks jumped out of the van.

And these ten robbers were the ten police officers who were drawn by the police station.

And these ten robbers each had a weapon in their hands.

The leading robber held an AK47 in his hand and fired a burst of bullets at the sky.

"Wow, so cool!"

"Is this what it feels like to be a robber? Brothers, follow me!!!"

After changing the magazine, he waved his arm and rushed into the bank with the remaining robbers.

After easily dealing with the bank security guards, the robbers began to control the hostages.

At this moment, a bank employee secretly pressed the bank alarm.

Suddenly, the entire bank hall was beeping with alarms, and at the same time, the news of the bank being hijacked reached the police station.

At this time, Jiang Fan was sitting in the police car, driving towards Jinghai Bank.

In just a few minutes, the police arrived outside the bank first.

However, the glass bulletproof door of the bank was already tightly closed at this time.

Through the glass, you can see the situation in the bank hall. All the hostages are squatting on the ground with their hands on their heads.

The ten robbers who entered were also standing at the back of the hostages and in a blind spot.

At the same time, their guns were pointed directly at the hostages, and everyone's finger was on the trigger, ready to pull the trigger at any time.

As the picture was transmitted to the live broadcast room, the audience was boiling.

[Popularity] +1+1+1

[Popularity] +1+1+1


[Fuck, this picture is so touching. Look at those robbers, they are so fierce and into the play! ]

[Damn, my son was scared and cried when he saw those robbers. Look at their expressions. It's so real. It doesn't look like they are pretending. Officer, I want to report it. I must check the actors who play these robbers to see if they have any criminal records. After all, it's too real! ]

[Hahaha, how can it not be real? After all, the actors who play these robbers are police officers. They deal with criminals every day. They have seen all kinds of people! ]

[I am looking forward to it. The atmosphere is full! 】


Faced with this situation, everyone was immersed in the scene, and no one regarded this action as a drill.

At this moment, in everyone's eyes, this action was a real battle!

"Brother Fan, the hostages are under their control, what should we do next?"

One of the police officers asked Jiang Fan with a worried look.

Other leading police officers also cast inquiring eyes towards Jiang Fan. After this period of time, everyone regarded Jiang Fan as the backbone.

Looking at the inquiries of the crowd, Jiang Fan smiled helplessly, shrugged his shoulders, and said that he had no way.

As for really no way?

How is that possible!

In Jiang Fan's eyes, he has several ways to rescue the hostages!

But after all, this exercise is not a stage for him to perform alone, but a rare opportunity to train everyone.

And at this moment, a motor sound came from the sky.

Looking up along the sound, I saw a police helicopter hovering over everyone's head.

Then, two ropes were dropped from the helicopter, and then a team of SWAT slid down from the ropes like a god.

At the same time, two Hummers drove over from a distance, and another team of SWAT arrived at the scene.

With the arrival of the SWAT team, the exercise also reached its climax.

At the same time, the robbers in the bank also made a request, asking them to find two buses within ten minutes, otherwise, they would kill a hostage one minute later.

Seeing the robbers who began to fall into rage, the negotiation expert in the SWAT team immediately took a loud speaker to deal with the robbers.

As the situation escalated, the captain of the SWAT team immediately held a meeting with the captain of the police station to formulate an action plan.

As the backbone of the police station, Jiang Fan naturally participated in the meeting.

At the meeting, he also made several small suggestions.

Soon, under the chairmanship of the experienced SWAT captain, a strong attack plan was born.

NowThere were only two minutes left before the time the robbers requested.

The situation was very urgent. The SWAT captain waved his hand and immediately began to implement the strong attack plan.

Then, two members of the SWAT team quietly climbed into the bank from the fire escape, each holding a flash bomb in their hands.

At the same time, the blasting team at the door also installed micro-bombs on the bulletproof door.

As the SWAT captain said an action to the intercom.



Two flash bombs lit up in the bank, and at the same time the micro-bombs exploded, and the glass door of the bank was directly shattered!

"Go, go, go!"

The two pairs of SWAT teams formed a line, with the SWAT in front holding a flash anti-terrorism shield to open the way and attack the bank!

And the police who cooperated with Jiang Fan and others followed closely behind the SWAT team.

With the sound of silenced gunshots, white smoke came out of the robbers one by one.




In the blink of an eye, the SWAT team eliminated nine robbers!

The remaining one also sneezed just when the flash bomb was lit, and he closed his eyes and escaped.

When he saw the SWAT team breaking into the bank, he pretended to be a hostage and squatted in the crowd.

When the robbers were solved, he quietly said nothing, and then, while no one was paying attention, he suddenly stood up, took out a dagger and rushed towards the police behind the SWAT team.

Obviously, he knew that he would not survive, but before he died, he also wanted to take a policeman as a scapegoat!

But, by chance, the policeman he chose was Jiang Fan!

At the same time, an unlicensed car stopped at the door of the bank.

Then, four fully armed SWAT police came to the door of the bank.

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