After experiencing such pain, the fox lost all its previous toughness after howling.

"I'll tell you, I'll tell you everything I can and can't say!"

The fox said loudly, enduring the severe pain that kept coming to his brain.

"Then stop talking nonsense, and speak quickly!"

Jiang Fan shouted at the fox.

"We were hired by a warlord in Myanmar, Southeast Asia, to lurk in Longguo to assassinate you!"

"There were originally eight of us, but four of us died in the hands of your Longguo military on the way here."

"You also caught the remaining four."

In order to prevent Jiang Fan from attacking him again, the fox quickly told him his employer and purpose.

Listening to the fox's words, Jiang Fan's eyes showed a hint of ferocity.

Sure enough, this group of people came for him.

Or a Southeast Asian warlord?

What a big deal!

"Why did they spend a lot of money to let you assassinate me!"

Jiang Fan asked again.

"The warlord said that their son was crippled by you in Longguo and sent to prison."

"He gave up the idea of ​​rescuing his son from Longguo prison because he was afraid of Longguo's strength, but he couldn't swallow this breath, so he wanted to attack you!"

"That's why he hired us to Longguo!"


Listening to the fox's words, Jiang Fan suddenly realized.

Thinking of the Burmese student he sent in yesterday, he remembered that when he was enforcing the student, he had shouted more than once that his father, the warlord, would not let him go.

Now it seems that this warlord is fast enough!

He just sent his son in yesterday, and he started to retaliate against him so quickly.

And he killed himself at the beginning, and even spent a lot of money to hire mercenaries to assassinate him.

It's obvious that he didn't want to let himself live!

At this time, Jiang Fan had already sentenced the warlord to death in his heart.

After all, when Jiang Fan thought that there was a person in this world who was such a serious hidden danger to him, how could he allow him to exist?

"This is all I know. I have said everything I should and shouldn't say."

"Can you send me to prison now? Even if you shoot me directly, as long as I can leave here!"

Fox, who had confessed everything, said loudly, almost collapsing.

The interrogator beside him heard that Fox had confessed everything and thought that the interrogation was about to end, so he asked Jiang Fan.

"Brother Fan, are you going to put him in prison or what to do next?"

But Jiang Fan's next words directly broke Fox's defense on the spot.

"No, the interrogation is not over yet!"

Hearing that it was not over yet, Fox trembled all over and almost peed on the spot.

He had confessed everything, why was it not over yet?

Thinking that he would be tortured by this devilish man in front of him.

For a moment, Fox wanted to bite his tongue and commit suicide.

"Brother Fan, what do we need next?"

The interrogator was also stunned when he heard Jiang Fan's words, and then asked in confusion.

"Although he has confessed everything, as a mercenary, he dared to break into the territory of Dragon Country, which is simply lawless."

"We must let them know the stupidity of their actions and their ignorance."

"So, turn on the TV and play Wolf Warrior for him."

"After watching it, let him write a 5,000-word review and give it to me!"


When these words came out, both Fox and the interrogator were stunned.

Watch "Wolf Warrior"?

Write a review?

And a 5,000-word one?

Especially Fox, after hearing that Jiang Fan wanted him to write a review, if he was not afraid that Jiang Fan would beat him to death, he would have cursed on the spot.

"No, you can't do that!"

"Although I'm needed by the Dragon Kingdom, I can't write your Dragon Kingdom characters!"

"Five thousand characters, you might as well kill me!!"

The fox shouted at Jiang Fan loudly.

Seeing the fox like this, Jiang Fan snorted coldly, moving his hands and talking to himself.

"Hey, why do my hands suddenly feel a little itchy? I always want to slap something! Hiss..."

Good guy, when Jiang Fan said this, the fox felt his face hurt again.

He naturally knew what Jiang Fan meant, but there was no way. He knew that resistance would only bring more painful blows.

"I write, I write!"

Not daring to struggle at all, the fox finally succumbed to Jiang Fan's slap.


"When you play it later, turn on the subtitles for him!"

"Let him study hard!"

Jiang Fan said to the interrogator.

The interrogator naturally answeredAgree.

After getting the result he wanted, Jiang Fan said goodbye to the interrogator and walked towards the director's office.

The reason why he went to the director's office was not only to report the intelligence he had obtained, but also because Jiang Fan wanted to implement his plan.

The plan to destroy the warlord!!!

After all, Jiang Fan couldn't sleep when he thought of a person who was far away overseas and was deliberately trying to kill him.

Even if the other party did not have the strength to harm him, Jiang Fan would feel uncomfortable as long as the warlord was alive.

Soon, Jiang Fan came to the door of the director's office and knocked on the door.

"Come in!"

The director's voice came.

Jiang Fan, who walked into the office, did not hesitate and immediately told the director the information he had obtained from the fox.

After listening to Jiang Fan's words, the director slapped the table with an angry face and said angrily.

"It's really outrageous. A small local thug dared to retaliate against the public officials of Longguo!"

"Do you really think that our Longguo is a place where he can come and go as he pleases? Damn, I'm so angry!"

This is the first time Jiang Fan heard the director swear, which shows how angry the director is about this matter.

If the warlord heard the director's words, he would probably faint on the spot.

After all, in Southeast Asia, he is a warlord boss who controls a large force, dominates the world, and is overbearing.

As a result, in the mouth of the director, he became a small local thug.

It's so boring for him.

After the director finished speaking, he immediately took out his mobile phone and called his superior.

After informing his superior of the current situation, the superior was also extremely angry.

After all, this kind of cross-border pursuit, and targeting the public officials of Longguo, can be said to be a serious provocation to the bottom line of Longguo.

The superior immediately reported the situation to the highest institution of Longguo, and soon, the highest institution immediately sent the relevant information of the warlord to the director's computer.

After receiving the information, the director immediately turned on the computer and checked the relevant information of the warlord.

You don't know until you see it, you will be shocked!

This warlord far away in Myanmar, Southeast Asia, can be said to have done all kinds of bad things, worse than a beast, and everyone can kill him!

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