"Director, Captain Wang, don't worry, I will come here often to see you in the future!"

Jiang Fan assured them.

In the live broadcast room.

[What? Brother Fan actually directly rejected the position of director? He is the director, Brother Fan, you are confused! ! ]

[Is this a variety show? This is a science fiction thriller. I have been shocked countless times after just watching it for half a day. I have never been so shocked when watching ghost movies! ]

[Damn, Brother Fan rejected the director's conditions without even considering it. This courage is something that we rats can't learn! ]

[I am so moved. Brother Fan was definitely rejected for the position of director so that we can continue to watch his show. Woohoo, Brother Fan, I want to be your die-hard fan for life! ]

[Brother Fan's pattern is directly opened. I admire him! Fortunately, Brother Fan did not run away to become the director, otherwise I would have given up on this show. After all, I watch this show just to see Jiang Fan! 】


After Jiang Fan had a few simple exchanges with the old curator, he took the photographer out of the museum.

As soon as he left the museum, the photographer couldn't help but speak.

"Brother Fan, you are confused. That's the position of the curator of Jinghai Museum. If you become it, you won't have to worry about your life!"

Jiang Fan smiled after hearing his words and didn't say much.

In his eyes, he was not very interested in the position of curator. Now the only thing he wanted to do was to earn more popularity points for the system lottery.

Jiang Fan believed that with the existence of the system, his future height would definitely be higher than that of the curator, and it would be higher than what! !

Seeing that Jiang Fan didn't speak, the photographer didn't bother about it too much. When he thought of his current situation, he spoke again.

"Brother Fan, you don't have a job now. What should we do next!"

Hearing this, Jiang Fan stopped.

This is indeed a problem. His job was lost again.

In two consecutive days, Jiang Fan lost two jobs. He even doubted whether he was in conflict with his job!

He worked as a miner, and the mine owner was a wanted criminal! -- Unemployed!

He worked as a security guard in a museum, met a perverted gangster, and broke the national treasure, the Sword of Goujian, King of Yue -- Unemployed!

Changed two jobs in two days, this speed is quite explosive in the whole country.

"The program team will definitely arrange a new job. Let's go back to the hotel and wait for the notice!"

Jiang Fan stretched and said, then stopped a taxi and took the photographer to the hotel to mess around.

Meeting room of the program team headquarters.

All the staff of the entire program team gathered in the meeting room.

In the main seat of the meeting room, the director, sitting in a wheelchair with bandages on his legs, looked at the staff around him with a serious face.

What? Didn't the director run away with a bucket after seeing Jiang Fan smash the national treasure? Why did he become so miserable?

Don't ask, the unlucky director didn't notice the red light while running away and was hit by a car.

When he woke up and learned that Jiang Fan had smashed the national treasure and not only did he not receive punishment, but also received commendations from three parties, he was shocked on the spot.

He ran away in vain, worried in vain, and was hit by a car in vain.

He had just come out of the hospital and returned to the program group when he heard the staff report that Jiang Fan had resigned on his own initiative.

Originally, according to the rules of the program group, contestants were not allowed to resign privately.

But when he learned why Jiang Fan resigned, he acquiesced to this behavior.

After all, if Jiang Fan did not resign and chose to take a paid leave for a month, the ratings of the program would definitely drop by more than half.

This was not what he wanted to see.

The purpose of convening all the staff of the program group to hold a meeting today was to discuss Jiang Fan's new career.

It stands to reason that a career is not worth the whole program being so mobilised. If this happened to other contestants, it is estimated that the director would not ask about it and would directly hand it over to his staff to deal with.

But Jiang Fan is different.

After two experiences of running away, the director has learned a profound lesson.

The new career chosen for Jiang Fan must not be sloppy!

Accidents occurred in both career experiences, and the accidents were not small.

Fortunately, Jiang Fan was in control, otherwise the consequences would be absolutely disastrous.

When the director thought of the experience of the two sentences, he was scared.

So he called everyone to a meeting to discuss that he must find a job for Jiang Fan that is safe and will not have accidents.

This time, he will not allow himself to run away with a bucket again.

"How is it? How have you considered it? Tell me what you think!"

The director looked around and asked everyone.

But when these staff saw the director asking questions, they all lowered their heads,No one spoke.

After all, this was a big deal. If my suggestion was adopted, it would mean that I would be responsible for it. If nothing happened, it would be fine. If something happened, according to the experience of the last two times, it would definitely be a big deal.

Digging up the national defense cable and smashing the national treasure, the Sword of Goujian, King of Yue, which of these two things was not a world-shaking event.

Seeing that no one was talking, the director angrily slammed the table and said angrily.

"I spent so much money to support you bunch of trash?"

"So many people can't even think of a career, what use do I have for you?"

"I'll give you five minutes to think about it. After five minutes, everyone must tell me a career. If you can't, pack up and get out!"

Seeing that the director was angry, everyone lowered their heads even lower.

At this time, a new intern spoke up.

"Director, it's not realistic to find a suitable job in such a short time. What if something unexpected happens? Who can guarantee that Jiang Fan will be so lucky next time?"

"Why don't you give us a day to discuss and choose the best option? It's also good to let Jiang Fan arrange it freely during this period!"

As soon as this was said, other staff members echoed it instantly.

"Yes, director, this method is great!"

"That's right, we can definitely choose the best solution in one day!"

After hearing this method, the director pondered for a moment, then slapped the table and immediately affirmed this method.


In the luxury suite of Jinghai Hotel.

Jiang Fan and the photographer had just finished eating the high-end m5-level steak that they had packed back, and they were burping one by one.

The camera on the side transmitted this scene completely in the live broadcast room.

[Too luxurious, eating top-grade steak to enjoy? Envy! ]

[Other contestants are still in the state of eating instant noodles to improve their lives, but Brother Fan has already eaten steak. This is the difference! 】

【Brother Fan: A daily income of 300,000 yuan is too much to spend, it is impossible to spend it all! 】

【Strongly suggest that the program team develop a function for the live broadcast room to allow contestants to video. Imagine the scene when those contestants who eat wild vegetables see Jiang Fan eating steak, it is absolutely exciting! ! 】

Just then Jiang Fan's mobile phone rang. It was the director's call.

Two minutes later, Jiang Fan hung up the phone.

"Brother Fan, what's the matter!"

The photographer asked curiously.

Jiang Fan told the photographer about the program team's idea.

"Ah? We will arrange it ourselves tomorrow, so can't we just play it badly?"

The photographer said excitedly after listening.

"Play it badly, you are so young, why do you think about playing it badly all day long? Follow me to find a day job tomorrow!"

Jiang Fan said unhappily.

How can you play it badly?

Where can you earn popularity points if you play it badly?

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