Seeing this news, all the crazy fans breathed a sigh of relief.

At the same time, in a villa somewhere in Beijing.

Wang Churan, who had been sent to the hospital for emergency treatment in the notice, appeared here safely.

At this time, she was leaning against a man in a nightgown, looking at the computer screen in front of her.

The wound in her picture is now extremely smooth, and there is no sign of injury at all.

And the man she leaned against was none other than Mr. Wang who was with her today.

"Mr. Wang, as you expected, those fans really believed it. According to the current trend, Jiang Fan will be cyberbullied by the whole network tomorrow!"

"Humph, then, I'll see how arrogant he is!"

Wang Churan said excitedly while looking at the Weibo interface on the computer screen.

And Wang Zhongtian adjusted his gold-rimmed glasses with a gloomy face, his eyes full of pleasure after revenge.

"Hmph, you're just a little internet celebrity. Do you really think you can do whatever you want with two fans?"

"This time, I'll show you that in this era, having two fans is not enough. Without capital behind you, you're nothing!"

"Mr. Wang's reputation, hahahaha, I've been annoyed with Jiang Fan for a long time. I feel sick when I think of his face today!"

"In front of so many people, he actually said I was flirty. I'm so angry!!!!"

"That's good. In just one day, he went from being a national hero that everyone admires to a public enemy that everyone shouts and beats. I wonder how he can still be so arrogant!"

Wang Churan also echoed on the side.

"Don't worry, this matter is far from over!"

"Isn't he unwilling to sign a contract with us? Well, then I'll make sure you don't even think about appearing in the public eye in your life!"

A hint of viciousness flashed in Wang Zhongtian's eyes, and then he picked up his phone and dialed the number.

Half an hour later, Wang Zhongtian hung up the phone.

At the moment when Wang Zhongtian hung up the phone, all social accounts of Huazhong Brothers on the Internet released a notice at the same time.

The notice reads.

[In view of Jiang Fan's bad behavior, knowingly breaking the law, our company strongly condemns this, and hereby recommends that all entertainment companies unite to boycott this bad artist! ]

This notice is very brief, but it only expresses one meaning, that is - ban Jiang Fan! !

Looking at this notice, Wang Churan's face flashed a trace of pleasure, but then her face showed a trace of worry.

"Mr. Wang, although our company has banned him, there may be other entertainment companies that are interested in his traffic and sign him!"

Faced with Wang Churan's words, Wang Zhongtian snorted coldly, and said with a sneer on his face.

"Hmph, let's see who dares!?"

"I've already said that if other companies dare to sign Jiang Fan, they are against me!"

"And the consequences of going against me, hmph, they know, unless they don't want to mix in the entire Longguo entertainment circle, otherwise, they know what to do!"


After saying that, Wang Zhongtian randomly opened the accounts of several entertainment companies.

As expected, soon after the Huazhong Brothers account released the notice, other entertainment companies forwarded it.

Obviously, this is to show that they stand on the side of Huazhong Brothers, participate in boycotting Jiang Fan, and ban Jiang Fan!

Looking at the notices forwarded by these entertainment companies, Wang Churan was relieved.

Because she knew that according to the current status of Huazhong Brothers Company in the Longguo entertainment circle, almost no one dared to disobey Wang Zhongtian's decision.

And as other entertainment companies forwarded the notice, it also meant that Jiang Fan was banned.

And it was banned by the entire network! !

Thinking of this, Wang Churan laughed out loud.

"By the way, you should go out less during this period to avoid being recognized by others!"

"Also, you should post more updates in the next few days to arouse public opinion and keep the heat of this matter at the peak!"

"Now I have arranged a water army at the company. They will immediately put this matter on the hot search tomorrow morning."

"By then, a little Jiang Fan will be just a dog that we can control at will."

Wang Zhongtian turned off the computer screen, leaned back in the chair and stretched his waist.

Wang Churan listened to his words and nodded very obediently.

"Don't worry, Mr. Wang, I know what to do!"

"Well, it's good that you know. By the way, Director Zhang called me today. He said that he would give you an audition opportunity tomorrow, and whether the female role can be given to you depends on your performance!"

Hearing this, Wang Churan immediately jumped up from Wang Zhongtian's arms and said excitedly.

"Mr. Wang, is that true? I will definitely seize this opportunity. What time will the audition start tomorrow? Where will it be?"

Wang Zhongtian slowly took out a black room card from his bag and threw it directly at Wang Churan's feet, saying in a calm tone.

"A driver will pick you up early tomorrow morning. When you get to the hotel, it depends on your performance."

"By the way, bring your sexy underwear with you tomorrow. I asked around and found out that Director Zhang has some special fetishes!"

Wang Churan was also stunned when she looked at the room card at her feet.

The audition location was in the hotel, and she naturally knew what this meant.

However, when she thought of the heroine who was within her reach, Wang Churan compromised directly.

She quickly picked up the room card on the ground, wiped it clean, and carefully placed it in the innermost layer of her bag, fearing that it would be lost.

Seeing Wang Churan like this, Wang Zhongtian sneered and then spoke.

"Although I hate Jiang Fan, I have to say that he is right in one sentence!"

"You are really a bitch!"

"Come here quickly, let me see if your skills have regressed during this period!"

After that, Wang Zhongtian laid down the boss chair, closed his eyes and lay down!

When Wang Churan saw this scene, he did not hesitate at all, and immediately crawled to Wang Zhongtian's side like a dog...

If this scene was seen by those brain-dead fans, it is estimated that their Taoism would collapse on the spot and explode on the spot.

The goddess they were proud of, desperately guarded, and even willing to sacrifice their lives for, the national first love pure little flower, was like a dog at this moment, trying her best to please Wang Zhongtian, who was about the same age as her father.

A few minutes later, the villa fell into silence.

Looking at Wang Zhongtian who had fallen into a deep sleep, Wang Churan got up from the ground, then ran to the cloakroom and began to prepare clothes for tomorrow's audition.

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