At the same time, Jiang Fan and the photographer had returned to the repair shop.

After parking the tractor, Jiang Fan did not rest, but picked up the wrench to make the final adjustments.

An hour later, the performance of the tractor reached its peak again, and was even slightly better than before.

Looking at his modified work, Jiang Fan nodded with satisfaction.

At this moment, a burst of engine sound came from the door, followed by a voice.

"Hello, is Mr. Jiang here?"

"I am!"

Jiang Fan responded.

Then an old man and a young man walked into the repair shop, and the visitors were the old professor and researcher Xiao Liu from the Automobile Research Institute.

"Who are you?"

Jiang Fan asked with a puzzled look as he watched the two strangers walk into the repair shop.

"Hello, we are staff members of the Automobile Research Institute of Jinghai Academy of Sciences, and I am Xiao Liu!"

"This is Professor Zhang, the director of our Automobile Research Institute!"

Researcher Xiao Liu looked at Jiang Fan and said with admiration.

Through Jiang Fan's live broadcast, he had long been impressed by Jiang Fan's modification ability. At this time, Jiang Fan's image was like a god in his eyes.

Looking at Xiao Liu's fanatical eyes, Jiang Fan subconsciously took a step back.

"Before you are sure of this person's sexual orientation, you must keep your distance!"

Jiang Fan said in his heart.

Looking at Jiang Fan's actions, Professor Zhang thought that Jiang Fan did not trust them, so he opened his briefcase and took out a business card and handed it to Jiang Fan.

Taking the business card and looking at the bright Longguo Academy of Sciences logo on it, Jiang Fan nodded.

"Hello, Professor Zhang, I wonder what you are doing here?"

After putting away the business card, Jiang Fan asked in confusion.

Professor Zhang told Jiang Fan the purpose of his visit without reservation.

After learning the purpose of Professor Zhang's visit, Jiang Fan was slightly surprised.

He did not expect the other party's speed to be so fast. He had just finished the test for an hour, and the other party came directly to the door.

However, Jiang Fan naturally did not refuse Professor Zhang's request. He pointed to the tractor beside him and said to Professor Zhang politely.

"Professor Zhang, you can study it at will!"

After getting Jiang Fan's consent, Professor Zhang thanked Jiang Fan and then came to the tractor impatiently.

While studying this tractor that can reach 100 km/h in two seconds, Professor Zhang exclaimed from time to time.

"Oh my God, it can be modified like this, it's so bold!"

"Great, so great!"

"Well, I learned it, I learned it!"

It can be seen how high Jiang Fan's modification level is that he can make such exclamations from a respected old professor.

An hour later, the old professor finished his research, raised his glasses, looked at the tractor in front of him, and said excitedly.

"This is no longer a simple tractor, it is a work of art, a top-notch work of art!"

Xiao Liu on the side was also amazed when he heard the old professor's words.

I have worked with the old professor for more than ten years, and this is the first time I have seen the old professor give such a high evaluation of a modified car!

At this time, the old professor couldn't wait to study the intelligent assistant of the tractor.

He took out the computer, connected it to the on-board computer on the tractor, entered the control background and called up the code data of the intelligent assistant.

Looking at the code on the screen, the old professor was unusually serious.

He looked at the code on the screen attentively, and when he saw the key point, his body couldn't help shaking quickly.

He kept muttering in his mouth: "Oh my God, why didn't I think of it, why didn't I think of it!"

After a long time, as the code reached the last line, the old professor suddenly laughed up to the sky.

"I understand, I understand!!!"

Then the laughter turned into crying, and the old professor burst into tears.

Good guy, watching this scene, Jiang Fan on the side was a little worried. Why does this old professor look a little nervous!

Crying and laughing, is he crazy?

If he is really crazy, do I need to be responsible!

Xiao Liu, who was standing by, seemed to see what Jiang Fan was thinking and explained to him.

"Don't worry. The professor gets excited every time he has a major breakthrough. It's okay!"

Jiang Fan was relieved after hearing what Xiao Liu said.

A few minutes later, the old professor finally came to his senses. Then he came directly to Jiang Fan, grabbed Jiang Fan's hand, and said excitedly.

"Did you write this code overnight?"

Jiang Fan nodded in confusion at the old professor's appearance.

"Genius, what a genius!"

"This is a miracle, this is really a miracle. The AI ​​model you created has surpassed...Solved the problem that has plagued AI research for many years!"

"The model you created can already deeply analyze the emotions of characters. If the AI ​​intelligence we are currently studying is at the level of the first grade of elementary school, then what you are studying is at the level of the first grade of junior high school!"

"What's more surprising is that you created such an AI model with such intelligence in just one night. This is really incredible!"

The old professor said excitedly.

Looking at this scene, Jiang Fan wanted to say that in fact, this AI model was only created by him in one hour in one night.

But seeing the old professor so excited, he didn't dare to say it out loud.

After all, it took a night to make the old professor so excited. If he said one hour, who knows how excited the old professor would be!

After all, the old professor is old, and it would be troublesome if something happened!

At this time, the old professor looked around and looked at the small repair shop and said.

"It's a waste of talent for a talent like you to work in this repair shop. Do you want to consider working in the institute? Don't worry, the salary will definitely not be lower than here!"

Jiang Fan just smiled and shook his head to refuse.

This made the old professor very confused. Jiang Fan refused the job in the institute and was willing to be an apprentice in a small repair shop.

"Do you work here because your family lives nearby and you want to take care of your family? If so, you can rest assured. As long as you enter our institute, we can directly assign you a three-bedroom, two-living-room house, and you can take your family there."

Wow, he said a three-bedroom, two-living-room house, which made Xiao Liu on the side envious!

I have been working for more than ten years and have only been assigned a two-bedroom, one-living-room house, but the professor actually offered the temptation of a three-bedroom, two-living-room house in order to recruit Jiang Fan.

It would be a lie to say that I am not envious!

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