The old curator sneered at the old man's words.

He just said coldly.

"You go to tombs for retirement, this is really the biggest lie I have ever heard in my life!"

"You can do anything with your hands and feet, I think you are just greedy and want to make a lot of money!"

The old man wanted to explain this.

But Jiang Fan on the side spoke up.


"Oh, forget it, seeing that it's not easy for you, I will send you to a place where you are not only provided with food and accommodation, but also with 24-hour uninterrupted care!"

"The most important thing is that it's free, especially suitable for people like you!"

When these words came out, the old man was excited. He thought Jiang Fan had changed his mind, and he kowtowed to him three times to express his gratitude.

"Thank you so much, you are such a good person!"

"Don't worry, although I can't repay you in this life, I will work hard for you in the next life!"

The old curator on the side was puzzled by Jiang Fan's words and persuaded him.

"Xiao Jiang, don't be fooled by his words. This kind of person is full of lies and is not worth our sympathy!"

But the photographer on the side listened to Jiang Fan's words thoughtfully, and only heard him say.

"Brother Fan, the place you are talking about is not a prison!"

In response, Jiang Fan smiled and nodded.

It turns out that the place Jiang Fan said, which is free and has 24-hour care, is a prison!

The old curator suddenly realized and laughed.

In the live broadcast room.

[Popularity] +1+1+1

[Popularity] +1+1+1

[Hahaha, I am dying of laughter. I just thought Brother Fan was going to be kind and send this old man to a high-end nursing home! ]

[Good fellow, Brother Fan, you are doing something again! ]

[Look at that old man, he looks like he has gone from heaven to hell. Hahaha, Brother Fan, I advise you to be kind. Be careful that the old man will not be able to accept the stimulation and die on the spot! ]

[This nursing home is pretty good. I will send my mother-in-law who has been picking on me every day to it someday. If not for anything else, just to show my filial piety! ]

When the old man saw that the so-called nursing home was actually a prison, his face looked as ugly as if he had eaten shit.

He looked at the stall that caused him to fall into such a field unwillingly, and said in annoyance.

"If I didn't dislike this carpet being too dirty and wanted to clean it and sell it for a good price, how could I have fallen to this point!"

"I hate it!!"

After saying that, he looked at Jiang Fan again.

"I know I can't escape the prison disaster, but can you give me an accurate number and tell me how long I need to stay in prison, so that I can have a thought!"

After Jiang Fan looked at the carpet on the ground, he slowly spoke.

"Let's not count your previous tomb robbery crimes. Just look at this Tianshi carpet. If you are convicted based on its value alone, you will be convicted at least this number!"

Then Jiang Fan stretched out a finger!

Seeing this scene, the old man was overjoyed.

"One year?"

"Fortunately, it's within my tolerance range. After one year, I, the old man, will come out as a brave man again!"

But Jiang Fan just shook his head lightly after hearing what the old man said.

Seeing Jiang Fan's reaction, the old man suddenly became like a dogtail grass hit by frost, and his whole body was withered.

Since one finger is not a year, it represents ten years!

"Ten...ten years? I just stole a carpet and I'm going to be locked up for ten years!"

"I'm already seventy years old. I won't be eighty after ten years. Oh my god, I don't know if I can live to eighty!"

"How am I going to spend these ten years? Oh my god..."

But after hearing what the old man said, Jiang Fan shook his head again to indicate that it was wrong.

Seeing this, the old man who had lost hope instantly became energetic again.

Since it's not ten years, it means there is still hope.

The photographer on the side was also very curious and asked.

"Brother Fan, it's not one year or ten years, so how many can it be? What can a finger be? It can't be a month!"

In response, Jiang Fan smiled and said slowly under the curious eyes of everyone in the garage.

"A lifetime!!!"

As soon as these words came out, the whole garage fell silent.

These three words spread in the live broadcast room and instantly caused a thousand waves.

[Popularity] +1+1+1

[Popularity] +1+1+1


[What a lifetime! Brother Fan is so talented! One finger is not a year or a month, but a lifetime! Hahaha! ]

[The old man's newly rekindled hope was instantly shattered. Brother Fan is really good at playing with people's mentality! ]

[The old man said: Thank you so much, you gave me so many tricks with just one sentence, and let me experience the two extremes of ice and fire! ]

[As a loyal fan of Brother Fan, when I heard Brother Fan say a lifetime, I was moved to tears. I had already imagined that Brother Fan was proposing to me, but then I thought that this lifetime meant a lifetime in prison, and the mood was gone in an instant! ]

[Hahaha, congratulations to the old man, you got a life gift package. Putting aside the prison, isn't this a good thing? At least you can retire in there! ]

[The upstairs, do you really think you can just eat and drink every day in there? You have to work in there, pedal the sewing machine, make umbrellas, and with a life sentence, you probably have to step on the sewing machine until it smokes! ]

The silence in the garage was broken as the photographer gave Jiang Fan a thumbs up and praised his talent.

The old man had collapsed to the ground at this time, and there was no hope in his eyes.

Life imprisonment means sitting there until death, pedaling the sewing machine until smoke comes out!

The rest of his life is completely spent in there.

At this time, Jiang Fan spoke again.

"Actually, you don't have to be too sad, you have another punishment that is more serious than life imprisonment!"

More serious than life imprisonment?

Could it be the death penalty?

"Brother Fan, what punishment? Could it be the death penalty?"

The photographer on the side asked curiously.

Jiang Fan shook his head.

"No, this punishment is to deprive him of his political rights for life!"

"The so-called deprivation of political rights refers to the punishment method of depriving criminals of the right to participate in state management and political activities."

"In other words, you can also understand it as depriving him of his rights as a human being. In layman's terms, he can no longer be called a human being in the future!"

Good guy, he will not even be a human being in the future!

After hearing what Jiang Fan said, the old man was so excited that his whole body shook like sifting bran.

Then I saw a stream of liquid flowing out from his crotch.

He was so scared that he lost control of his bladder!!

As a person of the older generation, the most important thing is reputation, and after all his life, he is not even a human being.

For the old man, this is more painful than killing him!

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