As soon as this picture was posted, it attracted a lot of attention on the Internet.

In just ten minutes, tens of thousands of people had responded to the picture.

[How dare you, the original poster, to take advantage of the Taoist priest's pet. This Taoist priest has a fairy-like appearance and is a man of real ability. You are tired of living! ]

[I am not making fun of you. You may not be able to beat it. I advise you to think twice. After all, if you can't even beat a mantis, we will laugh at you! ]

[The mantis will let you experience what Taoism means! ]

[The Taoist priest: Master?

Mantis: Don't kill, just destroy it! Hehehehe! ]

[I am not exaggerating, the original poster, you may be thrown over the shoulder by a grasshopper! ]

[That is not a mantis, comrade, that is a void predator! ]

[Is there a possibility that the mantis is the real body and the Taoist priest is just a substitute! 】


At the same time, the news that the Taoist founder's golden body was unearthed in Jinghai City quickly spread to major museums in Longguo.

The curators of top museums in various places immediately set off for Jinghai upon hearing the news, not daring to delay for a moment!

At the same time!

After learning about the objects in the coffin, everyone's face was very excited.

This is a historic moment, and everyone present today will be recorded in the annals of history.

"Director, since the Taoist founder's golden body can be unearthed here, then this underground must be the ruins of the Tianshi Mansion!!"

"There must be national treasure-level cultural relics in it, let's get started!"

At this time, the archaeological team leader said to the old curator with excitement. At this time, he couldn't wait to start excavating the Tianshi Mansion.

After hearing his words, the old curator was also very excited. He was about to nod his head to agree, but when he saw Jiang Fan on the side had a calm face, he asked.

"Xiao Jiang, why don't you seem excited at all? This is a historic moment. If we can dig out the Tianshi Mansion again, we will be great contributors to the archaeological community!"

After listening to the old curator's words, Jiang Fan shook his head lightly, and then spoke slowly.

"Don't waste your energy. There is nothing underneath!"

"The Tianshi Mansion was destroyed by an earthquake, and after such a long period of destruction, it is a miracle that so many things can be left. As for the ruins of the Tianshi Mansion, I am afraid that even a brick cannot be found now!"

"Then...what do you mean?"

"My suggestion is not to waste your energy anymore!"

As soon as Jiang Fan's words came out, a basin of cold water was poured on the heads of everyone present.

After all, the opportunity to become famous and bring honor to the family is gone!

If Jiang Fan said this an hour ago, there would definitely be a large number of people who would jump out to question him.

But after a series of operations by Jiang Fan, Jiang Fan is now like a god in their eyes. What he said is the truth. Who would question him!

However, the newly arrived archaeological team did not know Jiang Fan's extraordinary ability. When the archaeological team leader heard Jiang Fan say that it was a waste of effort to continue digging, he was immediately unhappy.

"You little brat, what do you know about archaeology? What nonsense are you talking about? Have you grown your hair yet?"

"When I was doing archaeology, you didn't know where you were playing in the mud in your open-crotch pants. Go away and stop talking nonsense here!"

Then he looked at the old curator on the side.

"Curator, don't listen to this guy. I think he just wants to stop us from digging, and then he will come to dig secretly after we leave!"

"This kid wants to take all the treasures here for himself!!"

The archaeological team leader said it vividly, just like the truth.

But he didn't notice that when the archaeological team leader belittled Jiang Fan, the old curator's face became extremely ugly!

Jiang Fan was found by him, and he was also the person he valued the most. If he talked about Jiang Fan in front of so many people, wouldn't it be a slap in his face!

After the archaeological team leader finished speaking, the old curator said in a very low voice.

"Xiao Liu, it seems that you have a lot of opinions about Xiao Jiang!"

"If you can give our museum a Yuchang sword and a Tianshi Dao carpet like Xiao Jiang!"

"Or if you can determine the location of the ruins like him, and then use an excavator to dig out this golden mahogany coffin exactly, I will never say anything!"

"If you don't have his ability, then just stand aside and watch honestly, don't interrupt!!!"

"Xiao Jiang's archaeological level is already higher than mine. If you have opinions about Xiao Jiang, then you have a lot of opinions about me!"

After hearing what the old curator said, the archaeological team leader was shocked, and then looked at Jiang Fan with an unbelievable face.

He couldn't believe that this young man in front of him actually brought a lot of things to the museum within a week.The man who found two national treasures.

And according to what the old curator said, the location of the golden mahogany coffin was also discovered by Jiang Fan, and he dug it out by himself driving an excavator!

For a moment, the archaeological team leader felt that his worldview collapsed!

Can the young man in front of him still be called a human being?

This is a god!

For a moment, he had the urge to kneel down and worship Jiang Fan!

"I'm sorry, I was abrupt just now, it's my fault, I hope you will forgive me!!"

The archaeological team leader said to Jiang Fan with his head down in shame.

Jiang Fan shook his head and said with a smile.

"No, no, no, everyone has the right to question!"

"To be on the safe side, let's dig and take a look, just in case I made a wrong judgment!"

The archaeological team leader listened to Jiang Fan's words, and for a moment he didn't know what to do, so he looked at the old curator with an inquiring look.

The old curator nodded to him.

After getting the old curator's consent, the archaeological team leader did not hesitate and immediately called on the team members to start digging the deep pit.

Time passed by minute by minute!

One hour later!

The archaeological team members were sweating profusely. After their efforts, the scope of the deep pit has expanded five times.

But as Jiang Fan said, let alone gaining anything, not even a hair was seen.

The archaeological team leader waved his hand to signal everyone to stop the action. Seeing that there was no gain at all, he was completely convinced by Jiang Fan at this time.

This scene appeared in the live broadcast room and caused quite a stir.

[Popularity] +1+1+1

[Popularity] +1+1+1


[Is this Brother Fan? Everyone who doubts Brother Fan will be slapped in the face in the end, and then be completely convinced by Brother Fan's charm and become a die-hard fan! ]

[Damn, I really suspect that Brother Fan is either a time traveler, or the reincarnation of this old master, or how come he knows everything, and not a single mistake, this is definitely cheating! ]

[The above person said it well, I suggest that the country arrest Brother Fan immediately, and it would be best if he dissects and studies it! Save your life! ]

[Damn, the above person, Brother Fan is really unlucky to have a good fan like you! Thumbs up for you! ]

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