Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1000 the negative side of love

Kang Yu looks at Ye Wu, and all the resentments in her heart rush in.

He wanted her explanation.

"... Su Peng came to me. His grandmother asked for some western medicine to relieve the pain. The medicine in the military hospital should not be taken randomly, or it would violate the military discipline.

It didn't matter that he was in the West Hospital, so he gave me the money and asked me to help him get some. His grandmother is getting old. Do I have to help him?

I didn't ask for money. When I passed the stall at the gate of the hospital, I saw a little girl selling dogs. She was poor and ragged. She changed money to buy firewood and rations.

It was so cold that the children and five little suckling dogs were shivering with cold. I bought all of them. Su Peng drove me to school, helped me share them with my classmates and sent me home. If that's what you want to ask, do you know now? " Ye Wudao.

After that, ye Wu turns around and leaves.

She was a little upset.

She thought of the marriage of Si Xingfu and Gu Qingzhou, who trusted each other.

And Kang Yu, always like a little boy, he has always been fond of playing, once so, now so.

"Ah Wu!" Kang Yu grabbed her sleeve in a hurry.

His eyebrows and eyes were covered with mist, and his beautiful eyes were full of emotion.

"Ah Wu, I went to school to pick you up. It was too early. I saw you and him coming back. I saw you holding a dog in your hand. I thought you were buying pets." Kang Yu Road.

The old master of the Kang family asked Kang Yu to send some supplements to the sixth aunt of the Ye family.

Kangyu gets something and goes directly to Yewu's school. She wants to wait for Yewu to finish school.

As a result, ye Wu and Su Peng came back from the outside.

Holding the dog in my arms, let Ye Wumei smile. In Kangyu's eyes, there is infinite resentment.

He is very afraid of Su Peng.

Su Peng looks like an Englishman, especially unusual. Kang Yu worries about ye Wu's downfall.

Ye dujun is tactful and sophisticated, and it's hard to find a happy word. Without Ye's approval, the Kang family would not dare to rush to the door to marry Ye Wu.

Kang Yu is in a worse situation than Su Peng.

At least Su Peng was chosen by the governor Ye himself.

Just because of this, Kang Yu is worried about gain and loss, and also cherishes leaf charm.

"Seven elder brothers, I also want to make friends later." "You have to trust me," said Ye

Kang Yu wanted to say something, but he was stuck in his throat and didn't say it.

Leaf charm is waiting, did not wait for the answer that oneself want, in the heart a burst of acerbity.

She didn't want to quarrel with Kang Yu or go back hungry, so she swallowed the bitterness for the time being. She first said, "do you want to go after dinner?"

Someone has to open up first and give each other a step down.

"I said not to eat, now it's embarrassing to go back. I'll come back next time. " Kang Yu finally spoke.

"You didn't say goodbye to my father, so you left without hesitation. Is that really right?" said Ye

Kang Yu was stunned.

Is he confused?

"Yes, yes." He touched his nose, which was even more embarrassing. Anyway, today's face can't be found.

He had to follow Ye Wu back.

When they arrived at the house, they both smiled and looked as if nothing had happened.

When inspector ye came in, he saw the room full of people, laughing and laughing, in a good mood.

After the meal, governor Ye left Gu Qingzhou to talk with Si Xingfu, and let her deliver Kang Yu.

Ye Wu follows Kang Yu.

She accompanied him to go out, the heart has not been able to find half of the sweet, always inexplicable is not the taste.

Kang Yu did not speak.

At the gate, he opened the door and said, "I'll go back first."

Ye Wu hum.

Looking at his car leaving, ye Wu suddenly gets a little angry, as if there is a group of anger in her heart. He doubted her, not two or three words passed.

Ye Wu feels that she has become selfish.

Love is beautiful, but along with it, there are possessiveness, suspicion, selfishness and sensitivity. These things are born with love.

Kang Yu was so angry because of his suspicion and possessiveness, and ye Wu, who was also extremely sensitive, seemed to be humiliated.

Love magnifies these negative emotions countless times.

So Kang Yu is not happy, and ye Wu is not happy.

She walked back slowly.

At the end of the corridor, I met the second sister who was going back to the room.

Ye Shan asked her in a whisper, "did you quarrel with the kangs?"

"No." Ye Wu is dejected.

"If you look like this, it's better to have a fight." Ye Shan murmured.

Ye Wu ignored her and went straight back to her room.

In the dining room, Gu Qingzhou and Si xinglei did not go home, but they accompanied Ye Dujun to talk.

It's not the sixth aunt's children, but the situation.

"... the first thing that the Beiping cabinet asked for disarmament was Shanxi." This is the trouble of governor Ye.

After years of shouting about it, it's slowly on the agenda. If governor Ye doesn't want to fight, he must obey the decision.

"When will it start?" The Secretary asked.

"First, from my first division, it will start in May," said Ye

"Division line pinches the finger to calculate, said:" time

When they talked about military affairs, they did not shy away from taking care of light boats.

division advised Ye Jun: "disarmament is not a has the final say. At this time, you should use the power of capital. "


"Invest a lot of money in the cabinet and instigate a few more words. They will kill themselves." Si Xingfu road.

In the eyes of Ye dujun, Si Xingfu was a bad master from the heart to the outside. Just like him, he loves the people as a child and never meddles with the military disasters on his own territory.

That is to say, governor Ye didn't give up the idea of associating with him. In other aspects, the Secretary's Yin move was simply immoral, and governor Ye didn't dare to compliment him.

He has no scruples at all.

"My military government can't spare that much money." Ye dujun said.

Ye dujun is good at crying.

He can't be blamed.

Although Shanxi is rich in products, its finance is not the most developed, so its money is not the most abundant.

It's reasonable to pay taxes these years. Ye dujun's military government has money, but every cent is made up of people's fat and cream. He will use it on the blade.

It's not like Jiangnan.

"Can you lend me some?" Governor ye asked him.

"Of course, but I need a mortgage," he said

"What mortgage?"

"Iron ore." Si Xingfu road.

Speaking of this, the next negotiation is expected to be a pure division of interests. Gu felt that she didn't need to listen to it any more, so he stood up and said, "I'll have some tea."

She went to the side hall.

The conversation between Si Xingfu and ye dujun seemed to be deeper and deeper, and it didn't end in half an hour. Gu Qingzhou thought it was a little cold in the side hall, so he went to Ye Wu's side.

Ye Wu is teasing her dog.

The servant made a small kennel and made a dog's clothes temporarily, which made the dog unable to move.

Ye Wu feeds her a piece of beef, absentminded, until the meat is finished, and the dog licks her fingers, and she doesn't stop.

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