Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1002 buying Murders

Gu Qingzhou leaves leaf charm for dinner, and leaves leaf charm for accommodation.

"We go to the cinema in the evening." Gu Qingzhou said, "your family is like a military camp now. It's better to be here."

Pregnant Aunt Liu moved to the next door of Ye Wu. Their servants changed a lot. They did have a solemn and dignified posture.

Leaf Charm tears to smile.

"You are arranging our house behind my back. I am going to complain to my father." Ye Wudao.

Gu Qingzhou held her down. "I'm your teacher. Don't you dare tell me that it's turned over?"

Two people frolicking.

Ye Wu's mood has finally improved a lot.

At dusk, suddenly someone came again. This man is so tall that he has to look up hard to see his face.

She recollected his name.

His name is Gu Nan Xiang. He is the leader of the ye dujun and one of Ye Wu's fiancee.

In this period of time, Su Peng is hot, but there is no trace of ancient Nanxiang.

I don't think so. He's here, too.

"Mrs. secretary, I'm looking for miss three." He saluted to Gu Qingzhou, which was a very standard kicking ceremony. He was polite and a little restrained.

Gu Qingzhou said, "please come in, commander Gu."

She asked the servant to serve tea, and then went to ask Ye Wu to come downstairs.

Ye Wu feeds her dog beef juice upstairs. This is the secret recipe for taking care of the boat. The dog likes it very much. Ye Wu is reluctant to let go.

Half is feeding, half is playing.

"Who?" She was a little surprised, too.

Put down the bowl, ye Wu washed her hands and went downstairs. She was very strange to him when she was opposite to Gu Nan Xiang's four eyes.

I only remember that night, the banquet night when she met him for the first time. He was very friendly to her and offered to say that he liked her very much.

In a flash, many days passed, he didn't come to the door very much, and ye Wu was about to forget him.

Her father chose two people, she did not feel, will not have further plans, just want to choose a marriage in general.

"Long time no see." Leaf Charm has a soft smile.

Gu Nan Xiang stood up and said that the third miss was good, and all of a sudden, she blocked the light.

"Sit down." Ye Wu hurried.

She took the lead and sat on the sofa.

She asked the origin of koonan oak.

"I haven't seen Miss three for many days. It's warm in a few days. I'd like to invite Miss three to fly a kite."

This is the date of Ye Wu.

She and Kang Yu, her father has not officially loose mouth, so ancient South oak and Su Peng, or one of her options.

They can pursue her.

"I'm sorry, I don't want to go," said Ye

She didn't make any absurd excuses, but told him what she thought directly.

Don't want to go, it means he has few opportunities, he can give up now.

Ancient South oak is not as smooth as Su Peng, and ye Wu is more sincere to him.

"Then can I invite you to dinner and see a movie?" Gu Nan Xiang was stunned and asked.

"I'm sorry, I don't really want to go either." Ye Wudao.

Goonan oak knows.

He said, "thank you very much for telling me."


"No, no, it had nothing to do with Miss San. It was my own free will. It was also an opportunity given by the governor." Ancient South oak road.

He said a few words before turning away.

In this way, ye Wu's beautiful mood, which is not easy to clean up, is suddenly covered by stratiform clouds.

She planned to go to the cinema with Gu Qingzhou, but she was not in the mood. She picked up her dog and said to Gu Qingzhou, "I have to go home. I have something to say to my father."

"Very anxious?" Gu said

"Yes." Ye Wudao.

Gu Qingzhou called the driver and asked him to send Ye Wu home.

Ye Wu leaves. Gu Qingzhou asks the servant to prepare dinner and wait for the Secretary to come back.

At that moment, he waited until the second half of the night, and he didn't come back until after 11 o'clock.

He was cold all over.

"It's so cold outside. Fortunately, you didn't go out, or you would be frozen." He said.

After that, he put his cold hand into the quilt and lay on the bed.

Gu Qingzhou was confused when he read a book. As soon as he came, she had spirit.

"Go and wash." Gu Qingzhou said, "change your clothes and come up again. You've soiled the bed."

Si xingxu is lazy.

He just lies outside the bed, just tucks his hand into the bed and asks Gu Qingzhou, "have the three girls of Ye family left?"

"Gone." Gu Qingzhou road.

She told the manager about what Gu Nan Xiang said.

Ye Wu's mood is fragile today and has not been completely repaired. A little trifle, let her fall into confusion again, she went back to her father to say the problems of ancient South oak and Su Peng.

"It's a pity." Si Xingfu road.

He said it was a pity, but there was no pity in his expression. Instead, he seemed to gloat.

"What?" Asked Gu Qingzhou.

"There was a gossip to tell her." Si Xingfu road.

Gu Qingzhou is not happy.

After arriving at Taiyuan mansion, Si Xingfu listened to countless gossip. There were all kinds of strange shapes. Gu Qingzhou mistakenly thought that he was going to change his career and went to make a bag to inquire.

"Can't you just listen to something serious?" Gu Qingzhou asked him.

"There are also serious words, do you want to listen to them?"

Said, he vaguely close to Gu canoe side, raised his face to kiss her.

Gu Qingzhou is not very keen on gossip. She didn't pay much attention to it because she said it was gossip. She just urged her to wash quickly.

Si Xingfu gets up.

When he came out of the bathroom and changed his bathrobe, there was a clean smell of soap on his body, so he went to bed after taking care of the boat.

The quilt is soft and warm.

Si Xingfu has sufficient Qi and blood, and his body is warm. Gu Qingzhou can't help approaching him.

They talked a lot, just picking up a topic to talk about.

Gu Qingzhou fell asleep in this chat.

The next morning, Si Xingfu came in and called Gu Qingzhou to get up for dinner.

Gu Qingzhou stayed in bed for a long time.

By the time she got up, it was half past nine in the morning.

Halfway through breakfast, ye Wu comes.

She looks and feels good today, at least on the surface.

She saw the table and asked, "are you having breakfast or lunch?"

"I got up late and had breakfast." Gu Qingzhou road.

Ye Wu also sat down and said, "I didn't have enough in the morning after eating porridge."

The servant brought the bowl.

Gu Qingzhou asked her what she planned to do today, and ye Wu said, "generally speaking, I'm not at home at weekends, I'm with my teacher, or I'm going to play with warmth. Now I can't stay at home, and it's not easy to go to the warm place. I have to come to the teacher's place to live. "

She sighed.

Gu asked her, "why don't we go to the cinema? I said I was going to see it last night. "

On one side of the silence, Si Xingfu said lightly, "Miss Kang eight? Isn't she free? She's still waiting for the inspection today. "

There is no end to this sentence, let alone Leaf Charm, even Gu Qingzhou didn't understand it.

Confused, she asked, "what kind of inspection?"

"Eight Miss Kang bribes the killer to kill a man named Liu Jianyang. I'm afraid she'll have to wait for the head to be collected today. I don't have time to accompany you to the movies. You'd better go by yourself, and the phone bill will be saved. " Si Xingfu has no mind.

Gu Qingzhou and ye Wu look at him together.

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